Buyers Beware: Greenie and Truckmounts Direct


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Please understand this thread is NOT intended to BASH Jeffy Lydon or throw stones at his personal life or his Personal Legal Matters.

However, the public and this board does need to be aware of certain problems that are going on right now concerning business dealings with Jeff concerning Truckmount Direct.

Back on August 12, 2009. I pmed Jeff Lydon about purchasing a GreenHorn wand, some new 2.5 inch hose, about 7 total sets of coolcuffs and an adaptor for our waste tank to accept 2.5 hose. He gave me prices and we even negotiated a discount for the relatively large order and on August 19th I placed the order, giving him a CC#. I PMed on August 22 simply curious about how long he thought it would take to get the shipment out.

On September 4th I recieved an email from his Truckmount direct email stating

Your stuff will ship on monday. I just haven't got the shipping quote yet. Usually a 14" wand is about $45, and a box of 2" hose is about $28 all the small shit usually fits in one of teh big boxes so it nominal.

I have a deadline of today to get this paper out, hang with me.

I patiently awaited for the shipment to arrive.

On September 7th I recieved an email from Pay Pal asking for a payment on my order that I thought I had given a CC# on already. Emailed Jeff and he had me enter it through a PayPal donation site. (thought it was kinda of hokey to have a donation site instead a pay site. But hey no problems as long as I get my stuff.) I couldn't enter the number until the 9th when I got a hold of Jeff on the phone to figure out the email/website payment site.

Later on September 9th, I go an email from Paypal, stating a possible delay in shipment because of taking two days to review the transaction. Still feeling postive about the purchase at this point.

on September 18, I sent an email to Jeff asking about shipping tracking number or where the products were I asked about. I understood there is a whim of a possiblilty that cheap freight could take 10 days to get from California to Illinois. But I was beginging to get concerned.

on September 19, I recieved a reply stating he thought he sent an email with shipping and that the wand would be there on Monday, September 21, 2009.. Ok I thought 12 days shipping, not the best but hey I'll get me stuff and I'll be able to finish the large account I purchased the extra hose for. Supposedly Jeff ran out of glides while making so many greehorns that he had Lisa dropship her last one to me asap. It arrived before the wand and was sent on 9/16/2009.

Well September 21 came and the wand arrived.. but no hoses. Also we had agreed on 03 jets for the greenhorn and he put 02's on. Ok I can live with the 02's and will them them out. Now I do have to say that I'm live with the greenhorn from the very first job I used it on. It saved me atleast 2 hours the first day just from having a larger wand size and the flushing ability was great. I can deal with the 02's just fine. But still I was starting to get Mad as no hoses or cuffs were sent and I was starting to be put behind the 8 ball on this reatlivey big job I had to finish up. Its a continuing account and will bring in our company $20K plus over the next year or two if they continue to be happy with our results.

Well I have not heard back from Jeff since his last email on the September 19th, I've emailed him repeatedly simply asking for product ship dates or arrival dates and have pmed on Mikey's board as well, and I've called him a few times with no answer on his phone.

Finally yesterday I decided to ask Mikey if he knew of Greenie's whereabouts and possible issues.

The responce I felt like someone pulled a chair out from underneath me.

At this point in time, Greenie is flat broke and his shelves are empty. I don't know the further details of his business financial trouble or personal issues.

However, I do know that I paid him in full $1400.00 and expected delivery in good faith of said products. Its now been over 5 weeks since I placed the order and gave him a form of payment. and 3 weeks since I made the payment in full.

I have only recieved the Wand but still have not recieved or heard mention of the other half of the order from Jeff nor have I recieved a responce to any of the several emails I have sent nicely asking for some update.

Now MikeyP and Lisa have stepped in and supposedly Lisa is having him ship the rest of my order today. My respect for these two could not be any higher, and I'm very appreciative for them stepping in and helping out in this situation turned sour.

I've supported Greenglides, and I've supported Jeff and his ideas and theories on high flow and cleaning results and embraced his performance enhancements, I've only talked favorably about his product, and when Jeff and Lisa split and Jeff started Truckmount direct, I did my best to referr business to him and still to GG. Because of my blind support of Jeff and his products, I feel even more frustated over the this difficult situation.

Jeffy Lydon needs to get his business in order before he makes commitment to any more buyers. I can only hope that he was NOT planning on defuncting on the rest of the order. I'm not one to share personal emails but my busines emails serve as records of transactions and business meetings and I feel sharing a portion of an email I sent to Jeff would illstrate how more so offended I am about this predicament.

I still have a warehouse of products, reputation, new projects, customers, distributors etc.... really it's nothign in the big picture....and THAT is what is pissing HRI and their lawyers off....see, I don't own a house, or have any "assets" on paper

If Greenie truly is broke and has no inventory, then this was a flat out lie. And as far as his reputation goes. He better think long and hard about his business practices.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You're right lee, Greenie is a good guy.
And like all good humans we all go through tough times.

and trust me Jeff's are REALLY though right now.

I have been asking Jeff to do right by his once loyal client base and tune them into the fact that he can no longer support their needs in a speedy, professional manner like they are use to.

