$20,000 for a TruckMount


May 19, 2007
If it was me I'd go with the Reactor. Main reason is longevity of the machine and simplicity.

The stainless steel will last a lot longer than the HM or Blueline. The reactor is very simple to fix. If you have engine problems the local small engine shop can deal with it. There isn't anything with a blower that goes out or a cat pump and if they do you just swap them or fix the cat pump by rebuilding and can be done locally. I think all the sensor and extra junk is a waste myself. If you have a problem with the heat system the only part to go out is a cheap 10 buck wax thermostat. Belts should be easy to change....that's all you really have to worry about. Not to mention you're getting a liquid cooled machine. Compare what you get from HM with what you get from Judson. Then look at price and not to mention you'll get superior phone support and most likely be able to do the repair yourself saving you time and money.

Now if you can't turn a wrench go with your HM, Prochem, or Blueline from your local guy. they aren't bad machines, they are just designed to be replaced every so often.

Only $19,900


Power Console

104 Gallon Stainless Steel Recovery Tank

94 Gallon Stainless Steel Supply Tank

Briggs & Stratton 27 HP Water Cooled Engine

Cat 3CP Pump With Clutch

Roots Tri-Rotor Blower

100' Of Vacuum & Pressure Hose


Outstanding Features

Stainless Steel Construction

A Water Cooled Engine

A Cat Pressure Pump

A Tri-Rotor Blower

A Simple Easy To Work On Design

Pressure Pump, Only Pumps Cold Water

No By-Pass On Water Heating System

No Recirculating On Water Heating System

No Exhaust Diverter On Water Heating System

No Solenoid On Water Heating System

No Valves On Water Heating System

No Sensors On Water Heating System

No Relays On Water Heating System

No Electronics On Water Heating System

No Moving Parts On Water Heating System

No Adjustments On Water Heating System

Free 94 Gallon Stainless Steel Water Supply Tank

Stainless Steel Recovery Tank

Replace Engine In 2 Hours

Replace Blower In 45 Minutes

Replace Pump In 30 Minutes

Low Engine Replacement Cost

Low Fuel Consumption

Clutch On Pump For Flood Work

Simple Trouble Free Chemical Injection System

Dash Mounted Blower Lubricator


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
this was a paid advertisement from Tim P

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

just kidding :D :D

Shane T

Nov 7, 2006
Waukesha, WI
Shane Tiegs
I know what the Cat 3CP is capable of, but what kind of pressures will the rest of the Reactor handle? I got a very impressive "looking" Victory 47 but if had it to do over it would be a high flow Reactor with a propane post heater.

I think I may have already stated my opinion here before but I'm more convinced everyday.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Reactors are designed to run at up to 1500 psi. There currently is some testing of exchangers that is going on with higher temperature capabilities with 1500psi exchangers.

The higher you push the psi capabilities of a Hx the more challenging you make the unit to deliver and sustain higher temperatures. This is because to have higher psi you need thicker tubing which does not conduct the heat as efficiency.

Many people do not realize it but the current Reactor has a very efficient HX system for higher temperatures sustainability and high pressure capability. Judson has been working very closely with a prominent company that is specialized to only building heat exchangers. They have been building heat exchangers for many industries for many years. Nobody else but Judson in the truck mount business have these advanced heat exchangers.

Again people that want on the ground feedback from a Reactor owner should talk to CU.


Supportive Member
Nov 17, 2006
Go to Monte Davis at Brite-n-Kleen in Omaha, he has a New Prochem Legend GT sitting on the showroom floor ready to gofor I'm sure under 20 g. He has always treated me very well, he's independant like the rest of us! Check him out.

The Magician

Why in the world would you want to spend that much money for a TM. You can purchase a porty and clean like ICS Darlene.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
The Magician said:
Why in the world would you want to spend that much money for a TM. You can purchase a porty and clean like ICS Darlene.

pa da dump.....


Apr 2, 2007
Stick with what your local guy can work on and is familiar with. A machine the local mechanic isn't familiar with is going to cost more to work on and take longer to get parts. etc...it will cause you headaches guarenteed... IMO
You were right on when you said you wanted to have a machine that your local mechanic is familiar with. He will be able to trouble shoot over the phone and fix your problems a lot easier with something that he is familiar with....
You cannot go wrong with PROCHEM, HYDRAMASTER or BLUELINE....


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I'm not sure, and I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't think there is a part on any Judson unit that you can't get locally ... anywhere.


Apr 2, 2007
admiralclean said:
I'm not sure, and I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't think there is a part on any Judson unit that you can't get locally ... anywhere.
You probably can get any Judson part locally....what I mean is that your local distributor isn't going to have the parts in stock and he isn't going to run around town all day to go get parts for a machine that they don't sell....Having a local TM mechanic that stocks your parts and knows your machine inside and out is the most important factor IMO. I know several people that were S.O.L. when they brought a machine into get serviced that we didn't sell. I'm not saying that the Judson units are bad or anything like that I have never used one except at MF 08 and it was a nice unit but if you don't have local support you will lose money(down time) at one point or another I can gaurentee that...


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
I understand what you are saying, and I agree. In fact, I have always told cleaners to buy local if they can for the very reasons you mentioned. However, one thing I have noticed over the years is most carpet cleaners can turn a wrench themselves. Heck, I am probably the least mechanically inclined poster on these boards and I can repair most anything on my TCS unit. A Judson unit, or any of the open designed, simple units like a Judson, can be worked on very easily.

And, if you are a little slow on the mechanical side, Les Judson is always on the other end of the phone to talk you through it. He talked me through a head gasket repair and a valve adjustment a few months back.

I think he was about ready to pull his hair out by the time it was over, but he got me through it.

Which is more than I can say for Brevik. He couldn't even help me replace an O-ring!


May 19, 2007
I don't really have anyone local. And I'm too much of a BDCC to pay to have my machine fixed anyway. I'd rather do it myself if I can. It's too far to drive a truck 180 miles to get something done. I'd rather do it myself if I can. That's why I love the open design. I wish I would of bought one when I started out. Although the CDS isn't too complicated. If I had an electrical problem with it I'd probably have to take it in though....it's tough to figure out where wires go you know.


Nov 15, 2006
St. Louis, MO
Richard Weedman
I just put 50 hours on my new Judson TNT. I have the high flow upgrade with a #4 Little Giant heater. No way you will ever need more heat or vacuum for single wand. Remakable performance for the under $20k. Call Les @ Judson. A well laid out machine with easy access to everything. I have a Jon-Don and Interlink in my town and I drove 9 hours to buy a TNT. I can fix anything on this machine myself and I won't have to wait in line.

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