Can quatAlot replace microban?

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Come on Terje you know me better then that. Don't drag me into some sort of nonsense. You asked a question and it was answered even by Les himself.

This isn't about whether the stuff is any good and no it doesn't do the same thing read what Les wrote he says it DOESN"T do the same things.

Here is what Shockwave kills. Do you still think they are the same thing?

Registration # 61178-1-73884
Revised Date: October 11, 2005
1 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus var anitratus Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
2 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus var lwoffii Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
3 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ATCC 27088 10 minutes
4 Actinomyces pyogenes ATCC 19411 10 minutes
5 Adenovirus type 2 ATCC VR846 10 minutes
6 Aspergillus candidus Environmental fungus 10 minutes
7 Aspergillus niger Environmental fungus 10 minutes
8 Aspergillus niger AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
9 Avian Influenza/Turkey Wisconsin Virus ATCC VR798 10 minutes
10 Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 10 minutes
11 Bacteroides fragilis ATCC 43859 10 minutes
12 Bordetella bronchiseptica Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
13 Bordetella bronchiseptica ATCC 19395 10 minutes
14 Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) X800 strain 10 minutes
15 Brevibacterim ammoniagenes GBL strain 10 minutes
16 Brevundimonas diminuta Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
17 Burkholderia cepacia Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
18 Burkholderia pickettii ATCC 49729 10 minutes
19 Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 29428 10 minutes
20 Candida albicans AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
21 Canine Coronavirus ATCC VR809, Strain 171 10 minutes
22 Canine Distemper Virus Onderstepoort strain 10 minutes
23 Canine Herpesvirus ATCC VR522 10 minutes
24 Chryseomonas luteola ATCC 43273 10 minutes
25 Corynebacterium ammoniagenes ATCC 6871 10 minutes
(Brevibacterium ammoniagenes)
26 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis ATCC 19410 10 minutes
27 Cryptococcus neoformans AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
28 Cytomegalovirus ATCC VR284 10 minutes
29 Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048 1 Minute
30 Enterobacter agglomerans Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
31 Enterobacter agglomerans Antibiotic resistant gram negative rod 10 minutes
32 Enterobacter cloacae Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
33 Enterobacter gergoviae Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
34 Enterobacter liquefaciens Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
35 Enterococcus aerogenes GBL strain 10 minutes
36 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 17862 VANCOMYCIN 10 minutes
resistant VRE Antibiotic resistant
gram positive rod
37 Enterococcus faecalis Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
38 Enterococcus faecium ATCC 6569 10 minutes
39 Enterococcus hirae ATCC 10541 10 minutes
40 Equine Herpesvirus ATCC VR700 10 minutes
41 Equine Influenza Virus A ATCC VR297 10 minutes
EPA Registration # 61178-1-73884
Revised Date: October 11, 2005
42 Escherichia vulneris Wildtype isolate 10 minutes
43 Escherichia coli GBL 101 strains 10 minutes
44 Escherichia coli Antibiotic resistant gram negative rod 10 minutes
45 Escherichia coli (Urinary) Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
46 Escherichia coli (Wound) Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
47 Escherichia coli 0157:H7 ATCC 35150 10 minutes
48 Feline Calcivirus Upjohn Company strain 10 minutes
49 Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus ATCC VR990 10 minutes
50 Flavobacterium meningosepticum Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
51 Haemophilus influenzae ATCC 10211 10 minutes
52 Hafnia alvei Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
53 HCV (Hepatitis C Virus) BVDV Surrogate 10 minutes
54 Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 ATCC VR260 30 seconds
55 Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 ATCC VR734 30 seconds
56 Human Coronavirus @ 98% Organic Soil Load 10 minutes
Tolerance/400 ppm Hard WaterATCC
VR740, Strain 229E
57 Human Hepatitis B Virus (HHBV) New York Blood Center: Dr. Fred 10 minutes
Prince’s laboratory
58 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV–1) AIDS Virus UMDNJ: Dr. James 30 seconds
Oleske’s laboratory
59 Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Virus ATCC VR188 10 minutes
60 Influenza A/Brazil (H1N1) Virus New Jersey Department of Health strain 10 minutes
61 Influenza A/Victoria (H3N2) Virus ATCC VR822, HoffmanLaRoche, Pool # 28 10 minutes
62 Influenza A2/Japan/305 (H2N2) Virus ATCC VR100 10 minutes
63 Influenza B Virus Allen strain VR102 10 minutes
