Where'd I lose you, Scott. lol
"On the emotional scale of why people do things, carpet cleaning for the lady of the house is well above that of an oil change. Take advantage of it."
You're Mrs. Piffleton. It's January, the holidays are past, money's tight and you get a postcard reminding you to "clean your carpets every six to twelve months or bad things can happen."
Oh, yea, duty calls.
It's one more thing to add to the to-do list, along with replacing the flat tire on the mini van or figuring out where to come up with the extra cash for the orthodontics appointment in two weeks. The carpets are bad. You really want new carpet. "Hate to spend that money now.....they're so old and dirty."
It's as much fun as an oil change.
It's one more thing. "I don't feel like it now. Hmmm.....it's half a quart low. I'll top it off, dilute the dirty oil. That'll buy me another week..." You'll do it if you have to, you'll find ways to delay it if you can.
There's no joy, no fun, no comfort....it's work.
Or, you might get a postcard that makes you think back to the last time last time you had them cleaned and how marvelously clean they came, how amazed you were, how happy you were and how wonderful you felt when the cleaners were done.
"They cleaned up so nice last time. I could get another six months out of them. We'll be getting our taxes back this spring. It wouldn't be that much to spiff things up a little. I'd feel better. The house would look so much nicer. Maybe I could tuck away a few more dollars and get that carpet I really like in the Fall after the kids go back to school. Yea, that would work...."
If you enjoy good food the thought of a Ruth's Chris caliber dinner creates a yearning. The kind of yearning you might go to great lengths to justify satisfying. It does me and I've never even been to one.
I never said be a luxury. I suggested there are more compelling reasons to clean your carpet than upkeep and maintenance. Just like it's always more compelling to ponder dinner at a fine restaurant than it is to imagine sucking on a vitamin.
Bright yellow background with red and black letting, skulls, crossbones and radiation hazard symbols? Whew!
I've seen it, people enjoy a house full of clean carpet. Some folks absolutely love it. Just MHO, in good times or bad, stirring a yearning beats a call to duty almost every time......and, you can still toss in a discount.