Win-Win? Or, Lose-Lose?

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
Working out of your house has to be a problem for some. The reason for this may be because we may have a tendency to remain in "our comfort zone" and perhaps even become comfortable &/or even lazy (couch; TV; Frig; etc...) rather than changing ones' environment into a "business mode".

But, can working at home be successful? I think it can ;however, one has to have a special trait and be very disciplined. Of course, having a designated office area; shut the door behind, and get busy. And, mentally separate oneself from private life and into a business mentality.

What do you think? What are the Pros and Cons as you see it?

Best to all;
Ed Valentine

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Ed I think it depends on size. If its just you and a couple of guys working out of your house keeps your overhead down and more in your pocket. Once you get to any size I don't think you'll want the troops parading through your home, that's when it becomes a negative.
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Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
It's not like this is a desk job. 99% of the time I am either driving or in a house working. The other 1% is split between administrative tasks and equipment repairs (mostly my taxes that I guess out the numbers in February and changing leaking quick connects on the Pro1200).If I had a bunch of Mojo-La-Gogos working for me then I would like a separate location and not have worker's cars and my trucks parked all over my property. I'm sure my neighbors and the city wouldn't like that either.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
timely topic.

my home is a zoo.

My wife has four employees for her day care, three of which drive their cars to work.
She has 12 to 14 kids a day being dropped off or picked up.

I have my two guys and their trucks.
Two cleaning trucks and two personal vehicles

I was visiting the neighbors ACROSS the street last week, checking out their new remodel when my wife's day care came up in the conversation..

"Your wife has a daycare?? We had no idea!"


I said you got to be kidding me, being school teachers I know you're not home in the early morning much but what in the hell did you think all those cars and people are doing over there?

" We just thought you had lots of friends and fmaily stopping by..."

I was blown away.

Like I said, house is a zoo. strangers walk right in all day long.

Even the 8 year old girl who walks our dogs comes on in unannounced.
A few sundays ago I was home alone watching TV and an feel some eyes on me, littel fooker came right in and snuck up on me to tell me her and her family are going to Prague for two weeks so I'll have to walk my own damn dog.

I suppose its the sign on the front door that reads, "please don't knock or ring the bell, baby's napping.."

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Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
Some great answers/replies above, Gentlemen. I started this thread because I thought it might be of benefit especially to the NewBee considering "either; or".

Btw, Mikey your carpets must be worn out!


Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
timely topic.

my home is a zoo.

My wife has four employees for her day care, three of which drive their cars to work.
She has 12 to 14 kids a day being dropped off or picked up.

I have my two guys and their trucks.
Two cleaning trucks and two personal vehicles

I was visiting the neighbors ACROSS the street last week, checking out their new remodel when My wife's day care came up in the conversation..

"Your wife has a daycare?? We had no idea!"


I said you got to be kidding me, being school teachers I know you're not home in the early morning much but what in the hell did you think all those cars and people are doing over there?

" We just thought you had lots of friends and fmaily stopping by..."

I was blown away.

Like I said, house is a zoo. strangers walk right in all day long.

Even the 8 year old girl who walks are dog comes on in unannounced.
A few sundays ago I was home alone watching TV and an feel some eyes on me, littel fooker came right in and snuck up on me to tell me her and her family are going to Prague for two weeks so I'll have to walk my own damn dog.

I suppose its the sign on the front door that reads, "please don't knock or ring the bell, baby's napping.."


Mikey's post is hilarious. His situation seems only a couple more steps toward crazy than our house. We have 2 boys, 12 and 3. No daycare. ..thank God. Since buying the Cleanco/Ford we are a 2 van operation. We live in a modest split foyer with a 2 car garage. I've acquired so many things this Summer like the Cimex and my 175. Also the extras that go along with VCT work. We are spilling out of our house. The neighbors are all cordial but I'm wondering how long it will last. The only things we are missing are a billboard and those huge inflatable things you see outside big car dealerships. Truth is, we will slow down considerably soon. But some big changes are coming. This is our biggest month ever and ill be ready to move the biz elsewhere next summer. Im still trying to decide whether to keep the biz at home or separate. Glad we're not alone in this circus.
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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
I have the office in my home, shop on property and I live on a lake. My one neighbor is a major junk collector that the county doesn't do anything about, even though years ago the neighbors tried to report them to the county and get them to clean it up. I am the buffer for my other neighbor. We have family working for us, so they are here a lot anyway. We keep our vans in the shop (which is heated for winter) and keep everything in the yard parked neatly and organized.

I do not have a problem separating work and home time (as I am accused of always being in work mode). My wife stays at home now to babysit the Grandson and answer phones when she can. There are 3 of us out on vans all day and rarely home, but their cars are parked also neatly in the drive. As to keep peace and be good stewards in the neighborhood, I plow my one neighbors (on the clean side) driveway in the winter, and assist others. We try to keep our business as low key as we can in our area so not to create problems. I have looked at buying a couple properties in town, but the taxes are ridiculous, and have looked at a couple others in the country. Once winter hits and things get slow, I am thankful we have not purchased something that costs us over $1000 a month just in taxes to have in town, and then the building mortgage and insurance and utilities....and blah, blah, blah. As I have mentioned in other posts, we will hopefully have everything paid for in the next 4 years and can prepare to pass the torch a bit more to our son in law.

Currently, we are looking for places in the country that our son in law and daughter will be able to update their home and operate the business out of in the future. Just came across another place last night on "Zillow" that is about 2 miles south of us that has heated shops already set up, looks like nice place and at a good price, but they sure can make a place look great in pictures until you arrive on site.

I think every area is different and every business model is different to be profitable in your area. We have currently found our niche, but we do not quite investigating how to be better.
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