64 Influenza C Virus Taylor strain VR104 10 minutes
65 Klebsiella oxytoca Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
66 Klebsiella oxytoca Antibiotic resistant gram negative rod 10 minutes
67 Klebsiella pneumoniae Antibiotic resistant gram negative rod 10 minutes
68 Klebsiella pneumoniae Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
69 Klebsiella Pneumoriae type 1 ATCC 700603 Antibiotic resistant gram 10 minutes
negative rod
70 Klesiella pneumoniae ATCC 4352 10 minutes
71 Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 984 10 minutes
72 Malessezia pachydermatis (~100% soil) AMMRL (canine origin) 10 minutes
73 Measles Virus ATCC VR24 30 seconds
74 Micrococcus luteus Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
75 Morganella morganii Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
76 Morganella morganii Antibiotic resistant gram negative rod 10 minutes
77 Newcastle Disease Virus ATCC VR109 10 minutes
78 Parainfluenza Virus type 1 ATCC VR105 30 seconds
79 Pasteurella haemolyticus ATCC 43823 10 minutes
80 Penicillium chermesinum Environmental fungus 10 minutes
81 Penicillium oxalicum Environmental fungus 5 minutes
82 Penicillium spinulosum Environmental fungus 5 minutes
83 Poliovirus type 1 Chat strain 30 minutes
EPA Registration # 61178-1-73884-73884
Revised Date: October 11, 2005
84 Porcine Parvovirus ATCC VR742 10 minutes
85 Porcine Respiratory & Reproductive Syndrome Virus GBL strain 10 minutes
86 Porcine Rotavirus ATCC VR893 10 minutes
87 Proteus mirabilis Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
88 Proteus vulgaris Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
89 Pseudomonas aeruginosa AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
90 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
91 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442 10 minutes
92 Pseudomonas aeruginosa Multiple (8) Antibiotic resistant gram negative rods 10 minutes
93 Pseudomonas fluorescens Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
94 Pseudomonas pseudomallei Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
95 Pseudomonas putida Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
96 Pseudomonas stutzeri Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
97 Pseudorabies Virus ATCC VR135 30 seconds
98 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) ATCC VR26, Strain Long 10 minutes
99 Rhodococcus equi ATCC 6939 10 minutes
100 Rotavirus Strain WA ,obtained from the University of 10 minutes
Ottawa, Canada
101 Salmonella choleraesuis @ 98% Organic Soil Load ATCC 10708 10 minutes
Tolerance/791 ppm Hard Water
102 Salmonella choleraesuis ATCC 19214 Antibiotic resistant gram 10 minutes
negative rod
103 Salmonella typhi ATCC 6539 10 minutes
104 Salomonella schottmuelleri GBL strain 10 minutes
105 Serratia marcescens Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
106 Shigella dysenteriae GBL strain 10 minutes
107 Sphingomonas paucimobilis Gram negative clinical isolate 10 minutes
108 Staphylococcus aureus @ 98% Organic Soil Load Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
Tolerance/791 ppm Hard Water
109 Staphylococcus aureus Toxic shock strain 10 minutes
110 Staphylococcus aureus AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
111 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33591 METHICILLIN resistant 10 minutes
112 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6338 10 minutes
113 Staphylococcus auricularis ATCC 33753 10 minutes
114 Staphylococcus capitis Clinical isolate 10 minutes
115 Staphylococcus epidermidis Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
116 Staphylococcus epidermidis Antibiotic resistant gram positive isolate 10 minutes
117 Staphylococcus hominis ATCC 29885 10 minutes
118 Staphylococcus saprophyticus Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
119 Staphylococcus simulans ATCC 11631 10 minutes
120 Stenotrophonas maltophilia Clinical isolate 10 minutes
121 Streptococcus hemolyticus Gram positive clinical isolate 10 minutes
122 Streptococcus equi var equi ATCC 33398 10 minutes
123 Streptococcus equi var zooepidermicus ATCC 43079 10 minutes
EPA Registration # 611781
Revised Date: October 11, 2005
124 Streptococcus pneumoniae AIDS patient isolate 10 minutes
125 Streptococcus pneumoniae (PRSP) ATCC 51915 10 minutes
126 Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 10 minutes
127 Streptococcus pyogenes Bird M3 Clinical Isolate 10 minutes
128 Streptococcus salivarius GBL strain
129 T1 bacteriophage ATCC 11303B1 10 minutes
130 T4 bacteriophage ATCC 11303B4 10 minutes
131 Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE) Virus ATCC VR763 10 minutes
132 Trichophyton mentagrophytes @ ~100 % Organic ATCC 9533 10 minutes
Soil Load Tolerance/395 ppm Hard Water
133 Ulocladium sp. Environmental fungus 5 minutes
134 Vaccinia Virus Hoffmann LaRoche, Pool 57 10 minutes
135 Vesicular Stomatitis Virus GBL strain 10 minutes
136 Yersinia enterocolitica ATCC 23715 10 minutes


