Way to go Sapphire!

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Not sure how you missed it Fred, but no witch hunt from me. I asked for clarification on something that did not sit well with me from my 32 years of exsperiences. Many times I have put my foot in my mouth here and on other boards and if that is the case then hopefully Hank will pull his out and acknowledge that and if it isn't the case then he can clarify the vague, and to me universally insulting, statement. In case you did miss it Fred here is the comment I am questioning in Hank's post.

Some manufacturers don't care that much for our industry and, some care even less, as long as you buy their products. But, Sapphire and Dri-Eaz do not have a "give me your money and go away" mentality."


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
You are questioning a sentence. One that was prefaced with context.

and I will say given my recent experience one I 100% agree with........

maybe he should not have said it...but it doesn't make it any less true
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
That is up to him to decide whether or not he should have said it- like I keep saying I don't know him so I trust that he has integrity in meaning what he says. If so maybe he will answer instead of you making assumptions for him or me and if he stands behind it cool, if not and says he believes he misspoke that is cool too. I re-read and didn't think the context added anything Fred.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
I'm not making assumptions for either of you. I'm stating my understanding of his post and my perception of those that came after.........


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
not really.........and again that is my perception

The only thing I can think is that you are just extremely sensitive..cause your reasoning seems a stretch to me...I don't think there is an agenda behind it or anything but I really don't understand it

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
So I'm clear- a person makes negative comments about competitors (unnamed), i question him with no shaming or insults to him and you believe I am on a witch hunt?

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Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
no..not really

..you just opened the door......and the witch-hunt comment wasn't only directed at you.

Again, I do not have a problem with his statement and I really don't understand yours. I mean I know you find it "vague, and to me universally insulting" and you don't find it to be your experience.......but I think you are really reaching on the former and I'm not sure what your personal experience has to do with his statement.

Its nice you gave him options on how he could go about correcting this horrific offense though...some would probably tell you to pound sand.......but he won't I'm sure :winky:

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Okay u believe i am on a witch hunt,that is cool. I believe this man made comments that would be universally offensive to his competitors. You call it a witch hunt, I call it calling someone out on something.

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Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
I to have to agree with Ken...(Mikey will call me a ss hater again) but im not, Brian and Rick seem like good guys
when i was having problems with my ss370 Mr Kline did call me on a saturday to say sorry about the problems etc, and CMS will do everything to get your unit running perfect etc. and can we send you a few cases of chems (which i declined)
To my mind for all the bs problems i was having on that lemon. Mr Kline should have said "bring it back we,ll replace it". The ss370 model on sale now is very different to to one i got

When i got my first Judson heat exchange unit (Reactor) Les would not even sell it to me untill i had tested it for a year to make sure there was no problems with it . 4 years later and still no problems

Right now im testing the Mytee Trex and every time i talk to John all he wants to know is. How close to perfect is the T REX for the end user, what changes if any do they need to make ,...US THE RUG SUCKERS is what he cares about
Lisa Wagner- some love her , some dont, she dont make anything, But she did help me make a bucket full of money without drinking a big bucket of koolaid
13 years ago when i needed help Daune Oxley and even freeflow reached out to try help me out.

I dont know who Mr Hank is pointing the finger at
but Sapphire aint god reborn and come back to save us bdcc,ers , dumping distributors because they dont tow the party line or because they are to close comp to a bff of Mr Kline aint very Godley
We all have our sins, it aint a witch hunt but call a spade a spade.
Or maybe Uncle Hank was talking about his old company prochem..1/2 of which are now ss, and prochem is now in the khacher family (damm Germans)taking all our money. Maybe hydramaster..but they have 1000,s of cds,s on the rd and other units.
Maybe it was just a turn of phrase and he ment nothing by it

After all Ken was just asking


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
. I dont know who Mr Hank is pointing the finger at
but Sapphire aint god reborn and come back to save us bdcc,ers , dumping distributors because they dont tow the party line or because they are to close comp to a bff of Mr Kline aint very Godley
We all have our sins, it aint a witch hunt but call a spade a spade.
Or maybe Uncle Hank was talking about his old company prochem..1/2 of which are now ss, and prochem is now in the khacher family (damm Germans)taking all our money. Maybe hydramaster..but they have 1000,s of cds,s on the rd and other units.
Maybe it was just a turn of phrase and he ment nothing by it
After all Ken was just asking

no..not really

..you just opened the door......and the witch-hunt comment wasn't only directed at you.

