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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
HARPER said:
So....Now you know how LES...must FEEL..... !gotcha!

Larry Cobb has gotten beat up here many times.
Steve Toborine (sorry Steve, i know I spelled that wrong) got his ass handed to him more than a few times
(Bill Yeadon doesn't post anymore either)
Olson has taken a fair amount of chit too because of his "tell it like it is..in your face" attitude .
Interlink got hammered for nearly a year
(a VERY GOOD and very HONORABLE disty friend of mine felt the pain of the "boycott all things Interlink" campaign that raged)
Rick Gelinas get's stomped on every now and then too
Rotovac and Crowley?????

Should Les be treated differently than any other disty here?
That's where "I'M" coming from

Now, do I think Marc is being a relentless over this?
Yea, I do.
Do I think he insulted Joyce?
Not the way "I" see it.

I see a man expressing his OPINION based on his EXPERIENCE that their custy service is poor.

I see a few others that disagree .

along with a bunch of eye gouging, dogstomping and accusations that make MANY of you look like a bunch of punks


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal


"oh hi Les this is Mark, say I think you made a mistake on my last bill."

"you dont say, let me send you a free C4 as our way of saying thanks for being a understanding customer"

Les would have bent over backwards for any MB'r who had a legit gripe.

instead the Punk go and does this.

you know I'm right Larry.



Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
meAt said:
Larry Cobb has gotten beat up here many times.
Steve Toborine (sorry Steve, i know I spelled that wrong) got his ass handed to him more than a few times
(Bill Yeadon doesn't post anymore either)
Olson has taken a fair amount of chit too because of his "tell it like it is..in your face" attitude .
Interlink got hammered for nearly a year
(a VERY GOOD and very HONORABLE disty friend of mine felt the pain of the "boycott all things Interlink" campaign that raged)
Rick Gelinas get's stomped on every now and then too
Rotovac and Crowley?????

Should Les be treated differently than any other disty here?
That's where "I'M" coming from

When any distributor get a lashing, there are also some who come to defend them, and some who jump on the bandwagon and stir the shit.
I see the same thing here.
Everyone chooses a side based on their perception of the circumstances.
The only thing that makes this situation different is that it involves Les.

Now are people actually jumping to Les' defense because they want to agree with Mikey......... or......... is it the PERCEPTION TO SOME, THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DEFEND LES FOR ANY OTHER REASON, OTHER THAN TO GAIN BROWNIE POINTS WITH THE BOSS?

I personally call them as I see them, and from what I've seen, Les seems to do the right thing, which is all that you can ask from someone. Nobody is perfect, and he will be the first to make up for any mistakes. That's good enough for me regardless if there are occasional differences in opinion.

Now.......... Imbecile-Imbesi comes out guns blazing, like a jackass, over a 9 dollar discrepancy, BEFORE addressing it directly with Judson first.
Who in their right ******* mind, decides that the way to properly address an issue like this, is to go to a BB with it first.......especially this BB?
And better yet, keeps digging himself deeper by continuing to run his big fooking mouf, and the icing on the cake, that stupid ******* residue test with the EXACT PRODUCTS that were at the center of the issue?
Calling people liars?
Dishonest business practices?
Obviously a ******* EDP.

Funny thing is, I have at times noticed a "hint" of "possible" favoritism towards certain distributors, this my friend, is not one of them.


Jun 29, 2009
Mikey P said:


"oh hi Les this is Mark, say I think you made a mistake on my last bill."

"you dont say, let me send you a free C4 as our way of saying thanks for being a understanding customer"

Les would have bent over backwards for any MB'r who had a legit gripe.

instead the Punk go and does this.

you know I'm right Larry.


He said that he tried to call and got no answer. It was poor customer service because they didn't e-mail him an invoice after he specifically ask for one.

Pucker up.

That said this drama is INSANE over a double digit order.

Mark Imbesi

Mikey P said:
So Mark, tell me again why you didn't call them to straighten out this horrendous crime against your humanity?

As soon as you...or better yet, Les, answers why I didn't get the emailed communication (invoice) I specifically asked for before they charged the credit card....if I would have known about $22 shipping, I would have thought twice about purchasing, either that quanity or at all....I feel abused that I trusted Les only b/c of his reputation here, with my CC# and he swiped whatever he wanted to......

....you see, Mikey...Im the customer.....and I should have some rights....his poor customer service didnt deserve a phone call...and, again, I will state....I didnt call him out until I was asked too...

Marc Imbesi said:
....that prices go up. But by all means, update your website to reflect the change!

I had my suspicions when the charge for the order finally hit my bank account. I came up with $22 for shipping 3 quart bottles! Im like WTF? Got the bill and it reflects $13.00 for shipping and a $3.05 increase per quart! I would have ordered the product closer to home if I would have known of this unadvertised increase!

Keep your $9.15....but I will look for alternate sources and products from now on!

Thanks for reading....

....so I was never after blood....just relaying some smart business practices Ive learned from my recent experience....sharing information is what this is all about and keeps us coming back...what scares some, is the bloodhounds stirring stuff up to make their own......

...here ya go Mikey.....

