I have a dream....



Is there a train station or neighboring business close by that you could lease the 90 or so parking spaces that you won't need but will be paying RE taxes on ?

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
When you are standing in front of it...it does not look as big as the picture from above. And the building looks bigger


Using the 10parking spaces in front of the building as a gauge, I'd say the building is about 3000-3500 sq ft with approx 110 parking spaces
Sep 7, 2008
Fred Boyle said:
Using the 10parking spaces in front of the building as a gauge, I'd say the building is about 3000-3500 sq ft with approx 110 parking spaces

The lot alone has to be worth 500k.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
There are a few other locations that I have looked at. But for some reason I always come back to this one........

Don't know why......
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
I just looked closer at the pic and found it. Very good local site. How many potential customers within an hour drive of Tucson? Few big distributors have anything as nice.

No mfg in today's economy will floor-plan machines without a substantial outlay of cash. Most of them are running "hand to mouth" it appears from their delivery lead times and desperate tactics to grab a piece of the shrunken pie.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2011
I would be sorely tempted to go to your store as opposed to those here in Tempe/Phoenix/Mesa.

Took my 421 in a couple of weeks ago and had a local dealer change the blower oil in my 421 as they were doing this they told me how they rarely work on Hydramasters.

Went to TSI a couple of weeks later had them change my pump belt. And that is when they told me that they filled up my front blower reservoir as it was dry.
Other dealer hadnt even looked at the front reservoir. I watched the first dealer change my oil cuz it's normally something I would do myself. (I just bought this used 421) and they only drained the rear. I learned something new. I thought the front and rear oil reservoirs were connected on a tuthill blower.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
kingjoelking said:
I would be sorely tempted to go to your store as opposed to those here in Tempe/Phoenix/Mesa.

Took my 421 in a couple of weeks ago and had a local dealer change the blower oil in my 421 as they were doing this they told me how they rarely work on Hydramasters.

Went to TSI a couple of weeks later had them change my pump belt. And that is when they told me that they filled up my front blower reservoir as it was dry.
Other dealer hadnt even looked at the front reservoir. I watched the first dealer change my oil cuz it's normally something I would do myself. (I just bought this used 421) and they only drained the rear. I learned something new. I thought the front and rear oil reservoirs were connected on a tuthill blower.

Did they say anything about the "missing" grease fittings? arghh!!

The two gearbox drains could be easily joined.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Jim, I guess time will tell.
In the meantime, and to celebrate the coming Superbowl, and practice your future blind trust and excellent team work.
Why don't you practice kicking the football, like the picture above, off what could have been Larry's head.
Surely, it may cement your relationship :p


Supportive Member
Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
If it feels right go for it. You have the knowledge and the time maybe could not be better.

Low real estate values
suppliers willing to work with you
ability to rebuild equipment
would love building tripped out custom units

If you believe in it... Do not stand still go for it!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
What are they wanting for it? Lease or purchase?

Several hurdles for sure even after you aquire the property. You'll need sales staff, mechanic, receiving & shipping and inventory.

That's a lot to swing but the property looks great for it a distributorship. You'd certainly draw in the repair business, might need a couple of mechanic's.

Is it large enough to lease or sub lease some space to off set some overhead?

Is it worth the risk to you? I'd be a little inclined to Fred's "Roulette Wheel" being a better shot at putting money in your pocket.

The other thing is do you have the heart to charge "Full Margin" to carpet cleaners that real distributors need to to get by?


If you think there is a market for what you're thinking and you have a burning desire to do it then go for it

It would make far more financial sense to start with a much smaller place in a low rent area like Becker suggested

As for that lot and location, Its a Used Car Dealer footprint and nothing else without building expansion... probably the main reason its been vacant for a couple years

Its heavy on parking and light on building... unless you're gonna host Tent sales and customer appreciation days EVERY DAY then its a completely backwards set up

Its built to showcase a large inventory of autos to many passers-by

I can't think of a single carpet cleaning distributor that would get wood over a piece of real estate like that

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
warehouse space would be a challenge
parking area could be used as suggested, daily or monthy, a supplemental income. Just need to leave enough room for trucks to get in and out.

If you have the dream, the knowledge and the resources, many have started with less and made a success.

With such a visible corner, you could give free marketing to your customers. Have a sign that says something like "the cleaners you see here you can trust"
You'd have lots of cleaners stopping by all the time. Something to tweak.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I have not even check on the building....but I have tossed this idea around for the last 4 years....
when this building became empty...thats when the gears really started grinding...

I know it is time for me to do something else......weather or not I will sell my company...I have not really decided yet....

I know my neck ( not my back )..is not going to handle to much more of this...

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
It makes sense, you know cleaning, you know machines and are great at trouble shooting and repairs. With your wife you make a great team, she works the office and you the sales and over see repairs. You would need to hire a mechanic that could operate under your direction and part-time receiving & shipping. You don't have to own the building or even have the perfect site to begin with. You have the value in your knowledge.

