What hands on events would get you to go to Connections?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Judging from the real low pre paid head count I'm hearing, most in this industry have had enough of the motivational speakers and biz coach infomercials.

The trade show is fun but form most not worth the cost of the trip out.

I know a little about putting on a Cleaning event and I would suggest to the powers that be to have WAY more hands on stuff going on.

-Repair/Re Stretch equipment in rooms set up with loose/damaged carpet with pros there to guide you along.
- I'm sure it would not be hard to find a few off strip hotels willing to get free carpet cleaning in exchange for some play time. Lets see all the different machines and methods at work on real dirt.
-Color Sealing demonstrations. Have loads of tile and grout installed on cheap card tables for the audience to practice on.
-I'm sure Jasper could convince the Hilton to donate some mattresses to show us how to de-Mite them.
-A long hose run contest for the TM manufacturers.
-Dunk tank filled with Ultra Pack with the program directors for this years event ready to go.
-Crayola table for the kiddies and those who work for homes that have Latino house keepers.
-Speed cleaning competitions, each contestant gets 100 feet of equally filthy carpet to use what ever method or materials he choose (that are donated by the attending manufactures) to win cool prizes. Have the contest 3 times a day with ten cleaners participating each time. How hard could it be to set up? Way cheaper then hiring Zig Ziglers to speak for five minutes that's for sure..

- Your ideas?

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Hey Mikey not sure where you got your numbers from but there wrong. They have had more people sign up this year then they have for the last 3-4 years. Don't judge it from the boards. I bet the boards are less then 2% of the people that go to connections

But then again we'll find out when we get there.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Wonder who gave them that info then. Angela knows the girl who process's the sign up's, where I got my info from. Guess well know in 2 weeks huh?

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
A little below average, guessing there will be 50 to 75 late registrations.

I'd agree that the big name, big money presenters hold little interest for me, but people that saw the keynotes last year told me they thought they got their money's worth. The Connections organizers definitely need to hear what you think of the program though, since it would be easy to blame a drop in attendance on the economy.

As far as hands-on, I think they have very limited usefulness in a convention format, and they've been presented at previous Connections and been greeted with a big yawn from attendees. Not even Barry Costa could attract more than a few people to a hands-on repair seminar there. If you didn't attend his or any of the other hands-on seminars in the past, you don't need an explanation of why they wouldn't bother anymore.

From an attendee's standpoint, I'd like to see vendors get a little more creative with their displays. Doing some carnival sideshow demonstrations would beat the heck out of backdrop, table with brochures, shelf with products. Bring some energy to the event.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I would be open to just about anything where I could learn, I spent a few hours at the stone pro demo last year

I won't go/pay for the infomercials, can get them for free around here
Oct 8, 2006

I at one time paid for the full event. I must say that I will need to hear raving reviews before I can trust Connections again before I will pay it again. I hope that the feed back you got pans out. I remember thinking how Connections is for the cleaner and how bent over I felt after going to the full event and again the next year when the special "connections rate" was almost double what the casino rate was on the website.

Funny thing was when Mr. Cooper got wind of the web special it was removed :shock:

Chris Muetterties

P.S. I hope someone can get Connections on the right track


Jan 16, 2007
I think they should cut back on the number of classes offered and make them significantly longer. Give the instructor long enough to cover the material with some hands on or actual demonstrations. Color repair with crayons, side by side product comparisons in actual demonstrations, side by side spot cleaning comparisons with things like fels naptha and 40 vol vs. other spotters, typical repair jobs for carpet cleaners with some tips from experienced carpet installers, comparisons using side by side comparisons on issues like flow, heat and recovery to see the value, also dry times, protectant, soap free or green products, etc. Software demos for sending reminder cards and some round table discussions featuring successful, experienced cleaners from all areas and sizes of companies with some question and answer times and time to share methods and ideas between cleaners. Maybe sharing marketing materials and postcards that have been most effective in your business to exchange with other cleaners. I think people would line up for this kind of interaction. I guess it is bringing mikeysboard to face to face situations with demos and side by side comparisons. This is the end of my 3rd year of carpet cleaning and my 3rd trip to connections, but they need to step up the classes to make the trip worth it. The cost of travel is getting high, time off at a premium. Last years classes were a real disappointment.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
How about a Mikey’s fest….. In Vegas during connections next year !

I’d much rather listen to real cleaner talk than T. Harv Eker or Keith Cunningham blow smoke up my ass with their infomercials about “millionaire mind” and book, DVD sales event after the show.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
I have several views of this event.

First up, I feel that the organisers should post on all forums asking for suggestions on what we, the people who are paying the money, would like to see & hear.

They could maybe put up a list of what they propose and we could comment on what we would rather pay for.

(And also comment on what we don't want to waste OUR money on.)

This can be done well in advance, and would need to be.

I personally feel there is too much emphasis put on the spin doctors on how we can get rich, (all the time we are paying them and making them richer). :x

I also feel that there is far to much time spent on wdr, mold, etc;

A LITTLE information can be very dangerous and expensive in the wrong hands.

I do realise there is a list that we can already choose from, but if it doesn't suit you, stiff.

There is also a growing demand for leather, carpet repairs and hard floor treatments, I would like to see more of these promoted.

If we ever want to see & hear what we truly want to, we have to make our thoughts heard.

So every time you see one of the boffins, front him or her and tell them so.

I am also put off by all the pretentious stuff, you know, the collar and tails crap.

Bloody hell, I don't even own a tie :lol:

That's living in the tropics with a lifestyle biz; I guess :wink:

So many of the stuffed shirts give me the impression that we owe them something as they roll around on their wheelymajigs, staring straight ahead.

Can't we have at least ONE FULL DAY of an open trade show, with no mini seminars, so we can all spend time with the people that have paid out a lot of moolah to display their wares ??

Rest of the stuff I can give you an earfull at Connections :twisted: :twisted:

Ooroo, :roll:

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