Victoria H
Hello All!
As most of you don't know me I would like to introduce myself to you and offer a bit of my background.
In May 2013 I entered the Carpet Cleaning Industry by joining John Geurkink at Trinity Renewal Systems as a bookkeeper/customer service representative. I realized very quickly that this was an industry I could truly love.
I attended several trade shows with TRS over the years and met so many of the industry greats. I attended my first Mikey's Fest cleaning in Las Vegas in 2019 and was instantly hooked!!!! I haven't missed a fest in 5 years.
In March 2022 Mike offered me a job as his bookkeeper for Greenglides and assisting him in making sure the Fest runs smoothly. Who would imagine that John Geurkinks CSR would be working for Mike!!!!
In August 2020 John sold TRS to Ted Borecki and it became TOPS where I continued to work until July 2023. Since leaving TOPS I've been able to dedicate my time to my own bookkeeping business and Greenglides/Mike's Fest full time.
As most of you don't know me I would like to introduce myself to you and offer a bit of my background.
In May 2013 I entered the Carpet Cleaning Industry by joining John Geurkink at Trinity Renewal Systems as a bookkeeper/customer service representative. I realized very quickly that this was an industry I could truly love.
I attended several trade shows with TRS over the years and met so many of the industry greats. I attended my first Mikey's Fest cleaning in Las Vegas in 2019 and was instantly hooked!!!! I haven't missed a fest in 5 years.
In March 2022 Mike offered me a job as his bookkeeper for Greenglides and assisting him in making sure the Fest runs smoothly. Who would imagine that John Geurkinks CSR would be working for Mike!!!!
In August 2020 John sold TRS to Ted Borecki and it became TOPS where I continued to work until July 2023. Since leaving TOPS I've been able to dedicate my time to my own bookkeeping business and Greenglides/Mike's Fest full time.