Who here is a customer of Bonnet Pro???


Oct 7, 2006
Scott Rogers said:
Harry, I am I mistaken that you and Mike also had extended a similar opportunity to Ken? I guess it was ok when you did it ha.

And as far a few taken exception to the distributor, you guys where Judge jury and executioner. You guys where acting like you where going to lynch the poor guy. In his original post he simply asked if anybody had contact info for Randy. Then all hell broke loose. If someone took something from you, you would cry like a big baby.

IMO it was not OK - It was a mistake that was quickly corrected - big difference.

The reasons for removing the original post - that I never saw - will be made clear before long - stay tuned.

Personally, I think that cleaners need to know about distributors with a consistently poor record. If distributors hear about consistently poor customers like cleaners they can and do inform each other - privately.

I doubt there is a person here that has not been screwed by someone - its one of the risks of being in business. I have yet to cry about a single incident.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
All of my actions concerning John were attempts to protect/save the guy.

If I wanted to "lynch" him I would have came forward with Randy's story myself.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
harryhides said:
IMO it was not OK - It was a mistake that was quickly corrected - big difference.

The reasons for removing the original post - that I never saw - will be made clear before long - stay tuned.

Personally, I think that cleaners need to know about distributors with a consistently poor record. If distributors hear about consistently poor customers like cleaners they can and do inform each other - privately.

I doubt there is a person here that has not been screwed by someone - its one of the risks of being in business. I have yet to cry about a single incident.

Well, you guys decided to rectify your mistake, Nick and James may decide to rectify theirs if Ken doesnt follow the guidelines the agreed to.

You guys sure are worried about the time I spend there when the truth is you are there as much as I am. LOL

When you guys started this board you made all these claims about how this board was going to be different then the others because it wasnt sponsored and people would be free to speak their minds as long as they could back up their claims. No it is turning into you can bash or talk about anybody the click doesnt like but dont dare say anything about people/manufactures we do or a nasty PM and or phone call will follow. Plus the click will delete the post, change post, and pretty much do what they like unchecked.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
When you guys started this board you made all these claims about how this board was going to be different then the others because it wasnt sponsored and people would be free to speak their minds as long as they could back up their claims. No it is turning into you can bash or talk about anybody the click doesnt like but dont dare say anything about people/manufactures we do or a nasty PM and or phone call will follow. Plus the click will delete the post, change post, and pretty much do what they like unchecked.

Thats a pretty broad statement there Scott.
It's really just Bristor supporters that I **** with.


Oct 7, 2006
Just for the record, I never thought it was a good idea to "give Ken a chance" that thief tainted this industry permanently, and Mikey should be grilled for caving into his selfish entertainment desire for drama.

Scott, I can't believe you lend one friggen ounce of credibility to "giving Ken a chance" , that whole smoke screen exist for one purpose only, it's very directed.

Scott, you reference the "click" but don't realize you are way off base, the "click" started a board called the Green Board, now called the Clean Board.
The only reason I don't go over there is I would shortly end up kicking the shit out of a hand full of guys who are basically malicious liars and on a misson to do harm every day, and frankly I'm too busy with new projects.

Obviously I am going to have to phone you and splain' in detail what I shouldn't say on public forum, cause everyone wants it to be nicey nice, but sometimes you have to get in the trenches and get personal.

What I don't understand, is how in the hell did a guy like you get swooped up in all the BS? I mean, you know better.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006

I have only been over there for a short time. In that time there has been a lot less bs and drama then on this board. Anytime Nick or anybody starts to try and go negative, it is quickly squashed.

Ask your wife, she is a very welcome presence there.

If Nick's board turns negative over there, I wouldn't continue to go there, but Neither you nor Mike is going to tell me what board I frequent or who I associate with.

As far as Ken goes I said my piece. He will never receive a endorsement or 1 dime from me, I wouldnt even except free glides when he offered them to me on this (mikeys) board and that will not change. He tryed to burn me once and thats the only chance he will ever get.

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
Mikey P said:
Thats a pretty broad statement there Scott.
It's really just Bristor supporters that I ACE with.

