What Did Your Parents Do?

Bryan S. Bennett

Supportive Member
Feb 6, 2007
Philipsburg Pennsylvania
Central Steamer Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
And I might add, ............. no disrespect to any of our parents. I come from a tough environment so bad that both of my parents have been deceased for over 11 years now and I'm only 45.

In my eyes I learned enough from both of them, good and bad, to give me the strength to reach the next level. For that alone, I am forever grateful for my parents and what they taught me from the rough road they chose to travel. I will never complain ever about my situation or lot given in life. It could've been the way it was meant to be...
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Aug 20, 2013
Ralph Pastorelli
My father worked for General Electric until the day he died at the young age of 49, he would be 77 today. He was also a antique dealer. My mom worked for the Dunlop Tire company until her retirement while she was a teen she was a roller skating car hop girl at Kewpies hamburger drive ins


Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
My dad quit school two months before he graduated to join the Army. Finished basic and had orders to go to Korea, his orders were changed to Germany. Married my Mother before he left for Germany, served in Germany for 4 years. He came home, went to work at the PRR. Worked there for a couple years, always worked second trick. Didn't like the hours so he went into commissioned route sales for 29 years. He cleaned carpet on his days off till I graduated from high school. We started full time after that and never looked back. My mother worked as a operator for Bell Telephone until dad came home from Germany and then made her life's work raising five children. Both of my parents were committed hard working people that just did what they had to do to provide for us They were married just shy of 60 years when mom died.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dad's family came to Israel from Poland in 1933. He was thirteen years old, they were lucky to escape before the Holocaust.
Worked hard in establishing the state of Israel. Joined the pre IDF (Israel Defense Force) organization, joined the Jewish Brigade in the British army, to fight the Germans in WW-2, first in Egypt, later in Italy. Got injured (friendly fire) and had a great time in Europe after the war. Fought in 1948 (war of independence) and the Sinai war (1956).

And while dealing with all of that and the many economical hardships in Israel at the time, managed to open a factory the first in Israel to manufacture on demand propane water heaters (yes, like little giant) only it was the late fifties. Couldn't keep the factory (large order from Turkey that was cancelled after he already built everything, no diplomatic relationship, no way to take them to court). Started another business selling material to build doors, windows etc from aluminum + building those doors and windows. Later became an employee and retired.

Mom's came from Russia (Ukraine, 1922), she was 6 months old. Worked for a short time as a secretary and once we were born, stayed home and put a lot into her children. Always intellectually curious and people oriented. Did everything she could to make sure that her children loved and cared about each other. It worked. Later in life both she and my dad became ceramicists.

Both gave us the only thing that parents can give: An everyday example of hard work, a deep sense of ethics and more important than everything else-the knowledge that we were loved. Can't ask for anything more.
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Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
My dad joined the marines and is technically a Korean war vet but really never saw action. He was in an atomic above ground test and was loaned out to hollywood for a Ray Harryhausen movie "20 million miles to earth" he's the guy that shoots the flame thrower at the monster in the movie . Afterwards he purchased a garbage hauling business which he sold in the late 70's and became a real estate agent and owned some rental property he's retired now.

Mom was a "homemaker" when we were kids. She had been a bartender before that. When my parents divorced in 83 she went back to work bartending and also took a part time job with OLCC (Oregon liquor control commission) as an undercover enforcer .. she would typically buy a drink at the bar and watch the bartender checking for underage drinking and tax stamps on bottles. Yes, my mother was paid by the state to drink alcohol she died in 95 of cancer.
Apr 4, 2007


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Dad was a B24 Bombadier in 44-45, over occupied Europe and Germany. 30 missions, which was a full tour back then. Came home to work in plumbing sales, and then on to a premier kitchen designer for the area. Learned a lot of plumbing ideas from him, and still use them. He's second from the left.

Mom, a devout Methodist, home maker, ethnic hater, and also hated Catholics. God rest her toutured soul. She earned the wrath of my girlfriend/wife, who is 1/2 Italian, 1/2 Mexican. Mother wanted me to marry a Smith or Jones American girl, and she let every one know it!

