
Feb 2, 2007
He exaggerates the risk for sure, but to say that the video is "all lies" is totally delusional. Over the last 20 years I have seen all the problems he mentions. Does that mean that all steam cleaners are running around constantly creating these issues, of course not.

This is always a real volatile, anger creating issue for some steam cleaners because plenty of VLM guys enjoy profit margins that are double that of the average steam cleaner, that's the real issue. Tons of expensive truck mounts have been reposed over the last three years (just call a few leasing companies for a list of inventory) I seldom see a VLM guy fail. It's much easier to run a low overhead business during the worst recession since the depression.

Gas is headed to the $5.00 range and may hit $7.00 before the end of summer according to many analysts. I pray they are wrong, but if this occurs you will see tons of high-end truck mounts reposed as steam cleaners fail all over the nation. You will see many distributors close up as well. Sure gas is only one cost of running your business, but the market for our services will shrink greatly WHILE COSTS GO THROUGH THE ROOF. A VLM guy can operate out of a mini-van , small SUV or hatch back and have his entire equipment package paid for in one good week of cleaning.

This industry is changing whether we like it or not. There are lots of ways to clean a carpet, do a great job and satisfy the customer. Gas prices will only accelerate the pace of change.

Mark my words if gas hits $7.00 and stays there 3-4 months as some are predicting, 40% of the steam cleaning based businesses represented on this board will fail (not 40% of regular posters but of all registered users). Connections West will have record low turn out for sure, that's why they are discussing a virtual trade show.

The silver lining is the survivors will have an opportunity to pick up some great deals. I already have bought tons of new equipment for 30-40 cents on the dollar. Literally brand new, never used equipment that guys are unloading.

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