What is the best.......(dare I say)...... portable??!!


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Since another thread ("Does anyone build a semi durable porty") went south in a hurry.
And since it is a good subject, I wanted to know:

What did you (do you) find to be the best portable for you?

It could be, the most convenient, powerful, durable, ergonomic or prefarrably all of the above.

In my semi long and uneventful career, I've had a KleenRite, Castex, Cheyene (PC), a Mytee 1003 DX and a Mytee M-5.

- The Kleenrite was the all metal portable, mostly for upholstery. I hated that machine with the vengence. Small, yet cumbersome. Expensive, yet finicky. Great heat though. I once took it out of my van on a hill in S.F. and had to chase (race) the machine all the way down hill. The machine won.

- The Catex (sqaure fiberglass) was a suck and vac machine diaphragm pump, cumbersome, got a whole in wall which I patched. Very cumbersome to take out of van. Once on ground easy to maneuver and the square top allowed me to carry lots of stuff. ridiculous suction (remember about 25 years ago) ridiculous pressure. Yet super dependable. Drying time was measured in days not hours :winky:

- Cheyene (PC) Me no like it. Under powered. Low pressure and low vacuum. Components failed earlier than they should.

- Mytee. Newer machines. 2" opening. Varying pressure. Compared to the other machines (though beside the Cheyene) this is a new generation machine. Awesome suction, Nice adjustable pressure. Maneuverable. Not bad but not very good getting in and out of the van. Some use of cheap parts that really annoys me. Pressure hose cover with iron that rusts. Brass fitting that broke (I assume) from the fact that portable get a little roughed up. Though I think a stainless steel fitting would have endured it better. No latches to open cover. Some of these features have been improved on in newer machines.

The power of the newer Mytee machine was an eye opener, as I could do a very deep cleaning with a portable, yet have it dry fairly fast. That however is not Mytee specific, as it is due to vac motor improvement.

Since I consider MB to be a source of knowledge and feedback:
What do you consider to be the best portable and why?

Personally: Maneuverability, ergonomics (ease of taking in and out of the van + ease of use), good suction, manageable weight, durability of shell and longevity of components are what I look for.

I'd happily trade features (new ones have too many imho) and heat for the other qualities mentioned above. I'd also be willing to pay a higher price, within reason, for those qualities.
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Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
what brand does your local supplier sell?

that way if you have an issue during the warranty period you call call them up and fix it for you.

did you sell your might's or did they breakdown and set it on fire.(sorry i could not resist)


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I did not burn anything.
Though I was tempted with the KleenRite- I hated that machine and the tool too.

And that's the truth, cause I ain't lying.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.

One of the disadvantages is that no local supplier can carry all portables. I've used and been around enough machines to know what isn't going to work for me. Unfortunately, like most, I do not have access to many of them. For example I saw one at MF that I know would not work for me. I am sure it is a great machine. However, I Don't need to borrow it , I know. Experience has its advantages. [Don't worry, you'll get it when you get older. With a few other added "benefits".]

That's why this place can be of value.

Now, please sit back Micahel and enjoy the lonesome state. And that burning smell ain't my machine. Don't take your eyes off the barbecue next time :winky:.
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The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Even though a distributor can't carry everything, the chances are they'll choose to carry products that will cause their customers the least grief. Local distribution isn't everything, but it's a good place to start.

We want the best combination of light and rugged, without a single bell or whistle that will create more ire than benefit. No auto-anything, no heater, no circuit boards. Stainless is too heavy, fiberglass too fragile, so rotomolded case only. Not the right choice for someone that has to clean ratty carpet with a portable, or acres of commercial carpet with a portable, but we have truckmounts for that stuff.

We liked the Bison, which I believe was bought out by Prochem and became the Cheyenne. Prochem made the case more rugged by adding an internal steel frame, which increased the weight too much. Today we're using the Kleenrite box, purchased as CleanMasters in CM colors. Still put bigger vacs in them, but have also had to modify the box for better airflow. Next unit would be along the lines of the no-heater Cobra. Since they only come with two-stage vacs we'd still have to modify them as well.

did you sell your might's or did they breakdown and set it on fire.(sorry i could not resist)
Bought a pallet load of Powr-flite blowers at an incredible price. Spent a lot of time fixing fans, as the slightest jar would bend them into making contact with the housing. Luckily the one that caught fire was in use in our shop. At least the housings were the right color for Dri-Eaz to chop up and remake into their replacements.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Bryan, are you trying to be my mirror image?
I hated the Cheyene and the Keenrite.

Must be all that tree hugging you've been engaged in.


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Portables are plastic boxes. Plastic boxes that contain a pump, vac motors, and possibly heat.
Choose a solid box. Spec it out with the pump and vac motors that will produce the desired results.

What it boils down to is build quality. The box and the fittings make a big difference. After all, the pump and motors are pretty universal.