For what ever reason he has chosen not to do so and in the past three months or so I've been approached by many folks like Sweeny who have just run out of patience.

I'm heart broken that it had to come to this..
If it were just about any other supplier or manufacturer I would have stepped in much sooner but I kept hoping Jeff would have done the right thing.

I know he'll pull through but I fear it may be too late to land back on his two feet in this industry.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

This is tough to hear...David seems to have extended every oppertunity for Jeff to remedy
this situation. Jeff has been through some tough times lately...Divorce & legal issues can
break a man down. My attorney was my best freind.."now passed".. always said that the
ONLY true defence that a man has when being pursued in our justice system......Is to be

Jeff may have been "advised" to move in this direction ASAP...! With that said..David could
have been a "causualty" in this situation...If not for Mike & Lisa.. Jeff has given to ALL of
us his knowledge & time...This should not be forgotten..! We should not JUDGE too harshley
his actions untill the "Dust Settles"... I wish him the BEST... But, He will have a long & hard
road to repair his good NAME...

On the OTHER HAND...I admire David Sweeney, For bringing these issues out into the OPEN.
I believe that David has NO malicious intentions in his Post. I believe that it is his LOYALTY
to the board members...that COMPELLS him to do the right thing...!!!!! We should NOT ...!
"Cut off the head of the Messenger" in this situation...!

By David bringing this information to light....He actually will be HELPING Jeff ....If Jeff has
been ADVISED to pursue this type of DEFENSE...? He has also been advised that he can preferancial treatment to anyone..!

This is only "my personal" take on this situation...If GREENIE has somehow fallen off the
deep end...? I wish him well on his way back up..! " DAVID"....I think you have struggled
long & hard ..Before you made this POST.. I Hope you KNOW.. "I WILL HAVE YOUR BACK"
I am SURE you already know....They will be COMING hard & fast.... :!:

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
:shock: Say it aint so!!! Come on... Some kind of board hoax? Greenie has done alot for me and has always been there to coach me any problems or upgrades I had. One time there was an order mix up and the next day someone brought what I needed in an unlettered van! :shock: I always looked forward to getting shit from him... I still remember the day.. :D :D


joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

You are a STAND-UP guy..! Thanks for responding so prompt to DEFEND you freind & to
head - off some of the ABUSE..that David would have certainly...had to endure...

I HOPE all of the "MB-ers"....Will rally behind Jeff in his time of need..... :!:

I also Hope if your freind has "Run off the TRACKs" in a personal CRISIS...That you care "KICK HIS ASS"...for his OWN good.... :wink:

If I can help you or lisa in a financial matter...Let me know..? I will trust yours & lisa's
judgement in how far to go to help Jeff...After-all ...You guys are all he has left right now.!


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
for all the free advise and time greenie has given to most of us here we should put together a "help a brother out" fund..
give what you can..5 bucks buys someone lunch and you know dam well that he has given everyone on here at least 5 bucks worth of advise at some time or
i would kick in a 100.00 spot for him..times are tough for everyone but come one man..he has given a lot..

any thoughts?

i was posting at the same time as harper was..reason for the similar post..

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
David, as soon as I saw this thread I contacted Les at Judson who is out of town for a few days holiday in Myrtle Beach with Joyce. I explained the situation as you posted it to him and he has asked me to tell you that he will see that you get the hose you ordered. He has it in stock. He gets back on Monday.

David, I'm sorry you have found yourself in this situation. Bad things happen to good people. Greenie is a good person and in the end I'm sure he and everyone else in our industry will see things running well again one way or another. Just remember what's causing his current difficulties, and it isn't for his lack of trying, or dishonesty. I hope people will direct their anger where it really should be.

Many of us who consider him a good friend have watched him struggle and it has been very painful. My heart goes out to him.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
This is why this place is so GREAT.......

One BIG dysFUNtional FAMILY.... :D

We fight constantly & kick each other in the balls..."you to lisa" have the BIGGEST set ..!

But when we here "MAN DOWN"...We will drop everything...and come to our fallen FREIND.. 8)

WARNING....*** going to be hitting on Jeff really hard NOW...I would be a good time
for all LOYAL members...To fire back :!: :!: :!: and Shoot to Kill...The least we can do is
all get BANNED... :wink:

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Harper, you hit ever nail on the head.

I can only hope Jeff and I can have a beer with you in Nashville.

PS, as far as I know there are still Greenhorn wands available.
I would have to recommend ordering them through Olsen.


No one likes to see anyone fall like Jeff has fallen . Hell , I didnt agree with the way he mercilessly attacked guys for having delivery problems , or how he would thoughtlessly critisize competitors designs .

But I think its terrible that hes having problems , and even though the shoes on the other foot now and hes getting a dose of his own medicine , I wish him the best . It may be better for him to take the same route Lisa has done and face the music and get the HRI problems behind them . Anyone that thinks its better to avoid your problems than facing them head on is someone thats beyond any help .