Oh, Uncle Hank knew exactly what he was doing.

And we did not need uncle Ken to open the door. Hank did fine job on his own.

Fred's innocence, though, is a refreshing surprise. Who could have guessed?
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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I do not have a problem with his statement

I don't either

and I really don't understand yours.

I'm surprised , cause i thought your instincts were almost as good as mine .
But no matter, let me have a whack it

"Some manufacturers don't care that much for our industry and, some care even less, as long as you buy their products. But, Sapphire and Dri-Eaz do not have a "give me your money and go away" mentality."

Hank is implying that "some" manufactures are stupid as hell.
Must be multiple "some's" he's referring to too....cause "some" don't like our industry and "some more" care even less

lets apply the "does it make sense" rule , here.
what company in biz for profit doesn't want us to continually buy from them?
Who in the industry looking to remain profitable/viable is stupid enough to have a "give me your money andgo away" mentality??
Prochem? Hydramaster? Masterblend? Butler? Who??

White Tragic, Blueline, Steamway and Poweclean are all gone ...not too many left 'cept for the small independents

I just wish Hank would have the balls to be specific and not make broad accusations that leave the reader to guess who "somes" are..
Cause the "somes" are a pretty small group


peee-ess...It's makes more sense to me now that I know Hank's background ...he's a "marketing guy"
Perhaps he's one of the Joey PolishhED camp of marketers
Tell 'em why you're great AND imply everyone else sUckz ...


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I just wish Hank would have the balls to be specific and not make broad accusations that leave the reader to guess who "somes" are..
Cause the "somes" are a pretty small group


and once a name was dropped he would be lynched for that even worse..............
damned if you do and damned if you don't.....

is he wrong...??....the statement said some.....not all....and it is very true...there are some out there like that...think about all the years you have been on the boards and have heard that almost exact same statement from another cleaner........I've dealt with them...I am sure you have and for any that have not....sooner or later you will...just the way it is....
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Help me/us out here Jim- who are these evil ones? This way we can avoid them. Isn't that what the boards are for to help each other out? It sounds like there are a lot with the some and some comment.

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Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Help me/us out here Jim- who are these evil ones? This way we can avoid them. Isn't that what the boards are for to help each other out? It sounds like there are a lot with the some and some comment.

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I can only speak from my own experiences....sure I can toss out a few names on things that I think were wrong...but that's a entire different argument...and a argument is all it would turn into....because there is always 2 side to every story....but no matter what is said by me...there is a huge difference between a BDCC making a statement....then someone who represents another manufacturing company saying the same thing.......
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
..there is a huge difference between a BDCC making a statement....then someone who represents another manufacturing company saying the same thing.......

Yes indeed.
And those who've been here a while and have a common sense, also know which BDCC carpet cleaner to listen to and who to dismiss.

Any badmouthing coming from one manufacturer about another (vague or specific) comes out as self serving.

And guessing about whom the gripe from Sapphire is directed at, should not be excruciatingly difficult.
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I am clueless to the politics of the industry Ofer so if there is an agenda for some Manufacturers other than to make money it is lost on me. I am really hoping Hank will check in tomorrow and say he misspoke and be done with it. I don't want to lynch the man or say anything more about it if he does that, or if he stands by his comments then hopefully he will elaborate.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

When you start running a 30 hour a week true non profit then I'll listen to your whining.

Until then I'll chock it up to jealousy or Skype spite..


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I am clueless to the politics of the industry Ofer so if there is an agenda for some Manufacturers other than to make money it is lost on me. I am really hoping Hank will check in tomorrow and say he misspoke and be done with it. I don't want to lynch the man or say anything more about it if he does that, or if he stands by his comments then hopefully he will elaborate.

You're right, it would be speculating on my side.
Feb 21, 2008
Poway, Ca
John LaBarbera
No way he can ignore me forever.

I even got that Mytee guy to cuss me once.

What do you mean you got the Mytee guy to cuss? When? Post the quote. I think all that pork is causing you tricanoisis of the memory. Seriously, I would like to meet you in person sometime, I think you have a good sense of humor along with all that vinegar. But that will probably never happen because you'll never leave Arkansas and I'm not likely to go unless there is a trade show for carpet cleaning equipment there.lol

And for the record, I'm only here on Mikey's Board as a manufacturer because..............oh never mind!

