
Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Off topic but Shawn. I'm glad you're not the one writing the iicrc tests. We'd all be screwed, even the ten year old :lol:



Dec 23, 2006
Jon dons finish first (the same as formula 90) is pretty cheap $51 per 24# and it works pretty good.

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
banes pca5 has gone wayyyyyy up on price as has pca4 however i will keep using it because it works.when i do greasy resteraunts i spike it with pca4 and the grease just melts off.its amazing stuff and i never use it full strength pca5 that is.your suppose to use 2 oz to gallon but im at about half that and sometimes i just add water without any detergent.25 lbs lasts me a long long time but i only work about 20 hrs a week too.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P

I.I.C.R.C. Class III Inspection

Description of tests performed: Cleaning Solution Reaction Tests For: Nylon non-stain resistant carpet and Nylon stain resistant carpet.

Observations: Carpet cleaning in accordance to S001-1991 / On Location Cleaning Standards of I.I.C.R.C. & Certification Registry

'Extract' Only

I found cleaning with 'Extract' as a one-step cleaning process, the appearance brightened immediately. Non-colored, water soluble, sticky spills, which had collected dust and soil, came out easily with minimal effort. The physical exertion required was reduced, in that the speed in which I normally clean at - a rate of 350 sq. ft./hr. - was easily increased by at least 15%.

I observed, after complete drying, the carpet was pH 10, with a soft hand and 'new-like' appearance, as in accordance with the consumer. I was unable to generate any foam. Economically, I experienced a minimum of 15% saving on each job without compromising cleaning standards, and secondly, the carpet should stay clean longer.
'Clean' as a pre-spray with 'Extract' / 'Neutralizer' rinse

"Clean' pre-spray method, mixed at the proper dilution ratio for traffic areas, I found to be very satisfactory, with minimal repeated effort of scrubbing required. Therefore, less fatigue occurs in the daily job structure, more square feet per hour could be achieved during cleaning, and customer appreciation enhances.

I strongly appreciated the faster rate of speed without compromising the cleaning standards of the I.I.C.R.C. With the 'Clean' pre-spray in all traffic areas, entrance ways, stairs and halls, I experienced a 25% increase in production time, so a definite cost savings will be experienced. No repercussion were experienced due to higher pH or brighteners, since the detergent, I found, to be self-neutralizing.
Bonnet cleaning with ‘Clean’ pre-spray

With ‘Clean’, I experienced this detergent to perform better than other products on the market that I have used and have seen rust stains disappear immediately that were surface stains. What truly impressed me, was the use of ‘Clean’ pre-spray, mixed at a medium-soiled preparedness, and as a pad, the white polyester floor buffing pad, definitely out-cleaned the cotton pad process by 100%. As a wet cotton pad will grip on the carpet surface creating friction on the carpet fiber and fatigue for the operator during the cleaning process, the polyester floor pad in conjunction with ‘Clean’ pre-spray, appeared to produce its own synergism, therefore, outperformed the cotton pad by 100%, with less fatigue involved. Self-neutralizing detergency after complete drying and very possibly, no damage to the twist of the yarn system of poor heat set nylon pile.
‘Special Stain Remover’
In the field, I observed ‘Special Stain Remover’ to be responsive on both water-based and oil-based stains as well as old urine stains. Most stains came out after one or two applications, but when the stain is deep into the pile, all the way to the primary backing, numerous repeated efforts would be required, as is in most cases. I found in severe situations, ‘Special Stain Remover’ still performed quite well. Again, in most cases, this product works well by itself, but was improved by rinsing with ‘Extract’ and improved again with ‘Clean’ pre-spray and then rinsed with ‘Extract’ and ‘Neutralizer’. I do recommend, however, that after the spotting and rinsing procedure, ‘Protector’ should be re-applied.
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