Sorry after I prevacced,
I scrubbed with a red pad. I was gonna scrub with a green pad, but that stupid huge fan above that kept blowing down on the carpet was making my pre spray dry to soon, and I was worried that the green pad would overheat. In other words, the air movement in there was fighting me. There were a few places I couldn't let it dwell long enough, worried that it would dry before I HWE
On the first pic, it's after I HWE and spots were wicking like hell right after. So I went back and did just wet back passes and dry passes, then I went over it with my Green/white bonnet with some encap juice.
So the first and second pic was during the cleaning and after it was done on one side, and the 3rd and 4th is the same way on the other side
After I was done with the whole side, I Encapped the whole area, and it didn't look much better. If they're unhappy with it, I'll either rent a Cimex or...I'll let you guys tell me which route to take.
On the second side, I did the same thing, only I didn't do any post bonnneting, because of the results from the first side.
When I got to the door on the second side, I was so tired and wore out and the dirt was not coming out. So I cranked up my psi to 750 and it blew the mud out. I probably looks like sh** right now after It dried, but I was so pissed and tired I didn't care. I was gonna look like sh** if I didn't crank up the psi, so what's the difference.
It took a lot longer than I wanted, because I couldn't get my Mach15 to get a good connection, so I had to use my little
prochem quad, which took ALOT longer to do

I planned on this job taking 4hrs, so I priced it at $400.
It took me 6hrs, and more energy than I wanted. I HATE UNDERPRICING JOBS!!!!
I felt like an 18year old kid who had a crappy boss sending him on late night jobs like this, only getting paid $8/hr (my job when I worked for someone else in '98)
But the last few photos are of how it looked after everything was exhausted.