You can get as emotional about it as you want, but that's irrelevant. We are talking about a machine that can squirt water and suck water.

I'll say it again... You guys really should check out our TruckPort. Why?

It is built for us by Sandia. They've been building solid extractors for years - so the quality is there.

And it is priced very well - considering what it offers!!!

Key Features of the TruckPort:
* High Pressure Adjustable 500 PSI Pump
* Dual 2 Stage Air Watt 6.6 HiFlow Vacuum Motors Producing 200" of Waterlift
* 2000 Watt Heater for On-Demand Heat
* 12 Gallon Solution & Recovery Tanks
* 10" Non-Marking Rear Wheels
* Lid Design Holds 2 Spray Bottles
* 25' Power Cords
On Sale For $1999 (With FREE Shipping to a Commercial Address)

The vac configuration producing 200" of water lift is very high! High CFM is important for the long hose runs of a truck mount - but with a porty it's important to have high water lift. Another benefit that comes from using the dual 2 stage motors is that it reduces the amount of current draw. Yet the air watt vac motors produce tremendous suction. It's a setup that works!

We've also put a lot of thought into the name and the logo. It's prominently displayed on the front of the machine. We're not trying to say this is a truckmount replacement. But it does help to have a picture of a truck on the logo and to have the name TruckPort displayed to your customers. It conveys power to your customer.

Have a look:


Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

I'll take a shot at it . . .

The Mytee 1006DX modified by Cobb . . .

Vacuum - 1100 Air Watts with 230 CFM . . . Dual 3-stage

Pump System - Cat with 3/4 HP AC Motor 650 PSI @ 2 GPM
Carpet or Tile/Grout Cleaning.

12" Rear Wheels w/5" locking Casters

Electronic Control to Shut off Vacs

Circuit indicator for Identifying Separate Circuits


Optional Silencers for Office Environments


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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
It sounds like a good machine and a good price Rick.
However, regardless of your emotions, you don't really get it.

Unfortunately, there is no one fit all machine. I am sure that you as a seller and the manufacturers, do your math and decide which market it is you want to serve.

As an owner operator that uses a portable occasionally, and a lot more than I'd like to, I'd like to take the time and tell you what it is that your machine lacks. If it is worth it for you or any other seller, if it is profitable for you. maybe you'd do something about it.
Yea, yea, I know, they all suck and squirt.

Here it goes:

  1. Take the heater out. Don't want it inside an already over crowded over heated machine.
  2. If you feel like filling out the space, give me the new stronger vac motors.
  3. The lid with spray bottle holder is cute. Get rid of it. Make a machine with a flat top and the ability to attach a box (hell, sell me the box) that I can carry all my staff safely and secured.
  4. Add an attachment to carry the wand. You know- we use it to clean- it squirts and it sucks. Help us out by making it easy to wheel it in, all together. Thank you.
  5. Add a wheel at top to allow me to load it easily in and out of the van, by myself, without a trip to the chiropractor.
  6. Is that an inch and a half hose cuff? If it is, you got to be kidding. That is Frank & Willy territory. We carry it in a van that has a truck mount. We use truck mount hoses.
  7. Use wheels with some give to allow for inside components protection from the constant rattling that wears the metal fittings. And not inflatable, it will get punctured. I ain't going to take it to have the flat tire of my portable fixed. Are you aware of what it will do to my self image? I do have some pride left.
  8. As per inside placement and components? Don't know. Can't see from your pictures. Are you using stainless steel fittings? Quality components? Is it getting blazing hot inside? Or if you don't know- If I left a strip of bacon inside, how long till its done?
  9. Is there a fan to cool inside components (not sure if it will help.)
  10. Is there a circuit indicator?
  11. For crikey's sake don't make a white machine. We don't date it. What are the chances it will stay white in the van? Make it scratch grey or invincible black complete with pre made white scratches.

And if you have to slap a few extra $$$ to make that. Good. You've earned it.

Glad I could be of help. And don't be a stranger.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Thanks Larry.
I have two Mytees and I like them.

Some of the items on my long list will apply to the Mytees as well.


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
Ofer if you want 2" vac hoses, we have an adapter for that. Most portable guys will opt for working with lighter 1.5" hoses. But like I say, if anyone wants a 2" hose bib - we have it. And there's no extra charge for the adapter.

Yes, the TruckPort has a built in circuit indicator. Regarding the running temperature, the machine is well vented - it gets pretty warm but not extremely hot.

I really appreciate all the thought you put into your list of suggestions. I'm not sure how feasible some of it would be to implement, but I like your ideas :)

The white is a speckled granite white, you can't really see that from that photo. It camouflages scratches and soil pretty well.

And of course, if you don't want to run the heater, you can always turn off the heater switch. Yet it's nice to have the option if you want to use heat.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I really appreciate all the thought you put into your list of suggestions. I'm not sure how feasible some of it would be to implement, but I like your ideas :)

Thanks Rick.
All of them are feasible. Some are already in existing machines.

