Whatever happened to these guys?


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
God forbid any O/O has any serious heath problems, it could be catastrophic.

Erik, that is not always the case.

19 years ago, I got rid of my contract (janitorial) cleaning side of the biz; and eleven staff & went solo in carpet cleaning.

18 years ago this coming January 26, I busted my leg and spent the next six months in hospital with complications.

After one week in hospital, they let me out, unaware of impending problems.

I got a young guy from another cleaner and had him working with me for one week, then I was back into hospital.

I would take phone bookings in bed and relay them to the worker.

All bills and other financials I was able to keep on top of.

I find great pleasure in working by & for myself without the other associated headaches that employees can give you.

It's all about what makes you and your family happy and organizing things along those lines.

We all have different ideas of how much money we need and what brings us true happiness.

Marty, I hope all goes well with your Wife.



No disrespect Art , different strokes. I'm not looking down on the one truckers, I think its a bad idea but it is the majority of this industry.

More power to you Art, if you guys can honestly look in the mirror and say you want to continue slinging a wand day in and day out into your late 50's and 60's out of necessity then go for it

And good for you, it's good exercise, pays extremely well and can be very low stress to be a one man show

I'd be fooling myself if after 30 years, I loved doing this 40 plus hours a week

I think everyone should have an exit plan, even if it doesn't happen As planned
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Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
Shorty, In no way am i saying you need to have a large company. For you older guys your financial situation is allot different than most young family's. I'm saying you need to work towards getting someone you can depend on to run the show. My girls are grown and almost done with collage, and I missed out on allot as they were growing up because I was so busy working. Thank god my wife was able to be there for them. We are far from a large company, but my life is at a good spot for me. I have no need to be rich. I enjoy the extra time with my family.

Marty, I really respect your standpoint as carpet cleaning is not your only bread and butter. I also hope all is well with your wife. Merry Christmas!
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I agree, lots of people retire with nothing to do.

Cleaning for a select group of clients, working as little or as much as you want would be a good part-time job.

Nothing I hope to be doing but who knows....it could be my back up plan if my gigolo plan doesn't work out. :eekk:

Marty your wife? Is she really sick or just sick of you? :p I genuinely hope she is fine.
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Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
That and we aint jus hired hands doing the work you think they're doing!

The Real O/O's attention to detail is unsurpassable to ANY hired hand.

Theres not a company out there that can afford our discretion period. The only reason franchisee's do it is because they have a pecker inflating line of Debt at the bank.

One problem I have with multi truck franchises since we are going there:

You guys Fook up the market pricing with your half assed bull shit cleaning attempts!

I follow your overpriced, mystery machine stickered ugly ass bright colored rigs like candy and steal your accounts. Pricks
Leave more fans, I like em : )


I believe growing beyond 1 truck provides far more options later on.

You can scale back and only work for your best customers and let attrition run its course as you get older as well

Or you can choose to only clean the jobs you want and let employees do the others .

Heck I'm turning 50 next year , no way I'm not taking at least 4 weeks off a year , long weekends and 5-6 hour work days whenever I want.

If I was working for someone else I would expect to have earned those privileges by now
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Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I do respect and see where you guys are coming from, on the other hand it can be very risky. I have had the flu for a week, not only would we have lost $6,000. in revenue, we could have lost an account. With most of our commercial accounts we have a very small window to get them done, in this case it is an $18,000 a year account. God forbid any O/O has any serious heath problems, it could be catastrophic.

I completely understand what you mean. Not once, but SEVERAL times over the years I have come down with the flu and had to clean through it. Not in anyones home, of course, but it hit me both times during the military move in and out season (June through July) when my realtors needed their rentals cleaned at a moments notice. Of course, most were accommodating and allowed me to delay the cleaning for a few days, but there were some who just couldn't wait. I have literally cleaned empty rentals while puking out the back door every few minutes.

NOT a fun way to run a business.
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That and we aint jus hired hands doing the work you think they're doing!

The Real O/O's attention to detail is unsurpassable to ANY hired hand.

Theres not a company out there that can afford our discretion period. The only reason franchisee's do it is because they have a pecker inflating line of Debt at the bank.

One problem I have with multi truck franchises since we are going there:

You guys Fook up the market pricing with your half assed bull shit cleaning attempts!

I follow your overpriced, mystery machine stickered ugly ass bright colored rigs like candy and steal your accounts. Pricks
Leave more fans, I like em : )

You related to Steve Dobson?
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Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Oh, and one more thing. It has never been my intention to stay a one truck wonder. I never planned on my son working for me ... robbing me of the ability of selling my business one day ... but I always planned to ramp things back up at some point and build something to sell. Provided I lived long enough.

My son deciding to come to work for me was not a huge negative for me. In fact, it is a huge POSITIVE ... for ME, but I really really wanted more for him in life. What child with any ounce of sense wants to sling pig slop all day? Since he is as stupid as his Dad, it is probably a good fit for the boy. His coming to work with me has forced me to make some business decisions that I would otherwise have allowed to sit on the back burner for another 5 year period.

But you know? I have always felt that God works things out for the best, if we allow Him to, and there is a reason my boy is with me at this moment. I hope this is NOT THE CASE, but if my wifes health continues to worsen, I may find myself in a situation that requires me to spend more time napping at home, instead of the office. So, I am teaching the boy how to do the production (and he is really good at it, and my old lady customers love him) and I can already depend on him to do much of what I do.

There's a reason for everything.

To answer your questions regarding my wife let me first say, she is a very private person. So, those of you who know her (there are a hand full here who do), please don't ask her about it. She had a heart attach last year. While the heart attack itself was not THAT big of a problem, the side effects of it have continued to worsen. She is at the point to where more surgery is pending. Along about the same time, she came down with a currently non-diagnosed colon disease which has made life hell for her. She is losing weight and has no energy. She is seeing a specialist who is well known and I think she will eventually improve, but there is some reason to believe, from what they are saying, that this is a condition that she will have to live with from now on.

She is scared to go anywhere by herself now, and that is sad. There was nothing she enjoyed more in life than to get away from me and spend time at the beach all by herself during the week and have me come down on weekends and do stuff she needed me to do for her .... so I could leave on Sunday and she could be alone the next week. All that has ended now.

My daughters are helping with that to some degree, especially my oldest who has my grandchildren. My youngest, who is still in college helps when she can. They both told me just last night that they plan on taking their Mom down to Gulf Shores for a month this spring ... with the grandchildren ... which they both are certain will cheer their Mom up.

I will for about two days ...


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
For the young guys... If you were to die, what would you family do?

not that i'm young but the misses would get a modest insurance settlement and be remarried in a few years. she has health issues but would be comfy enough. plenty of close family to help out in other areas for her. if we had kids i'd just raise the life insurance. and i'd probably have a real disability plan to.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Feel like i did my time pushing wands, portables and floor buffers around. Just have no interest anymore.

If you enjoy it on a day to day basis that's cool, do whatever makes you happy.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Had to work having the flu a few times and it builds character and will power.....................believe me.
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Supportive Member
Jan 29, 2012
East TN
C. Lee
Brother, that hurts. I dont care what Mr Personality says about ya. Your a heck of a Guy Sir!

Thank you for sharing such a tough and real story with us. Not very often, But on occasion and still am snottin all over from reading it.

I dunno if i can call ya names anymore man.

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