Find somewhere with a central location near a freeway on main highway, build it slow and let it grow, so you don't end up in over your head.

The real challege would be how to manage the MB guys wanting free trouble shooting and eating up your 800 line & your time. :shock:

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Even though it might not be as enjoyable a living, I would suggest it would be financially a lot safer for you to build your company into a multi-truck operation in these economic times. This would allow you to stay off the truck and still grow your net worth.

The average independent distributor is having a super tough time these days. Even with incentives from manufacturers who might have an "extraordinary interest" in flooring you equipment, when the P&L gets printed and you read it, the pit in your stomach will have a far worse effect on your life than any pain in the neck you may have felt.

Regardless of what might appear to be good timing and an opportunity this has to be one of the worst times ever to be in the distribution and manufacturing business.

I truly wish you luck if you go ahead, and realize its not you that I lack the confidence in, its everything else.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
when the P&L gets printed and you read it, the pit in your stomach will have a far worse effect on your life than any pain in the neck you may have felt.
I think that is very, very true Bob.

However we as cleaners still need cleaning solutions, equipment and especially repairs to our equipment.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I don't think he'd have a problem finding employees, everyone here would love to work for him. The hard part is a lot of working capital and yes, big lot, compared to building size.

I do think he would miss the simpler life of cleaning quickly as well. Although a multi-truck operation is no walk in the park either.

Take care,


Apr 14, 2011
Santa Fe
Will Rogers quotes:

1. Buy land. They ain't making any more of the stuff.

2. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.

3. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.



Like Bob suggested, why not grow your cleaning operation with a second truck and employees before you embark on leveraging your entire net worth ( which any financial institution will definately require ) on a complete roll of the dice

Is this a mikeysboard prank?

Cuz I'm having a hard time believing a guy that runs his cleaning operation as a lone wolf and doesn't see the immediate financial pay-off of a $10-12 helper, would want to manage something of this scale

you think you have pains in your neck now ? :shock:

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Fred Boyle said:
Like Bob suggested, why not grow your cleaning operation with a second truck and employees before you embark on leveraging your entire net worth ( which any financial institution will definately require ) on a complete roll of the dice

Is this a mikeysboard prank?

Cuz I'm having a hard time believing a guy that runs his cleaning operation as a lone wolf and doesn't see the immediate financial pay-off of a $10-12 helper, would want to manage something of this scale

you think you have pains in your neck now ? :shock:

I have/had a helper...a very good one...he decided to go back to school...I am happy for the guy...he has a good head on his shoulders and will go far...so I fully understand the value of a good employee/helper......

have you ever know me to pull a prank...???
Sep 7, 2008
Yea I know what you mean by having a good helper.

First job of the day was empty house but close to 2k sq ft of carpet. I priced it by the job 250. If I was by myself I would have been ready to call it quits after the job, but we dual wanded and I sold the tile cleaning 655 sq ft at 50 cents for 327 and did the whole job tile and carpet in 2.5 hours for 577 and going back to color seal for just under 500. A good helper will make your day easier and way more profitable.

With that said I have no clue why you would want to become a distributor. Like you said it's just a dream. You probably wouldn't see a dime of profit for three years and your real earnings would be equity in the building and business. If I were you I would be trying to hit a thousand a day four to five days per week 52 weeks out of the year with one good truck and one full time helper and maybe a second on a very part time basis. That's why I want a bigger truck and machine. More performance and space means more money to me. I did clean my truck and now have all my essential tools in except stretcher. I decided to just sub that crap work out. My truck is small but I am ready for anything (wood, tile, carpet, encap, rugs or whatever) that will add more to the invoice without going back or rescheduling.


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
Fred Boyle said:
............................ before you embark on leveraging your entire net worth ( which any financial institution will definately require ) on a complete roll of the dice

I'm all for grabbing something by the balls, but that has also gotten me in a lot of trouble before, and you would have to plan for it's possible failure, in as much detail as the acquisition and execution, and make sure you would come out alive, intact, and with your shorts on, if all goes south.
Don't forget to think "Exit Strategy".
Oct 2, 2007
Rochester NY
R.J. Povio
Jim that all seems nice....I've thought about that too. It would cost a fortune for that place. The property and school taxes alone for a lot that size would be expensive. It would take alot of sales to make money after all your expenses. You should actually team up with a Ford or Chevy or a used commercial van/truck outlet Dealership to help pay the NUT on that business. That will bring more traffic for carpet cleaning and the carpet cleaning custys and commercial vehicles go hand in hand. You would almost definitely need to offer janitorial supplies. I would also get into power washing supplies and equipment, window cleaning....basically anything cleaning. You would definitely have the room. I would try to become a "satellite" store for a big distributor. You could try it on your own and see how it works. The biggest thing would be to have a nice inventory of replacement parts for these truckmounts. Belts, hoses, engine parts, seal kits etc. You may even want a small engine mechanic on site for the engine repairs on the slide in TMs. You would want to try your best to be a true one stop shop for people in the cleaning industry. Good luck! I hope this works out for you.
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