Well well well


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
You guys can bag on ss all you want and say they are new, they'll break down just give it time. These machines are built rock solid and there is no doubt about it. The design is hands down way above any other TM out there as far as efficiency, size and durability. The cost is just another reason to look at them first. SS has one hell of a team assembled and they will be around for years to come.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Jim Bethel said:
But you didn't tell me what your favourite gum gel is John- lol I hope bright yellow goes with your corporate colours though. :wink:

I get the gist of what you are saying though.

And Larry, yeah, we are still an agent for PowerClean, but when cleaners are choosing to invest in their new equipment, they research all the different brands thoroughly, and since Sapphire Scientific was introduced to the Aussie marketplace, that is been what most of the cleaners want.

This will answer your question as well Roro about why the Sapphire has quickly dominated the marketplace. With our smaller vehicles we have over here (and in NZ), the Sapphire units are the most attractive because PowerClean, HydraMaster & Prochem don't have anything when comparing the performance of each truckmount to the physical size. The Sapphire machines ARE in a class all of their own when comparing the major manufacturers.

Even though the brand name 'Sapphire Scientific' is new - the guys that are designing and building them aren't, and that is very important to me, and to my clients. Another big feature is the thermal well (water box). Out of every truckmount we have ever used, played with or sold - I have never seen a more efficient heating system. When the machine is warmed up (after about 2-3 minutes) I can put a pressure washing gun on the end of 200 ft of solution hose at 1500 psi and drop the temp gauge down to nothing/cold - but as soon as I let the trigger go on the pressure washing gun, it only takes about 4 or 5 seconds for the temp gauge to get back 240 again. I have never seen such a responsive system - EVER. And it is so simple as well. The other thing a lot of cleaners have been having issues with on their Prochem truckmounts (that's Karcher for you Olson :p ) here in Australia where their belts are shredding at anywhere from 200-400 hours, which is quite premature. On the Sapphire machines, Mike Roden and his team have identified this and have designed a way to keep cooler air continually blowing over the belts as they are working, which will therefore greatly extend belt life.

While there is a lot of nice brands TM's manufactured, after the cleaners over here get to see all the different major brands of machines demonstrated - most of them have been comfortable in purchasing the Sapphire Scientific machines above all other brands due to these and quite a few other reasons.


Ummm Hello McFly...I was never bagging on Saphire I ummm SELL THEM. I just corrected your assumption on the warranty. Nothing more nothing less. I am really digging the 570. If I could get a few machines sold I would put on on my floor. As it sits I need to be SELLING machines not BUYING machines.

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Lol at the McFly comment John :lol:

I know you sell them bud. I was answering the question that Roro asked back on the other page about why the Sapphire units have been so accepted down here, and just explaining some of the other points to Joe. Sorry for the confusion. And yeah, the 570 is VERY sweet. One of the major airlines here in Australia (which have a few other major brands) have had their engineers look over the machines and are in the process of purchasing the 570’s for their own fleet.

Joe Bristor said:
Jim, It wasn't out of context. New is new is new. Everything was new at one time. It's OK. It's just important to keep it in mind, especially something as complicated as a new truckmount design.

Hi Joe, the reason I said out of context is because the main components on the Sapphire TM’s are not new. Reputable brand motors, water pumps and vacuum blowers. I agree, the brand name is new, but the internals on the machine (apart from the thermal well) is not. And although some truckmounts are complicated, the Sapphires are not. But I do understand where you coming from. Quite a few cleaners have had the same concerns, until they had a thorough look over the machine themselves, it resolved most of their concerns with being new - because you can see by the build quality and performance, that there is a some serious thought put into them.

Joe Bristor said:
Your 30 units is just now reaching the size of a statistically valid "sample". No doubt the experience behind it will help alot but new is new is still new.

The benefit of the internet is that everything is quite transparent. I talk with cleaners and distributors from all over the world. I was just over in the States a month ago and got to talk with a variety of distributors that supply a number of different machines, including Sapphire, so when I am saying we are happy with their performance, I am talking about a great deal more machines that what I personally have sold – and that makes is more than just a ‘valid sample’. But I definitely agree with you, that the experienced team behind the scenes at Sapphire has helped a lot. Years ago, when machines came out, there was ALWAYS inherit design issues, and we always stayed away from the first units. The team that Sapphire has assembled have designed and built so many truckmounts over the last 30+ years, they know what is reliable and what isn’t. They have the benefit of more experienced staff than most other manufacturers, from the design team, through to the guys on the factory floor.

Joe Bristor said:
Why not compare to units with multi-year track records, units that can be serviced by the user? Ones that can get to 240F in 20-30sec and 500psi at the end of 150ft. that's plenty good for a carpet cleaner, plenty good for me. Your 1500psi is what's out of context. I'll take a simple unit, one I can work on without needing you.

I completely agree Joe. Simpler the better. Over here, very few TM’s actually go back to the dealer, because of the sheer distance between the suppliers and the clients because we are so spread out. Most cleaners here in Australia service their own truckmounts. The reason that we have moved quite a few Sapphire units is because of their ease of servicing and simplicity of the electrical wiring diagram compared to other brand and none brand name machines. So, most of our clients don’t have to bring their machines back to me. If you have had a good look over a Sapphire, you would have noticed how easy they are to service as well.

