So Warning or No warning?

May 12, 2007
Bay City, MI
One of the worst stories I've heard locally was from a guy who while working in the office, had the employee call in because there was a dispute over pricing as he was about the start a job. The boss was maybe in a bad mood or something and thought the employee should have been able to resolve the issue without having to call. So he tells the employee to bring the truck back and by the way you're fired. The employee tells the customer that because of the price dispute, the cleaning is now free. He takes the Hydroforce and sprays everything in the house. Walls, electronics, books, pictures, everything he can see. Puts down the sprayer and walks away, leaving the truck running. Over $10,000 damage.
That would sting just a little

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
An Update on the outcome:

The decision to let this employee go wasn't easy. She had been a valued employee who helped grow my business. But this year it seemed like she started to take her job for granted. Our employment agreement had grown to be a finacial drain due to new goverment regulations and her periodic pay increases.

Everyone gave great advise.. which I ignored-- haha.. do not do what I did and follow the advise given by those who contributed to this topic.

I offered her a new agreement and gave her 5 days to respond--
She decided it was best that she leave the company. So I out sourced her job to Super Agents by ServiceMonster.

About 3 weeks before she was let go I suspended her for a week for turning off her phone during business hours. I had already hired Super Agents the month before to help with the call volume. During her week of suspension I had hired Super Agents by Service Monster to take all the calls.

Super Agents made many mistakes, but this is totally understandable because there will always be a learning curve when something new is implimented. I was Very pleased with Super Agents high booking rate of 67% on their 1st day On that 1 day I received a 133% ROI for the entire month investment with Super Agents.
Super Agents also seem able and willing to learn from any "Training opportunities" that may arise.


Mar 16, 2009
Bellingham, WA
Joe Kowalski
An Update on the outcome:

The decision to let this employee go wasn't easy. She had been a valued employee who helped grow my business. But this year it seemed like she started to take her job for granted. Our employment agreement had grown to be a finacial drain due to new goverment regulations and her periodic pay increases.

Everyone gave great advise.. which I ignored-- haha.. do not do what I did and follow the advise given by those who contributed to this topic.

I offered her a new agreement and gave her 5 days to respond--
She decided it was best that she leave the company. So I out sourced her job to Super Agents by ServiceMonster.

About 3 weeks before she was let go I suspended her for a week for turning off her phone during business hours. I had already hired Super Agents the month before to help with the call volume. During her week of suspension I had hired Super Agents by Service Monster to take all the calls.

Super Agents made many mistakes, but this is totally understandable because there will always be a learning curve when something new is implimented. I was Very pleased with Super Agents high booking rate of 67% on their 1st day On that 1 day I received a 133% ROI for the entire month investment with Super Agents.
Super Agents also seem able and willing to learn from any "Training opportunities" that may arise.

That's great to hear!! Well, about Super Agents anyway. :)


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
Well...I think it's time to pull the trigger on Super Agents for us as well. I have been toying with the idea, but now that the latest hire didn't work out, I think it's the way to go.

I have other office duties I need covered and was hoping for a part time person to do the phones, booking, and other admin tasks. New girl was to start before Xmas and she asked to push it back to after new year since her kids were out of school. Not a problem. Emailed and texted her to nail down the day she wanted to start this week and no reply. Finally heard back from her last evening...apologizing that she "forgot" to let me know she decided not to take the position. She needs full time work and if she works for us part time, then it reduces her unemployment benefits. She'd rather collect and look for full time work. She said she'd be loosing money if she took part time work.

So back to square one....and to get my application in to SM for Super Agents.
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Mar 16, 2009
Bellingham, WA
Joe Kowalski
We're opening up applications to onboard six new clients. We will be running a social media campaign through the week. We plan to have it up later today. This is an early invitation to Mikey's board people.

If you would like to be considered for the ServiceMonster super agent program, send an email to This service is only available to ServiceMonster users.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Well...I think it's time to pull the trigger on Super Agents for us as well. I have been toying with the idea, but now that the latest hire didn't work out, I think it's the way to go.

I have other office duties I need covered and was hoping for a part time person to do the phones, booking, and other admin tasks. New girl was to start before Xmas and she asked to push it back to after new year since her kids were out of school. Not a problem. Emailed and texted her to nail down the day she wanted to start this week and no reply. Finally heard back from her last evening...apologizing that she "forgot" to let me know she decided not to take the position. She needs full time work and if she works for us part time, then it reduces her unemployment benefits. She'd rather collect and look for full time work. She said she'd be loosing money if she took part time work.

So back to square one....and to get my application in to SM for Super Agents.

Is John making you come along to pre vacuum or are you going to be a full time FPA horn tooter?

CPS Dave

Dec 10, 2016
Rochester, NY
David Belliveau
Some great insight, great for small business. Corporate world is a little different. One of the many reasons I started both of my businesses.


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
Is John making you come along to pre vacuum or are you going to be a full time FPA horn tooter?

I won't be on the truck. We are actually working toward getting John off the truck. He wants to focus on marketing/sales and doing FPA applications and Color Repair work. I would like to get back in to a BNI group and have plans to be doing marketing and sales for FPA and attending events where I can network. It won't be full time, but it will take me out of office and away from the phones. I don't want to miss calls/jobs. I also help out at the kids school and just want the flexibility of being able to do what I need, when I need and know our clients are still getting a live person.

May see if I can find a high school intern to help out 3 days a week or so after school doing the filing, making work folders, labeling spot cleaners, thank you cards etc. I had one a few years ago and it worked out well. Cheap, and had to write her a letter for college.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

So who/what beside Super Brian do you have now?

Brian is a handsome devil but is he old enough to charm $700 an hour out of housewives?

I imagine you pay him well. Can you afford another until the FPA and color work gets super steady?


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA

So who/what beside Super Brian do you have now?

Brian is a handsome devil but is he old enough to charm $700 an hour out of housewives?

I imagine you pay him well. Can you afford another until the FPA and color work gets super steady?

We have had two part time guys in the wings. Brian's brother, worked with us last summer. Good kid, but young and needs some years under his belt. He'll be graduating from high school this June and is not college or other type of trade school bound.

Brain can upsell better than John in many cases. He's in his 30's so not that young. And the housewives go ga ga over him more than John these days. But put the two of them together and no housewife can resist. They are the steak and sizzle!

We have another guy, Steve. He's been part time, but wants full time. so he's ready to take over ASAP. Really nice guy and we've gotten lots of good feedback from our customers about him. Again, will need additionaly trianing, but he has the customer service part down and that is what really matters to us. He's proven to charm the housewives as well....and the gentlemen of the households! Now all our bases are covered.

We have mapped out our plan to make this happen and can support two techs while John and I are working on growing the other areas. As you know with FPA, a job or two a week for us would be enough to have us cover the payroll for the assistant tech. Once we really hit the marketing, we really only need to get one or two designers or rug shops to use us consistently and a job or two a week is very attainable. Since John has been the "lead" more or less, even though Brian has the skills and does very well when on his own or with an assistant, we will also be giving him an increase to take over all the operations stuff and run the show.

I think she only knows how to boil sourkraut.
So you saw my pork and saurkraut psot for New Years dinner. I guess you missed the standing prime rib roast I did for Christmas. Love being in the kitchen as well as behind the desk.
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