Good God, no wonder I never heard of a Judson. They look like every other primitive air-cooled backyard built truckmount I have seen. I prefer to have a more advanced truckmount and something more visually appealing to my customers, especially since they cost as much as a Prochem or Hydramaster.
Curtis Washington, are you going to stalk me like you did at the other forum until I verbally humiliate you from one end of this forum to the other? Please stop obsessing over me. It's bordering on seething homosexuality and I doubt that you want this crowd finding out that you are hetero-challenged.
Curtis Washington, are you going to stalk me like you did at the other forum until I verbally humiliate you from one end of this forum to the other? Please stop obsessing over me. It's bordering on seething homosexuality and I doubt that you want this crowd finding out that you are hetero-challenged.