Rick and Larry and or any of the manufacturers that we haven't heard from.
What I am saying is not a complaint. Just feedback and I hope you're taking it as such.

Lots of good manufacturers out there with genuine efforts being made to make great machines.

EDIC, for example, has a very neat idea about adding a portable electrical heater. I don't know who came up with it, but the ability to attach the wand was great. So was the ability to add wheels on top for ease of loading. Circuit indicator, reducing noise, pump priming valve etc. Oh, and wasn't the idea on Intelink nautilus where you can manually switch the vacuums from in series to parallel, awesome?

Lots of good ideas and you should all give it the ultimate compliment- copy it.

I also know that we represent a small niche. The in house folks don't need all of that stuff.
I just hope that there's enough profit in it to justify the investment in making a machine that will work better for the likes of me. Hopefully there's enough demand for it out there.

If indeed, I will be getting a better machine, adding another $750.00 - $1,000.00 will be fine with me.
Much more than that, will get into the: Is it worth it? category. Should I buy one good machine, not knowing how long it will last or am I better off buying two of lesser quality?
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
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Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Thanks Larry.
I have two Mytees and I like them.
Some of the items on my long list will apply to the Mytees as well.

Since you mentioned a "box" to carry your stuff, here is a video showing the clip-on accessory tray for the Mytee 1006DX modified by cobb



P.S. M5 extractor is no longer produced. It has been replaced by the LTD series with lighter weight and more features.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Thank you Larry.
I actually have the tray, as John L. gave it to me as a present, since he's done it due to a suggestion from me and someone else on this board.
i tried it and here in S.F. it does not work for me, as there's no way to secure it in place.
We do have to deal with sidewalks and going uphill etc. And a few times my machine went one place and the tray another.
A simple latch mechanism may solve it.

I do appreciate, John's willingness to listen to cleaners very much though. He always listens and try to come up with new and improved products.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
how sad no one is going to jump through hoops for you

Please alert me when you come up with your first constructive post.

I've been waiting a long time, practically before your first self imposed exile.

Read a few of your old and new tantrums, yet evidently things have not changed much. Be really nice if you actually contribute something positive to this baord and not your usual negative sarcastic stuff. It is getting old Terry.
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Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb
Thank you Larry.
I do appreciate, John's willingness to cleaners very much though. He always listens and try to come up with new and improved products.
You're welcome . . .

I sure John would appreciate the comment,

even though all new ideas have a learning curve.

He does have some new equipment coming out.
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Mar 25, 2014
Oswego, IL
Ryan Kettering
If you want a nice porty go with the 1005dx or the ltd5, if you want to pack more punch and don't need to bring inside but need somewhat portable go with a prowler, or get a TM used for the same price.

Ofer, of those options which is best for you and of the best one what is still missing? Seems like mytee already has everything you wanted in a portable right? What are they missing?

Ryan Kettering

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
We do have to deal with sidewalks and going uphill etc. And a few times my machine went one place and the tray another.
A simple latch mechanism may solve it.
A few dots of 3M Dual Lock and your tray will stay in place until you want to take it off. (Kind of an industrial Velcro) For that matter, two-inch wide Velcro strips with the right adhesive backing for use on plastics should work as well. http://www.itapestore.com/velcroand174brandblackloop2x1yard-stickybackfastener.aspx


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If you want a nice porty go with the 1005dx or the ltd5, if you want to pack more punch and don't need to bring inside but need somewhat portable go with a prowler, or get a TM used for the same price.

Ofer, of those options which is best for you and of the best one what is still missing? Seems like mytee already has everything you wanted in a portable right? What are they missing?
Ryan Kettering

Ryan, I have both machines.
I'll try Bryan suggestion about the tray and see how it works. Though I'd rather have something more secure and easy to attach and detach. Once all your equipment goes flying off (actually with) that tray, (down hill) due to not being well attached and you loose the appetite for repetition.

Both the 1003-DX and more so the LTd (well I have the M-5) are hard to load in and out of van by one person. Granted, I've done it many times.

Wheels on top to help roll machine in, may help

Some annoying cheaper parts, (little things) nothing major yet still annoying. Like rusting inner solution hose, sturdier clamps, stailess steel fittings I think are less likely to crack. John may have already improved it.
Some leaking seals and parts that cracked from rattling or from repetitious loading in and out of van.Though in all fairness, what is a reasonable amount of time for that to start happening.

A wand attachment.

Yes, Richard is right- bigger openings for water.

Non inflatable yet large shock absorbing rubber material will be great. Dreaming here.

Also in his latest incarnation Mytee seem to try to include every gadget under the sun in their machine. I'd opt for the simple, less features yet more rugged.

As I stated in previous responses. I have John machines and am pretty happy with them. Still improvements can always be done and John seem to keep working on it.

Not completely there yet.
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