You know... I wonder what your wives would say YOU do.
They may need their own room here.
Most wives I know in this industry handle the kids and the office and work hard keeping it all together. Just about every Platinum Member in our group is a husband-wife team, and they work together on goals and implementation, no one is eating bon-bons.
This industry doesn't really go out of its way much to acknowledge and show appreciation to the women who are helping a lot of these businesses in different roles...and many times not getting a paycheck for it - it's just expected that this is what a "wife" does.
And then we wonder why there tends to be a tough time staying married AND working together. It's hard enough to stay married without having all the business stuff crammed in the middle of it. But if you learn how to make it work, I've seen some really happy couples in this business - not a lot of them, but the ones who do get it right, are a lot of fun to hang with.
I saw the business tear apart my parents marriage... and I've seen a lot of divorces while I've coached business owners...and it's probably the reason I've never been brave enough to do it. Getting married, and divorced, and married, and divorced, I just couldn't go through that kind of anger and pain.
Plus...I'd be giving up half my assets - LOL.