Matt, I'm not trying to be insulting here but if you have done much commercial, one, you wouldn't have started this thread and two, you'd already own a Cimex or OP unit by now..
I've done a high number of commercial jobs. My inexperience is on maintaining it...or selling the maintenance plan. The only calls I get on commercial is about once every 1 1/2 years to 2 years, when it's heavily soiled. I try and try to advise my customers to do it more periodically and I never get a bite. The only commercial I do several times is a restaurant every 2months. All the other office complexes and factories is that long time span.
So to answer your post, that's why I never invested in a cimdx or got a box of OP pads. It was always too far gone and needed flushed out. And yes, I follow up a day and week later to check on any wicking.
I know I'm new here, but I'm very knowledgeable on HWE commercial the right way. Yes it's very inneficiant to fully depend on HWE, but the one thing that always causes wicking and browning is moving that wand too fast and not doing enough dry passes.
Sorry for jibberjabbering on it, I just felt it was needed to explain the reason for my process that I plan on doing this wednesday