Oct 7, 2006
it's not like jeff has morphed into ken hairass

cut the dude some slack and mind your own businesses


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
for all the free advise and time greenie has given to most of us here we should put together a "help a brother out" fund..
give what you can..5 bucks buys someone lunch and you know dam well that he has given everyone on here at least 5 bucks worth of advise at some time or
i would kick in a 100.00 spot for him..times are tough for everyone but come one man..he has given a lot..

any thoughts?

i was posting at the same time as harper was..reason for the similar

I'll kick in to help .....sweendog first and then Greenie. A guy like greenie hopefully can write his ticket in the industry. Help the guy who already spent first(les may have already done that)

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper

It doesn't take long for you to reer your ugly HEAD... :twisted:

We take care of our OWN HERE....So WATCH-IT... :idea:

This is the kind of thread you LOVE to stick your nose-in....


I don't know which one of you ADMIN'S has the BUTTON.... :?:

But if Coop...Starts his BULLSHIT... stirring of the POT...."NUKE HIS ASS" :evil: :evil: :evil:
Mike CANNOT ...pull the trigger on this one...At least edit everyone of Coop's post :!:

FOR HIS OWN GOOD...."He can't control his "SeLF RitIOuS" personality"

Ps COOP....It is common courtesy to let them put the man in the ground...Before you start
digging-up his past.. :roll:

Pss..Be CAREFUL...Jeff has nothing more to loose "right now"...I don't THINK you want
to CROSS him right NOW.... :wink:


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
hold on here. we are talking about 1 guy who has had a problem we know about. Cooper some people have a character trait and some made a mistake. Greenie still seems to have a winning percentage, where your guy maybe not so much

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I know you all mean well....but really.......if you want to help him..........just leave him alone and let him work out his situations......crowding him is not the answer..........
Sep 7, 2008
Jim Martin said:
I know you all mean well....but really.......if you want to help him..........just leave him alone and let him work out his situations......crowding him is not the answer..........

Do you concur? Yes captain I concur. Let the man be. Just continue to buy products from him when he does get back on his feet.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Okay, let's all calm down a little here. Jeff is okay. he's not homeless or starving, he is struggling, and he should be more communicative (and honest) with his custy's about his situation and the availability of products, but he is not depressed, starving or anything, just hammered and short on capital.

Mikey and I are not all he has, he has friends, a girlfriend and an active social life where he is.

I consider it "post-divorce irresponsibility syndrome", plus a lot more month than money.

I hope he pulls his head out before irrepairable damage is done. I'd hate to see him forced out of the industry because he has so much to offer. He is brilliant and very forward thinking, it would be a step back for our industry if he wern't in it anymore.

David, I'm sorry for what you are going through, He did say the hose is shipped and I believe the elbow too, just not the cuffs. Hopefully that is accurate. I have 03 jets in stock if you still want to run higher flow. I'll send them out to you in the morning. Unfortunately I can't help you on the cuffs, and other stuff.

Take care,


To you 2 dumbasses that are quick to critisize me , if you read Mikeys posts , David aint the first one . But just in case your ears are a little too clogged from and your eyes clouded from your hero worship , I aint the messenger who broke your heart , and the messenger is the victim - not the other way around.

Some of you guys beat all - your gonna critisize 1 board for editing and then scream and cry for it when its good for you - grow up and grow a sack .

Greenies having a hard time , give him space and let him man up - and stop making excuses and accept that sometimes people @uck up .

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
No one likes to see anyone fall like Jeff has fallen . Hell , I didnt agree with the way he mercilessly attacked guys for having delivery problems , or how he would thoughtlessly critisize competitors designs .

But I think its terrible that hes having problems , and even though the shoes on the other foot now and hes getting a dose of his own medicine , I wish him the best . It may be better for him to take the same route Lisa has done and face the music and get the HRI problems behind them . Anyone that thinks its better to avoid your problems than facing them head on is someone thats beyond any help .

I knew it wouldn't take you long to post it over at ***... BAN this POS already!!!


DO you really think this is gonna be a big secret that stays over at Mb ? We have guys that post at *** that buy from Greenie also , and David posted this here as a warning to all Greenies customers .

You do know your coming off as a little pus dont you ??

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Coop and Jim Martin are right. Greenie doesn't need protecting.

Just give him some space to make things right. Hopefully he will put that space to good use.

Take care,


Supportive Member
Jun 3, 2007
I think Jeff has alot going on right now with future projects and always looking ahead. Maybe the problem lies with being able to get supplies and merchant accounts set up under a whole new business name. It is not easy to start a business under a new name. I know the situation will be taken care of. All of us that know Jeff, knows that he has nothing but the best of intentions and is surely not a snake. Maybe his problem is caring to much. He is great guy who has helped me out tremendously and has given me great advise and encouragement. I spoke with Jeff on Tuesday and ordered two of the sweetest custom greenie precision valves and they arrived in the mail today. So for all of the board members, I would not hestitate to place an order with Greenie.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
James Cooper said:
DO you really think this is gonna be a big secret that stays over at Mb ? We have guys that post at *** that buy from Greenie also , and David posted this here as a warning to all Greenies customers .

You do know your coming off as a little pus dont you ??

I really don't care how YOU feel I'm coming off as.... You have always came off to everyone as ***'s little bitch... And I would say that to your face... :wink: You going to MF?

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