Coupons and ads are cool and all. But one thing when I look at your Facebook, your other ads, and brand is there isn't a lot of consistency there between everything. Different colors, different fonts, and things like that. Half the time I can't remember a store's name off the top of my head but if I see the outline or even shadowing of their logo I can remember it then.
More than half the people you do work for aren't going to remember your business name but if they see it consistently multiple times they will. Create it yourself or pay someone else to create a branding package for you and then stay consistent with it in all of your marketing. Same colors, same fonts - everything.
I promise it isn't a dig at you or to make fun, a lot of people make that mistake. Your branding is a large part of your success in creating a name for yourself within your service area. Starting with your brand will help you develop a clear direction on what you want your message to be so you're not completely dependent on price alone to differentiate you from your competition.
You may have to be valpak-ish if you're just starting out, everyone here did the same thing until they could be a database and re-market to it and build up retention. Create your brand with 6 month, 1 year, 3 years, and 5 year goals in mind.