Jun 3, 2017 #1 Walrus Gumboot Member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 2,015 Location Athens, Ga Name Evets Looking at the Flir E8, but wondering if something less expensive would be okay. 10,000 pixels vs 77,000 (E8) is quite a difference in resolution. What do you use?
Looking at the Flir E8, but wondering if something less expensive would be okay. 10,000 pixels vs 77,000 (E8) is quite a difference in resolution. What do you use?
Jun 3, 2017 #2 Desk Jockey Member Joined Oct 9, 2006 Messages 64,833 Location A planet far far away Name Rico Suave E 4's upgraded to an E-8. We have (6) of them and they have performed very well for what they are used for. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-FLIR-E4...-240-Resolution-MSX-and-E8-Menu-/322236083621
E 4's upgraded to an E-8. We have (6) of them and they have performed very well for what they are used for. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-FLIR-E4...-240-Resolution-MSX-and-E8-Menu-/322236083621
Jun 3, 2017 #3 Walrus Gumboot Member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 2,015 Location Athens, Ga Name Evets Sold out! Just my luck.
Jun 3, 2017 #4 Desk Jockey Member Joined Oct 9, 2006 Messages 64,833 Location A planet far far away Name Rico Suave There are lots of them. If you can't find one by Monday let me know. Dan has the number of a seller that upgrades them.
There are lots of them. If you can't find one by Monday let me know. Dan has the number of a seller that upgrades them.
Jun 3, 2017 #5 Walrus Gumboot Member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 2,015 Location Athens, Ga Name Evets Okay. I didn't search for any others, thought this guy was the only one upgrading them. I'll check it out. Thanks, Richard.
Okay. I didn't search for any others, thought this guy was the only one upgrading them. I'll check it out. Thanks, Richard.
Jun 3, 2017 #6 Desk Jockey Member Joined Oct 9, 2006 Messages 64,833 Location A planet far far away Name Rico Suave Do a search. The only difference is software. The E4 camera is exactly the same as the E8 Once upgraded you get an E 8 for less than half price.
Do a search. The only difference is software. The E4 camera is exactly the same as the E8 Once upgraded you get an E 8 for less than half price.
Jun 27, 2017 #7 Walrus Gumboot Member Joined Jun 10, 2008 Messages 2,015 Location Athens, Ga Name Evets I got cold feet on buying the upgraded E4. Bought a brand new E8 on ebay for $2300. Saved about $900 (including tax) I'm shickled titless. Reactions: Desk Jockey
I got cold feet on buying the upgraded E4. Bought a brand new E8 on ebay for $2300. Saved about $900 (including tax) I'm shickled titless.
Jun 27, 2017 #8 Desk Jockey Member Joined Oct 9, 2006 Messages 64,833 Location A planet far far away Name Rico Suave Reactions: Walrus Gumboot