C Pennington said:Alexarz said:.................and the lustful fool makes quite a spectacle of himself out there, prancing about.
In all fairness, my heroics at Rob "Hebrewlicious" Allen's forum were nothing short of awe inspiring and it brought out different emotions from members. Curtis Pennington fell head first into decadence and succumbed to his foul desires, sinful filth that I want no part of. Please do your part as a forum authority and ward off any such ambitions he may have in this area or I will thrash him publicly.
Don't we have a weak minded drifter aboard that we can sacrifice to Curtis to keep him busy?
Your immaturity is really showing Alex, calling somebody a Homo is low and childish...its actually an act of desperation....how pathetic.
Ok if I am off base, how do you explain the way you chase me around these forums? What's with the obsession? Could it be something other than homosexual tendencies and attraction for alpha male characteristics? Did I start with you here? No! You followed me in every thread I have been active in. I'm calling HOMO!!