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
I'm happy that Hank is excited and proud to be part of the team at Legend Brands as I'm sure everyone else on this board expects their associates/employee's/folks to be of their business. But for the record he won't be drawn any further into defending his statement, which is based on his experience and beliefs. After reading some of the criticism I thought I'd take a quick look at a couple of folks websites and see what they might say about their company/competitors/services and found these comments which tend to suggest that these companies are much better than the others offering the same services.

So why should I choose Hagopian over all those other cleaning companies?
For almost 70 years we have been perfecting the art of cleaning; longer than any other company in Michigan. Our specialists have been with us an average of over 10 years, an unheard of length of time in the cleaning industry.
We have gained national recognition for out leadership, integrity and expertise from our peers. Many cleaners throughtout Michigan use us to help resolve their problems, and we receive rugs to clean or repair almost daily from customers all over the United States.
No one has the commitment of people or the investment of equipment that we have!

Expert Clean & Green is one of the only 5% of companies in the U.S; who are certified by the prestigious IICRC (Institute for Cleaning and Restoration Certification.) It means that we have invested hundreds of hours in classes and successfully passed the rigorous tests required to qualify for the Master Carpet and Textile Cleaner certification. “DuPont”, “Shaw Industries” and other carpet manufacturers recommend that only these certified firms clean their carpets.

I am a little worried about who I am letting into my home.
You are right to be concerned about who comes into your home. And just like you, we’ve heard some pretty scary stories. Expert Clean & Green is an owner operated company. Only the owner will work for you and we can provide you with excellent references.

Now before I get jumped I acknowledge these statements are not word for word the same as Hanks but I bet the Leaders of both of these companies stand behind them without having to prove them to anyone so all I'm asking for is the same for Hank.

Oh and by the way great SALES pitches guys :clap:
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
I am clueless to the politics of the industry Ofer so if there is an agenda for some Manufacturers other than to make money it is lost on me. I am really hoping Hank will check in tomorrow and say he misspoke and be done with it. I don't want to lynch the man or say anything more about it if he does that, or if he stands by his comments then hopefully he will elaborate.
The agenda of all manufactures is to make money and i do not think that this is in question.However i beleive what is in question is the (hidden attitude) that manufacturers have towards the development of their products and the people they deal with. Sincere and careing or not ? I have always said that "You Can Judge By Actions And Not By Words".Actions are the truth.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Some manufacturers don't care that much for our industry and, some care even less, as long as you buy their products. But, Sapphire and Dri-Eaz do not have a "give me your money and go away" mentality.

Merely a "TRUE" statement, in the spirit of Marketing and PR.......which is the point of him being here.
Some may be reading into this "pitch line" a little too literally, and subjectively.

Shouldn't marketing yourself or your company be "self serving" after all??


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Of course it should and is Frank. In my opinion the statements added nothing to the story except to make me feel icky after reading it. It wasn't an ad in a trade pub or narrative on a website. I will stop replying now as it seems obvious that I have crossed some MB (or is this *** now) line.


Ken, boy did your observation ( which I happen to agree with ) get blown out of proportion...Butler comes to mind when I think of a professional industry leader.... They NEvER bad mouth the competition . ..I saw your statement as merely a question and before it was even answered, got labeled as an attack on SSThis thread started with the idea that Saphire is smart to have a vocal presence on the InternetI disagree... I beleive it will only lead to a stream of "Romney moments" where printed statements are twisted, taken out of context and used against themPretty well illustrated in this thread... Simple question, followed by a lynch mob and then the President of the company placing a gag order on his representativeCompany's agree going to have to hire PR Internet professionals to only type company approved sound bytes that are vague and neutral Or they will stay the hell away from the boards if they are smart
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Of course it should and is Frank. In my opinion the statements added nothing to the story except to make me feel icky after reading it. It wasn't an ad in a trade pub or narrative on a website. I will stop replying now as it seems obvious that I have crossed some MB (or is this *** now) line.
Ya isnt it funny how some people will use politcal correctness only when it serves them.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
and once a name was dropped he would be lynched for that even worse..............
damned if you do and damned if you don't.....

so why not name names?

I don't have a problem with his comment
Like I said, I just wish he had the balls to call out the "somes" by name .
This industry is pretty small when considering manufactures (we're only talking a hand full of big players) compared to all the BD's slinging a wand that bang on Stanley StEEmer or the bait'n switch outfits or Cole's biz model

he needs to take a lesson from Bruders ...who has the testicular fortitude to throw a jab directly at a target .
matters not whether I agree or disagree with him, I can still respect a man like that


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