Mike, I have personal knowledge that I wish not to disclose at this time that directly contradicts that. And that statement was not neccesarily directed at you.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Scott Rogers said:
When you guys started this board you made all these claims about how this board was going to be different then the others because it wasnt sponsored and people would be free to speak their minds as long as they could back up their claims. No it is turning into you can bash or talk about anybody the click doesnt like but dont dare say anything about people/manufactures we do or a nasty PM and or phone call will follow. Plus the click will delete the post, change post, and pretty much do what they like unchecked.

thats horse shit, if that was true then why do I get away with talking shit about vortexs all the time. in truth some things are allowed to go a little further than they should around here all in the name of freedom of info, just look at the john k deal last night, if you want examples

Scott Rogers

Oct 7, 2006
steve g said:
thats horse shit, if that was true then why do I get away with talking shit about vortexs all the time. in truth some things are allowed to go a little further than they should around here all in the name of freedom of info, just look at the john k deal last night, if you want examples

Steve if you think John got a fair shake, then you live in a very strange world.


Oct 7, 2006
Scott Rogers said:
[quote="steve g":300z0uc8]

thats horse shit, if that was true then why do I get away with talking shit about vortexs all the time. in truth some things are allowed to go a little further than they should around here all in the name of freedom of info, just look at the john k deal last night, if you want examples

Steve if you think John got a fair shake, then you live in a very strange world.[/quote:300z0uc8]

Scott, I`m curious - do you mean he didn`t get a fair shake from the other guys here. In which case would you mind being specific about which post(s) were not fair.
Or did you mean he didn`t get a fair shake from the Admins here - again could you be specific - exactly at what point in the thread would have done what and why.

All this we realize is without your being privy to any other pertinent info.

I do hope that you acknowledge that many others will disagree with you as well as with us. Can`t please everyone. But so far you are unique in referring to the rest of us as 2 faced sheep so since you feel so strongly about this I`d like to hear your views. Then we can simply agree to disagree or not, maybe .

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i think Scott is one of the straightest shooters on the internet, and i bet he'd be the same in person!!!


I feel bad for the good people hear that have to deal with a handful of judgmental and the small minded bully's. this board is like leukemia, Like whit blood cells supposed to defend the body they turn destroying and killing the body. Some of the people who are supposed to help this body have turned on and made the body sick. Hope you figure out how to clean it up.


What does Good Friday have to do with it? You try to use him as a weapon.
How was the post in the name of Christ.
Oct 8, 2006
John you are an embarrassment to the Faith !!

You come on this BB with an agenda to rain down revenge over a 200.00 debt. Then you find a backlash so you come out and forgive that debt in the name of Jesus.

Now you go and post this latest drivel?

No John your the weapon all by yourself.


Oct 7, 2006
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm definitely feelin' the love here.



Your setting a great example also? Least I repented. People I don't know and what they are entitled to think doesn't mean alot to me. I stood and fought through almost 100 posts. Not every comment was a backlash. I guess your Christian show of love will convince them.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I let Ken on here in the first month or so strictly for entertainment purposes.

He was not allowed to even mention his company. I never tried to defend his past or try to help him rectify his bullshit.

His act grew old quick and I got tired of listening to Green bitch about him so I asked him to leave.

It was a mistake from the beginning I'll admit. Now you have Cooper making it his career to save Ken and his business in order to get back at Greenie, why? probably Joe's idea is my guess.

Nick is another chronic liar. Just ask any honest EZ owner how many times they've been stiffed by the guy. ( and yes I had him around strictly for shits and giggles)

Lets see who else frequents the Green With Envy Board...

Ya got Ed three faced Valentine, nicest guy in the world until you point out a flaw in his tinker toys or heaven forbid, decide not to buy one of his POSs after you talk to him in person.

I see Billy and Dave are there convincing middle America that carpet cleaning is worth a dollar fifty a foot because their sweat pant outfits are color coordinated.

And then you got a small handful of Britorites who think the NFL's Sidney Crosby got traded to a Rugby team out of London.

Maybe you and Jose Smith can teach Claude how to get teeth marks off a silk head board.

Have fun over there Scott and don't forget your crash helmet.

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
I have to agree with Mikey. I will preface what I am going to say with the fact that those who know me will tell you I'm not a jerk, a "follower", someone with an agenda, a shill, or one who holds a grudge. For those who don't know me, I have been around the bulletin boards since 1996 or 1997. If you have questions about my character, you can talk to someone who has been around forever (and respected) like Scott Warington or Armand Taddeo.

