Duane Oxley said:
You don't have to trust me on this... I'll back it up with a sample of CS if you want one for comparison's sake.
we don't do any restaurants , DooWayne.
but I put it to a side by side test in sec 8 rehab, if you're "sure" you want me to.
if you get me off PB, EVERYONE here will know about it
Ok, Im only doing 50 sq ft. can i just use a scrub brush? you know one you buy at lowes(I'm really sounding like a lowes cheap freak
if you don't want to rent a rotary for a few hours, you can use a stiff bristled push broom .
be better than hands and knees scrub brush
HAMMER that 50ft with Powerburst.
Pump up will work fine, it will just be slower.
and you it's hard mix powders real strong in a hydroforce..so stick with the pump up.
If you "really" want this job, I'm going to explain how to do this...follow the instructions.
if the grease is "caked on" in layers, you "might" have to take it off in layers if you don't use a 90+ pound rotary with very aggressive red pad.
If you "really REALLY" want this job, go rent a rotary but ONLY "IF"...you know how to run one.
If you've never run one, now ain't the time to learn..cause a rotary with aggressive pad on "carpet" ain't for a novice .
if you're experienced with them stripping tile, give it whirl..BUT BE ADVISED, the rotary with pad on carpet will have LOTS more "grap"
here's the non rotary scrub method;
first thing, fill your sprayer with 1 gallon of "hot" water and "thoroughly" mix 3 generous scoops of Powerburst.
spray that whole gal on the 50ft section.
NOW bring in the TM hoses (start your TM to warm up the HX'ers if the water isn't already hot)
Once the TM is set up and ready to rock 'n roll, now scrub with your push broom if you want.
if not, start to "chop stroking" the wand.
Short fast, aggressive (bear down on the wand) keyed wand strokes.
Finish with a "slow" longer keyed back stroke .
then slow forward dry stroke...give 'em a couple/three slow dry strokes .
if any caked on grease remains, NUKE it again with Powerburst.
Give it a minimum of 5 minutes dwell time and scratch away with your push broom, then give it long S-L-O-W keyed back stroke and a couple/three slow dry strokes
Make SURE your dry strokes go a little past where your keyed wand strokes stopped and started
Let us know what happens