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
After the Russians through his whole family off the family farm in what is present day Hungary Dad immigrated to Germany got his apprenticship as a weaver then came over to NY with his brother,his Aunt sponserd him. Got Hired with Ideal Zippers and worked his way up to Tool and Die maker and Machine Shop Foreman. Ideal moved to Raleigh NC and Dad stayed and started his own Tool and Die Co. He retired at 54 and passed away at 82 in 2013. Mom was a Homemaker and passed way to early when I was 12. I miss her every day. Dad taught me about hard work and how to use a Shovel. I do miss them both. Hug your Kids! even if they piss you off!


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
My mom and dad were divorced when I was 2 so I'm fd up too! My dad, who's an asshole who hasn't spoke to me in 17 years, worked at a factory making wire hangers. When it closed , he went to Caterpillar. Worked there for many years, retired several years ago. I think he's still pissed I didn't go there. A lot of people around here work at Cat. but not near as many as 20-30 years ago. My mom started at Cat. 45 years ago after working at an office for a couple of years. My mom started as a file clerk, became a secretary, moved on to executive secretary and became a buyer for several years before retiring 20 years ago. Both worked hard and never missed a day of work.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
My mom and dad were divorced when I was 2 so I'm fd up too!
Tony Stark: So, uhh, who's home?

Harley Keener: Well, my mom already left for the diner, and dad went to 7-Eleven to get scratchers... I guess he won, 'cause that was six years ago.

Tony Stark: Hmm... which happens, dads leave, no need to be a pussy about it, here's what I need...
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May 27, 2014
Everett, WA
Jim HIggins
My parents raised an hellish kid, didn't make any money at it but did it anyway. Everything else they did was a side job. lol.

Pacific Steam Company Lynnwood
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Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
Dad sorted mail at the USPS. He did some time in the Navy too so retired early...I think he was 55.

Mom always worked in a doctor's office. Longest stretch was as a Medical Transcriptionist for a Radiologist.

They both worked very hard to give me and my 2 brothers a great life in suburban upstate New York.

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
My father was a merchant marine in late 50's to early 60's back when "made in Japan" ment low quality crap. My dad knew that Japan would be a tech giant in the future and make quality products. While at a cocktail party an Excutive with Texas Intruments accidentally insulted the Japanese CEO of Sony while making small talk. That japanese excutive rallied the counrty to work harder to make better products. Sadly my dad didnt know how to harness this knowledge to build a business.

In About 1968 He became a traveling saleman selling Outdoor electical signs to small business. When I was about 8 years old our family began traveling with him and sorta having the lifestyle of a migrant worker. I went to Elementary school in Bay area Californina, Eugine Oregon, Vacouver Washington, Billings Montana, Lancing Michigan, Twin Cities Minnesota. We would take the summers off to travel around with dad and live in hotels, but this became expensive and difficult because my mom didnt like the fact that my dad would check us into the hotel as 1 person.

While working for the sign company-- In 1974-1975 my dad took us out of school to travel the USA to learn about America's History 1st hand. 1976 would be the bicentennial birthday of USA so we went to all the historical sites and many museums-- we were basciscally 'Homeless" during this time as we lived in a tent and sometimes our car. I missed alot of school and thats why my spelling and grammers is awful. but I learned alot about history, and all the different people and states that make up America. The only states I havent been to are: Vermont, New Hamshire, Maine, Alabama, Mississippi, Georga, and Alaska.

We would be "homeless" one more time in 1978 when we moved from minnesota to colorado. The owner of the sign company that my dad had help build had been been a member of rich country club and the memebers were a Bad influence on the owner-- they convenced the owner that he was over paying his employees and started to cutting commissions so my dads imcome dropped dractically. My father really felt betrayed and It hit him really hard-- He would never be an employee again-- so my dad became "Mr. Mom" of the house, while my mom worked as a waitress to provide for the family. I also began working at 14 as a busboy to help provide for the family. Because of this event I knew I had to be my own boss.

My dad had one last success as a travel agent where he was able to spoil my mom and they traveled the world for a few years until the internet distroyed that business.

Finacially our life was "Peaks and Valleys" SO I learned to perpare during the "Peaks" for the "valleys" in life.-- this way the "valleys" wont be so bad.

One year when we were homeless my Mom and Dad came to my sister and me and told us That there wouldnt be any presents this year.-- my Mom began crying because Christmas means so much to her. That Christmas morning I a got a spool of yarn wrapped in toilet paper as a gift-- That was the Best Christmas ever!!- because Our Family was together.

"Material Things" dont matter as much as the time we spend together with loved ones.

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