ABSOLUTLEY INCORRECT- he used COIT's gas, time, supplies and marketing to pay his client expenses. If you had an employee do it to you you would see it as theft as well.
If that does not convince you that it is theft then think about it like this: At a company could they allow EVERY SINGLE employee to do that and still survive- NO WAY.
It is theft- 100%.
If he does that I personally could not trust that he is not stealing chemicals from COIT too.
No he didn't. He took advantage of Coit's ignorance in selling him one of their used van's. KNowing full well he wasn't going to just let it set in his drive way as decorum. :shock:
It is not theft. You are letting your bias dictate your definition. I think it was wrong but it wasn't theft. The chemical theft you speak of is speculation.