What I have seen on the clean board coupled with MANY MANY statements on ICS, has given me some insight into some personalities and agendas. I'll start by saying YES, I have a problem with Joe Bristor. I have put up with his endless spam, and numerous e-mails trying to sell me something after I make a post on the bb (like him trying to sell me a couple hundred carpet rakes after I posted about using them.) That in itself is only mildy aggitating, however him making a nasty, untrue statement about me on a bb could not be overlooked. This was all regarding his hatred of Greenie. He tried to tear me up and accused me of being a shill for Greenie in exchange for my "free glide." If the jerk had his facts together, he would have known that I did not even get my glide from Greenie, much-less get a FREE one from him. Joe has done this more than once, and you just don't attack my character, ESPECIALLY when it is not true.

I have observed how Ed Valentine acts over there as well. Man, talk about letting your hair down and letting it all hang out! I would use a shop vac and a Vincent's water otter before I'd buy a Cross American now. I have no respect for someone who gets so wound up in talking trash behind people's backs in a "private clubhouse". I can't even remember every single thing I read there, but I can tell you I will never own Cross American. It made a choice between Mytee and CA easy for me. Someone with something to sell TO this industry should never get wound up in silly diatribe and such negative comments. John is the most recent example of that. Chasing Randy around here and running his mouth will probably just get him a law suit instead of money.

Regarding other people on the clean board: it is just all to obvious that they have an agenda. The ill feelings that they have toward Greenie comes through oh so strong in their posts on the clean board as well as ICS. I'm sorry. You can defend them until the cows come home, but any person with a reasonable amount of intelligence can see what is going on. That same reasonably intelligent person is also offended when you try to explain that there is no agenda, and how they really just love Greenie. The repeated posts which are supposed to be subtle slams on Greenie are transparent at best. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what is going on. I just feel bad that people who are friends of mine are taken in by that crap.

I did spend some time at the clean board, but I have not been there in weeks. I'm sorry, but I just had all of the Mikey, Mikey's board, and Mikey's board users slamming I could stand. Sure there is a lot of crap that goes on here, and obviously Mike set this place up so that could happen without ruining the whole bb. I could not go over there and read a handfull of posts without wading through slams by people who obviously hate other people, and that applies to a lot of people on both sides! I'm not a follower, nor am I a butt kisser, but I DEEPLY resent the remarks made that include ME in a blanket statement because I post here and I like Mike.

I say GROW the crap up! We are not in the sixth grade anymore! If you don't like someone, FINE!! Just ignore them and get on with your life. I seriously wonder sometimes just how busy people really are. You can only spend so much time bashing, chasing, researching, and posting about people if you are running a successful business.

There may have been changes to the clean board and the personalities there, but I will never know. I will not go back over there. I have nothing against Nick. We buried the hatchet and I consider him a friend. I wish him no harm. I know that bb was started as a clubhouse to serve as an alternative and competitor to Mikey's board. That is cool, however the constant childish comments behind the backs of people over there made it an obvious agenda mill. Walking in there for some people would be easily akin to a black man walking into a KKK meeting. This industry needs unity, and people working together to raise consumer awareness to the REAL hacks and untrustworthy people out there. Chasing around Mike and Greenie serves no fruitful purpose.

Now everyone needs to go work on their business. If some people invested as much time in their business as they put forth into their agendas here, they could be doing close to five figures by now!

diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
"Now everyone needs to go work on their business. If some people invested as much time in their business as they put forth into their agendas here, they could be doing close to five figures by now"!

Close to five figures, Fon?

I quit posting on the Clean Board too. I like the better class of loser found here.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I think I hate everybody now......they just don't understand me.

Losers to the right of me...losers to the left of me.

Stuck in the middle is me!

Did I spell that right LOOSERS?

Or is it LOSERS?

You decide!

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
Jimmy, you're a loser because your screws just get looser and looser every day. I suspect that one day you will just fall apart. I just hope it does not happen in front of little Blake!

Brian, yes, I think if anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence applied as much effort to marketing as they do to trashing people on the bb they could be (or should be) making nearly 5 figures. :shock:

So I'm a jerk. *sigh* I thought Marty was my friend.. sniff sniff.. :cry:

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
wow, and im suppose pay for this?i guess it is better than the tv.

at first i didnt think john did anything wrong by looking for randy.i do think it got out of hand but i really doubt that was his intention.i was on his side until he forgave the debt not to mention the religious stuff.
what is it with padders and religion?

i agree with the statement made about distributors having to watch themselves or whatever it was i read about that.i understood his reasoning but looking back he should of done things different.

i dont see a cause for a lawsuit though but if i was john and randy came after me i would at least know how to find him then!probably just an idle threat anyway but also shows his character too.

i have seen mikey post stuff from other boards and then talk crap about them.not one of his finer points but hey its his board.

ok back to yous guys.

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