And why is 1500 psi out of context?? Most of our clients have diversified past just carpet cleaning and into tile and grout cleaning and others into concrete clean and capture and are needing machines that do more than just 500 psi these days. Heck, that is why we also sell quite a few 3000 psi truckmounts as well. Most manufacturers are making more than just ‘carpet cleaning’ truckmounts nowadays. Although it might not interest you personally Joe, higher pressure in machines these days is IN context for quite a few cleaners within the cleaning industry.

Joe Bristor said:
If there were a need for new sure, but6 just give you a new brand to jump ship to? Give me a break.

Give you a break?? lol. :roll: We have an issue in our marketplace where most of the truckmounts are too large for our vans over here and when too large a machine is installed into a smaller vehicle it causes all sorts of problems. Just because other brands have been around for many years, if they still overheat and shred belts because of the heat build up in our vans, what good is that? Just because they have been around for many years means nothing if they are still causing headaches. I would buy a machine that has been designed by experienced guys that have addressed the issues that most other brands still struggle with over here – and while I know you wouldn’t buy one from a ‘new’ brand (and I am not trying to sell you either), but many people are interested in a solution, and Sapphire have provided it.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
randy said:
Wound up about Sapphire, not at all. I have just see the mechanics of "board marketing" enough to recognize what is happening here. The two guys that I talked to seemed like straight shooters, but I tend to trust cleaners over salesmen (and forgive me but you are a salesman) and so is Mikey.

Crikey, yews blokes is so funny.

Hey, helloooooooo, we are all in business to make a quid.

Ergo, WE ARE ALL SALES PEOPLE one way or another.

Does anyone here not sell their services to their customers.??

"Trust cleaners over salemen" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: We certainly do live on different planets.

I have met soooo many carpet cleaners that I wouldn't trust, that I would need an Apple Mac with a never ending memory, to compile their names.

In as much as there are not as many salesmen as there are cleaners, I still think the % ratio would be similar, in the matter of trust.

Fair suck of the sav mate, talk about a bunch of bloody whingers and nay sayers, everything did at some stage start out as new, (even me, and I sure as hell has been tested over the decades shiteatinggrin ), someone had to test them and the best way to test them is in actual working conditions, preferably by B.D.C.C.'s.

This way, when the worst try and do their best to stuff up, then the manufacturer has the opportunity to adjust and better the machine.

Nothing is perfect from day one, except me of course. shiteatinggrin

& my veteran/vintage/sooperdooperhighsuckin/liquidring/lukewarmsoasnottoburncarpet/moderatelypressured/Hydravac.

Lighten up & get a smile on yer dial.




Great responses Jim Bethel!

Met Jim in Vegas a couple years ago, sharp guy who is in it for the long haul.

Good luck trying to rile this kid or get under his skin... he can take more heat than any of guys.

Seeing how Jim is in Australia, I doubt he is trolling for customers on Mikeysboard like many of the other bloodhound salesmen here.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
"And why is 1500 psi out of context?? "

Like Ron started this all off with , "it seems this is still america."

And because you're talking to mainly US cleaners here Jim, and only a small % clean at those pressures.
Few dual wand, and fewer still use 3/8" hose or clean concrete.
If you recall I was helping promote the spider contraption for your daddy over here, to no avail.
Guess I should join you over there? What board do you frequent?

Yes, I've seen these units and yes I am impressed.
But again, they are new.
I'm not saying there will be problems, there just always has been with other new designs.

I wonder how long bfore Brian jumps HM's ship
Ken jumps Butler's ship
and ??? jumps PC's ship
for these SS units?

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Thanks for the nice comment Fred and the vote of confidence! 8)

And I honestly understand your points of view of Joe, and I was just passing along my point of view. That is why I love chatting with cleaners from all over the place - very good way of getting a lot broader opinions and ideas, so we can all learn from each other. Our cleaners over here are no different to you boys over there. We don't have a great deal of cleaners that 'really' dual wand regularly (might do it a few times a year), and only have a handful that run 3/8" hose. We do however have a few that are doing concrete clean and capture that actually use their 3000 psi truckmounts to full use. Our cleaners though do upholstery and carpet mostly, with a lot of guys increasing their tile and grout cleaning and grout color sealing side of their business, so I don't think our countries are polar opposites. No matter what side of the equator you are on, we all have the same battles in the cleaning industry.

Your post raises another good question though Joe, and I understand that most of the cleaners that read here are based in the USA, but I would assume that more people are starting to clean at higher pressures due to doing tile and grout cleaning. Again, it is more of a question that a statement from my end -

How many cleaners in the US are requiring machines that are capable of higher pressures?

HydraMaster, PowerClean, Prochem and Sapphire Scientific (and I am sure there are more as well) are some manufacturers that I am very familiar with, and they are all manufacturing higher pressure TM's these days. I think that they are obviously catering for increased numbers of cleaners worldwide, including the USA, that are requiring a truckmount to clean more than just carpet and upholstery.

And time will tell who will see the benefits of the Sapphire units. Maybe the team at Sapphire will do Ken a custom purple 570 SS version to attract him away from Butler down the track :p :lol:


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
NobleCarpetCleaners said:
I just love the ongoing bullshit about cleaning tile&grout at "high" pressures.

As Pauline would say............


"Please explain"


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