Why Does it Matter soooo much to you?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
James Cooper said:
nah , your good. I was just curious and you settled that . I learned something on what not to do and it seems you did too. Great idea with the network BTW.

Trust me...I've learned plenty...now if I can just learn from it. :wink:

I still think the Network is a good idea...like anything it needs work. Thanks

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni

a BD is ethical, I couldn't care less about their biz model

I don't GAS if they don't vac, pre-spray or grOOm
Matters not a wit to me if they clean ratholes for 6 cents a ft or Rancho El High Chaparrall Hacienda for 60 cents

and for all I care, they can clean it with a bucket and mop, a sac of rags or a fleet of V's



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I think people have a problem with you not being a brick and mortar carpet cleaning business. Personally I think most of what you spew is bullshit and wanna be businessman but I really don't care. I think claiming addresses that aren't yours hurts guys who actually have honest businesses in the area.

I do think it is ridiculous that you would send me on a wild goose chase for a fake job???????? I have no clue what that accomplishes, I did get to meet a nice family who was aware of who I am in the community and got to talk about a collapsed seawall that I am fighting to have rebuilt. So all is well that ends well.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
That job came in on an email. I have no way of knowing if it's fake or not. They filled out a form on my website.
Someone is screwing with me as much as anyone at that point.
I apologize if it didn't or doesn't work out. She hasn't emailed me back either.
Some people are just asses screwing with me.
I should have known, being it was in your exact city listed on your profile. Oh well.

Most O/O are not brick and mortar. Most run their companies out of their houses. Where do you run your company? Out of your home office or an office building?

Edit: By the way, please don't spread that around like I did it on purpose. I get jobs coming to me from all over and I send them out to carpet cleaners in that area. Did you really think that I sent you a fake job just to mess with you?


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I do have an office, a shop and garages(garages at 2 of my homes and one at the shop at a local oil company with rental space) going to have another location next year just down the road at South Shore dry dock

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
There's a difference in that analogy to what I'm talking about though.

Let's use the same idea:

You can get a McD's double cheeseburger for a buck. Cool.

You can get an Islands premium burger for $10. Cool.

But you're not going to be happy when you think you're going to get a $1 double cheeseburger, but they charge you $2 for catsup, $1.50 for mustard, pickles are premium add-on's at $4 and toasting the bun will run you $3. You now got a $1 burger but just paid $11.50....and likely weren't expectingit. What if stuff like that happened most of the time you ordered burgers?

Or if every time you bought burgers you got ill because it was improperly prepared?

Or if you thought you were buying 100% beef and found out they were slipping you turkey burgers instead?

Or they told you they made every patty fresh by hand in the back, from US, natural and organic raised beef raised on their family farm and you peeked in the back and saw a huge stack of frozen pattys from overseas?

You might stop eating out....for sure you would probably stop buying burgers, not thinking it's worth the risk and hassle of finding the good ones out there. You're not going to think to well of the guy who says he' got 20 years experience in the burger business...

That is the type of problems that plague our industry. That is why some people get upset when and get in somebody's business.

Take care,

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Right. But most companies just ask if you want fry's with that.
There is always an upsale but I agree some guys charge for every breath they take while in the house.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Don't get me wrong, I have no animosity towards you or dislike of you. You are a Caricature and you like to be one. I don't think you would knowingly send me a bad lead but to be honest I like to cultivate my own work or have it referred to me by people who have done work with the people. Brad Mastrangelo, Dave Pires and a few others have sent me some very good customers that they have worked with. I even got one from Greg Coles operation and it turned out to be a great one, 2 rooms restretched, 7 rooms, tile and grout and a pee'd oriental, one of the best referrals I have ever gotten on a residential.

That is why I don't buy into your system. My customers are already filtered through my website or referred.

Thank You for thinking of me,


What exactly can you do for a company that a well thought out fully optimized website cant do ? After all , If Mrs. P is looking for a local cleaner she isn't typing in a search for network, shes searching google for " her town carpet cleaning . "

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Brian R said:
It just seems like guys from across the country care way too much about how some other guy on the other side of the country runs his business. Is it an ethics thing...does the Rep of one effect us all?

I can see something like doing illegal stuff might get someone to say something but even then it's nunnyo bidness.

So why does it matter so much?
If the guy isn't going to prison the chances are he is doing nothing wrong.
When you get a crappy burger from McDonald's (which is what always happens) you don't have Red Robin out front with picket signs telling them to improve their burgers do you?

I like to fraternize with cleaners better than myself and I come to Mikey's Board to get the scoop on the "new and improved" but I'm not going to bash a guy for the "hack" status or whatever...unless he really wants my opinion...then I'm happy to help.

Again, why does it matter so much to you?

Is because your insecurities cause you to lash out at others instead of looking at yourself? Is it because you are ashamed of what you've done in life that screwing with others make you feel like a quicky hero?
Are you trying to become something you're not on a bulletin board that DGAS?

Again Again...Why does is matter sooooo much to you that other do things YOUR way?

This is a quirky industry. For a lot of us, this IS OUR industry. Its our livelihoods. And for a number of us we spend a LOT of time and effort correcting the misconceptions of the public. It's not necessarily the cleaners across the country, but the cleaner across town. Every city has the same cross-section of cleaners, from the bait'n switch splash and dash to the high quality high priced cleaner, from the big multi-truck to the owner-operator.
I know a carpet can be made to look clean by just spray and suck, I also know it can be made a lot cleaner with a few other steps. I don't think this industry will ever settle on ONE standard way of cleaning short of teaching the science and the basics. There is always going to be the dichotomy.

So why do we care? Pride in what we do. Usually the more thorough the cleaner the more they talk about how it "should" be done.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Greg Crowley said:
Don't get me wrong, I have no animosity towards you or dislike of you. You are a Caricature and you like to be one. I don't think you would knowingly send me a bad lead but to be honest I like to cultivate my own work or have it referred to me by people who have done work with the people. Brad Mastrangelo, Dave Pires and a few others have sent me some very good customers that they have worked with. I even got one from Greg Coles operation and it turned out to be a great one, 2 rooms restretched, 7 rooms, tile and grout and a pee'd oriental, one of the best referrals I have ever gotten on a residential.

That is why I don't buy into your system. My customers are already filtered through my website or referred.

Thank You for thinking of me,

No problem, I just didn't want you or anyone to think would send a bad lead on purpose.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I hear you Lisa and agree- I also think that had nothing to so with what Brian was talking about. I have not actually ever heard of companies doing what you said except on bb's and one time in a tv expose' so maybe it doesn't really happen all that much.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
James Cooper said:
What exactly can you do for a company that a well thought out fully optimized website cant do ? After all , If Mrs. P is looking for a local cleaner she isn't typing in a search for network, shes searching google for " her town carpet cleaning . "

A little more of the same and a little something different.
I just do the things some don't want to do or didn't think to do.

Along with membership...and free to anyone (just look at some of my posts) I will tell what I do to bring more customers to my site.
Most guys don't even have control of their own sites...they just stick and git.
I can't do anything for their website except give suggestions...I am no web designer...cut and paste for me.
But I do have a good eye for conversions IMO and I love that part of it.

It's a mix of yellow pages, networking, exclusivity and creativity all rolled into one.
A little bit of everything with a twist.

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