I wouldn't put mike in that category. He is a leader look at what has happen with this board and his national influence. He runs multi truck and is moving off the truck. I think the question will be how big can Mikey's Board become. Mike is a Brand in and of himself. That is a scary thought. I personally would like to see his efforts go towards making this cleaner driven movement develop to a greater extent.
Back when I was a young youth pastor and running huge groups and sponsoring summer camps and major events I used to think poorly of the YP's that showed up with the same 15 passenger van and the same 12 kids to every event. As I grew older I came to realize that was OK because that was where that guy felt comfortable or he did not have the skills or abilities to grow and lead a larger group.
I think that's the same in our industry some guys are choosing to stay small for a mired of reasons and some simply do not have the ability to move forward in developing their company. The size of your company does not define you as an individual nor is it a reflection of your personal character. The size of your company is representation of your dream and drive to develop as a leader.
Leadership is about sacrifice, it is about less freedom not more, it is about sacrifice. The larger a company gets the less freedom its leaders have. Not because of problems or headaches as some love to share. It is because you have responsibilities to your team to develop personally and to help them develop.
Many who choose to stay small do so because the sacrifices of leadership and the challenges of growing a dynamic company no longer bring life to their day to day existence. It is important that we get up every day and look forward to what we are going to be engaging in. O/O or leader of a multi truck it depends on what drives you to personal fulfillment.
So, what you are saying Tom and I agree is, any Leader can run a Large company but only an O/O like Mikey can run an O/O operation!