let me say this, if it could be purchased with dual 2.5 in and dual 2.5 out i would buy in a heart beat, and would also be a good value compared to an all stainless filter box.
I don't see the point, yeah it looks nice however its the answer to a question that was never asked, my waste tank filter works just fine. why would I wanna use that thing its more stuff to hook up and lug around, it has no handles on the filter screen setup, which means both or your hands are going into the sewer. what is the purpose of running solution through it?? if I want to t the solution $30 bucks in brass fittings will get hr done.
If your using this thing to split solution lines for dual wanding, I hope you are not running alot of pressure or a high performance machine. I've noticed that trying to prespray while running 12 flow on the CDS that I hurt the flow and pressure on the wand when I trigger a hydroforce. If I was running a two man crew than I could justify a large portable electric/battery sprayer to stay ahead of me and not effect the inline pressure.