Marc Imbesi said:
[quote="Mikey P":7v860z7j]
So Jeremy is slacking eh?

not Jeremy...and not tellin'.... :p[/quote:7v860z7j]

Ummmm...maybe you started stirrin the pot...and guess what?....I wasnt budging.....so you still think I was out to crusify Les?.....I'm sorry, Mikey...look in the mirror....you're the one out of control.....name callin and disrespecting my GF....poor little insurance underwriter dont know nuttin bout floors, let alone order taking.....then my TM for sale is a POS....they way I clean is hackish....dude....youve been scratchin and clawing up a tree and ya still cant seem to climb it....actually quite funny, lately.....

.....and btw.....it may have been bad business to up and leave what Ive called home for 43yrs....damn know that it would have been easier finding work during this recovery...but it was the right move to make as far as life is concerned....and Mikey....I have a life....a life more important than CC and calling you names.....and to use your words, again.....I'm exactly where I wanna be......but, easy for you to say Les would have sold it for me after the fact...that comment is stricken from the record as hearsay....witness is trying to build character for the defendant......

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
As soon as you...or better yet, Les, answers why I didn't get the emailed communication (invoice) I specifically asked for before they charged the credit card....if I would have known about $22 shipping, I would have thought twice about purchasing, either that quanity or at all....I feel abused that I trusted Les only b/c of his reputation here, with my CC# and he swiped whatever he wanted to......

Les apologized for not emailing you the receipt in public. If reached by phone he would have done it in person.
You never asked for a quote that had to be approved before you agreed to this huge purchase Mark. You got the receipt in the box.Right?

his poor customer service didnt deserve a phone call

is THAT your business model? do you not want to hear back from upset customers?

Yes I hate Steamways and yes, anyone who OPs only, is a cheap hack.

See IMO, if you only offer one method, particularly a bonnet cleaning method its my opinion that your are a dishonest person who would say anything for a buck.

Yes Mam my Magic Crystal Eco Green enzyme empowered nutrient cleaner and this 50/50 rag is going to magically whisk away those 12 gallons of cat piss in your carpet.

You're one to speak of honesty and customer rights Mr Imbesi.

Mark Imbesi

Mikey P said:
As soon as you...or better yet, Les, answers why I didn't get the emailed communication (invoice) I specifically asked for before they charged the credit card....if I would have known about $22 shipping, I would have thought twice about purchasing, either that quanity or at all....I feel abused that I trusted Les only b/c of his reputation here, with my CC# and he swiped whatever he wanted to......

Les apologized for not emailing you the receipt in public. If reached by phone he would have done it in person.
You never asked for a quote that had to be approved before you agreed to this huge purchase Mark. You got the receipt in the box.Right?

[quote:3fphqnr0]his poor customer service didnt deserve a phone call

is THAT your business model? do you not want to hear back from upset customers?

Yes I hate Steamways and yes, anyone who OPs only, is a cheap hack.

See IMO, if you only offer one method, particularly a bonnet cleaning method its my opinion that your are a dishonest person who would say anything for a buck.

Yes Mam my Magic Crystal Eco Green enzyme empowered nutrient cleaner and this 50/50 rag is going to magically whisk away those 12 gallons of cat piss in your carpet.

You're one to speak of honesty and customer rights Mr Imbesi.[/quote:3fphqnr0]

I'm done answering questions....been a long day....good night, Michael.....

Mark Imbesi

Mikey P said:
As soon as you...or better yet, Les, answers why I didn't get the emailed communication (invoice) I specifically asked for before they charged the credit card....if I would have known about $22 shipping, I would have thought twice about purchasing, either that quanity or at all....I feel abused that I trusted Les only b/c of his reputation here, with my CC# and he swiped whatever he wanted to......

Les apologized for not emailing you the receipt in public. If reached by phone he would have done it in person.
You never asked for a quote that had to be approved before you agreed to this huge purchase Mark. You got the receipt in the box.Right?

[quote:2ghag5mp]his poor customer service didnt deserve a phone call

is THAT your business model? do you not want to hear back from upset customers?

Yes I hate Steamways and yes, anyone who OPs only, is a cheap hack.

See IMO, if you only offer one method, particularly a bonnet cleaning method its my opinion that your are a dishonest person who would say anything for a buck.

Yes Mam my Magic Crystal Eco Green enzyme empowered nutrient cleaner and this 50/50 rag is going to magically whisk away those 12 gallons of cat piss in your carpet.

You're one to speak of honesty and customer rights Mr Imbesi.[/quote:2ghag5mp]

...scratch that....not tired.....

"You never asked for a quote that had to be approved before you agreed to this huge purchase Mark."....and now you were right there on the phone, too?...and why you now busting my balls about a 3qt purchase? WTF is wrong with you? Dude, you lost the battle....no company has the right to swipe without communicating the balance due....you get a blank client check and fill in any amount you want? No...you communicate that amount...there was no communication! swipe what you wish was never communicated....

also, can you tell me where I can find your BB agreement, please? XO<3

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Mark you got your money back.

just stfu and go knock on some doors.

If you have a legit beef against Les and his products in the future, lets hear it but if you continue to dog him over this I'll just toss you rather than go through this again.
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