What is he posting on there?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
What's he posting on there?
What the hell is he posting on there?
He canceled his subscriptions to those industry Magazines...
He never waves at the other cleaners when he goes by
He's hiding something from the rest of us...
He's all to himself...
I think I know Why...
He took off the IICRC decal of his sleeve.
He has no employees of his own you see...
He has 2 dogs yet he has no friends and his lawn is dying...
And what about all those packages he sends. Are the Peeps still fresh when they arrive?
What's he posting on there?
With that hook light on the stairs.
What's he posting on there?... I'll tell you one thing he's not starting a association for the newbs.
What he posting on there?
Now what's that sound from under the door?
He's making his own blocks from a old Hardwood floor... and I swear to god I heard lamb Vac moaning low... and I keep seeing the blue light of a T.V. show...
He has a route and a table saw... and you won't believe what Mrs Travis saw
There's poison underneath the sink of course...
But there's also enough fels naptha to choke a horse...
What's he posting on there.

What the hell is he POSTING on there?

I heard he has an ex-wife in some place called Mayors Income, Tennessee
And he used to have a bridge bombing business in Indonesia..
.But what is he POSTING ON there?

What the hell is posting on there?

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