What are you paying for health insurance?


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Ed said:
$740 month for my Wife and I. We just received notice of a 40% increase. Put an end to tort cases and we should see a siognificant decrease in ins. cost. Only problem is most of our politicians are lawyers.

That is a LIE!!! Indiana already has tort laws in place. The most you can get from a malpractice case is $500,000 and that amount is paid by a fund from the state, not the doctors or insurance companies. My wife's aunt had lung disease, they cut her open and took out the WRONG lung, it was a death sentence, but she lived for 3 years afterwards with her remaining bad lung.

So with a cap of $500 K you would think our insurance would be cheap, that doctors would be swarming to the state? That's not the case. Our healthcare costs are among the highest in the country due to high obesity rates and smokers. You will wait a month to see any specialist because there just aren't enough to meet the demand and most of them are foreign.

Tort reform is a scam, it won't do squat to help this "crisis."

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
I respectfully disagree with you. Tort reform needs to happen countrywide-not just in a state for it to have any/some affect/effect.

There are bad doctors, even good doctors who make mistakes. I have been around/in the medical field my whole life.

My father was an OB/GYN and this is something that has struck close to home for our family.

There is more fraud in medical malpractice than there are bad doctors who make mistakes. The ONLY persons who are rewarded in ANY type of malpractice cases are the lawyers. Fact of the matter is, with a $500,000 cap, most customers of the lawyers will only see half of that...maybe.

It is something that needs to get fixed, but it is only part of the equation.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Lora Olson said:
I respectfully disagree with you. Tort reform needs to happen countrywide-not just in a state for it to have any/some affect/effect.

There are bad doctors, even good doctors who make mistakes. I have been around/in the medical field my whole life.

My father was an OB/GYN and this is something that has struck close to home for our family.

There is more fraud in medical malpractice than there are bad doctors who make mistakes. The ONLY persons who are rewarded in ANY type of malpractice cases are the lawyers. Fact of the matter is, with a $500,000 cap, most customers of the lawyers will only see half of that...maybe.

It is something that needs to get fixed, but it is only part of the equation.

I don't understand the logic to your argument. Something that doesn't work at a state level will work better at a national level??? Tort reform has had little to no effect in this state, aside from keeping mediocre doctors in practice. There are just as many scum-sucking lawyers here as anywhere else, they just make a bit less. 12 jurors should decide how much a mistake costs, not a bureacracy.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Wife works for airline industry and member of a union.

Her employer picks up lions share of insurance costs among one of the benifits.

Our share is about $250 per months for a family of four.

With high cost of health insurance everyone is justified in getting top dollar for their services.

Its time for me to raise my rates again!


Feb 2, 2007
FCC said:
randy said:
Visit Norway, Sweden, France or any other socialistic country and the standard of living is no where near what we enjoy.

Mr. Randy,

I deleted my original response to your post because of my use of foul language but I would certainly enjoy hearing any stats you may have on the countries you listed in regards to health care and quality of life.

Where would you rank the US in contrast to those countries in terms of:

Availability of health care?
Quality of health care?
Tax rate?
Quality of life?
Life expectancy?
Infant mortality?
Death rate of toddlers and adolescents?
Satisfaction with quality. quantity, and cost of care?
Care expenditures as a % of GDP?
Healthcare workers income vs. average?
GDP per-capita?
Poverty level?
Murders/ violent crime per capita?

If you need help.......let me know

For a start Sweden has the highest per capital drug abuse rates in the world. The United States health care system is second to none in quality, but someone has to pay for that. If you really believe socialism is so wonderful and big government can make up for irresponsible people, why don't you immigrate to Sweden & France and witness it first hand. No country in the world has better life expectancy per capita then the United States.
Most people at the Poverty level in the United States deserve it, it's the result of their refusal to get educated or work towards anything. Sitting around bitching about the man keeping ya down, just doesn't cut it anymore. That is not a life skill. Sitting on your front porch all day demanding opportunity is not a life skill. Demanding equal distribution of wealth is naive and foolhardy. Capitalism distributes wealth quite well, the guy that earns it has it.

You sound like you have been sitting around listening to Jesse Jackson or reading Engels, Marx and Trotsky a bit too much. Go sell something, build something grow yourself. Government can't help you and Obama will be a one termer. The change is already happening, Massachusetts and now Indiana are a wake up call to what is coming this Fall.
. If you are this much of a socialist, you don't belong in self employment and should be working somewhere that has the "free" benefits you seek. America is tired of whiny people that refuse to work or educate themselves and blame everyone for their poverty.
In all due respect grow up and take personal responsibility.


Jun 6, 2007
Mine is FrEE at The VA. But have Health Net Also as a back up plan, Wife still works at Post Office They Pay Half. When She Retires I am screwed.with High Costs, juess Ill go to my Dog's Vet. Then.

Bill G. Martin

Wow, Dave, you must not take your Dog to the same Vet as I do.....those guys make a buck or two here in central Florida....You can drop a hundred dollar bill in a heart beat inorder to keep Killer and Spike in good shape.

Bill in central Florida


Feb 2, 2007
FCC said:
You couldn't find the answers?

I'm not even going to waste time debating a socialist , there is no debating someone who has a moral compass based entire on coveting another man's earnings. None of your implied contentions are true. You obviously let those with an anti-American agenda think for you. Next you will be demanding 40 acres & a mule to go along with your "free" health care.

Lora Olson

Mar 5, 2007
postaldave said:
Mine is FrEE at The VA. But have Health Net Also as a back up plan, Wife still works at Post Office They Pay Half. When She Retires I am screwed.with High Costs, juess Ill go to my Dog's Vet. Then.

I would argue that your VA benefits are not free...you paid a dear price for those benefits.

Thank you for your service!!!

You DESERVE better health care than what the VA gives, and I'm sorry it is not better. :cry:

Jim Morrison

Oct 7, 2006
I agree 100% with Randy's thinking in his original post.

Insurance, doctors, deductible, lawsuit, pharm, lawyer...

Instill fear in people and they will do whatever you want
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