when is it time to fire a customer? [/h]when it's no longer profitable
I dont let too many accounts go but we where greatly surpassing the man hours on the origanal estimate.
there's the root of it, Jon
You under bid it and now you're seeking validation to drop it
I was scared to go back and request more money because I was affraid I would then be heald to an even higher more unreasonable standard
sac-up man
what's to be afraid of??
either you have what it takes to deal with difficult custys or you don't
pay attention to Gill..he's a rising start that "gets it" and will go as far as he chooses in this biz
and whatever Chavez says, tattoo it to your arm for future reference , cause he not only "gets it" like Gilly does, but he "got it" a long time ago .....and for the last 40 years has seen it, done it, been it, and
is "it" from the bottom of the rung to kickin' those cowboy boots up on top of the Head Honcho's desk ...of a multi-million dollar outfit