Does it say" for use on porous material? If not then that smoke Marty is talking about would be coming out of your arse :lol:

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Kevin not sure what you meant but here you can read it :)
ShockWave is an EPA-registered, quaternary ammonium chloride cleaner, disinfectant, and sanitizer designed for use on various surfaces subject to microbial contamination. ShockWave is a concentrated formula that will disinfect hard,nonporous surfaces, and also sanitizes porous and semi-porous surfaces. ShockWave is especially useful as an all-in-one product for treating wood structural members, carpets, and other porous and nonporous surfaces as part of a complete mold remediation project.

ShockWave is designed to be diluted two ounces per gallon of water, yielding 64 gallons of usable product per gallon of concentrate, making it an economical solution for your cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing needs. ShockWave is available in 1-gallon jugs and convenient 10-ounce bottles, the proper amount for five gallons of usable product.

So not sure what your getting at but I just check and no smoke coming out of my ass :mrgreen:
May 12, 2007
If you guys like ODOR-BAN you will love DD-12. I'm going to post the MSDS sheet for Odor Ban and I want to go over a comparison of what you're getting for your money. $12 pr. gallon seems like a good deal, but believe it or not, you would have to buy at least 10 gallons of Odor Ban to match the effectiveness of DD12. DD12 also comes in 12 different fragrances.

Material Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 2
Product Name: OdoBan
Item #: 11001
Issue Date: 11/21/07
Supercedes: 3/17/06
Clean Control Corporation Medical Emergency (8 am - 5 pm EST): 800.841.3904
PO Box 7444 Quality Assurance Hotline (8 am - 5 pm EST): 800.841.3904
Warner Robins GA 31095 Transportation Emergency (24-hours): 800.424.9300
Components Exposure Limits
* -- (see note below) Wt% OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV NIOSH REL
Water (CAS No. 7732-18-5) >90.0 None None None
Isopropanol (CAS No. 67-63-0) 4.0 400 ppm TWA 200 ppm TWA 400 ppm TWA
Alkyl (C12-16) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (CAS No. 68424-85-1) 2.0 None None None

Look at the ingredients above. The bottle contains a single component quat at just a 2% concentration. It also has 4% alcohol. So it has 6% ingredients that actually has something to do with eliminating an odor other than the fragrance for masking purposes.

DD12 has 10% four component quaternary ammonia, 20% propylene glycol, and 10% of 99% IPA. Once you correct for the Odor Ban not having the additional odor eliminating properties the ratio would be right at 10:1.

Ten gallons of Odor Ban will cost $120. One gallon of DD12 is $75.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Have you guys noticed that Les doesn't feel the need to throw up in the gutter and try to drag his competition through it?

I, for one, have to be impressed with that.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Pig Boy, damn your an idgit aren't ya. Nobody is attacking Les.

Your idiocy just amazes me but then again how intelligent is someone that roots in his own shit.
May 12, 2007

John are you comparing Shockwave to Quat-A-Lot for odor control purposes? This is all Quat-A-Lot is intended for is odor control. I see you make a statement that Quat-A-Lot is not even cheaper than Shockwave. Quat-A-Lot is the lowest priced, most powerful odor control product for the carpet cleaning industry that has ever been developed?

What I want us to do is to look at what is in the bottle. What is the carpet cleaner getting for his money? All I'm doing with any of my products is giving the carpet cleaner more chemical and a higher grade of raw material. Also, I refuse to use foreign raw materials since I am a 10 year veteran. This might sound a little corny to some people, but to me it means a lot.

Now back to what's in the bottle. Shockwave is a two component quaternary ammonia at a 4.5% concentration.

Quat-A-Lot is a four component quaternary ammonia at a 25% concentration.

4 ounces to 1 gallon of Shockwave is 360 PPM.

1 ounce of Quat-A-Lot is 1980 PPM.

If you were going to purchase Shockwave to equal the amount of quat in a gallon of Quat-A-Lot percentage wise...not compensating for the two component vs. four component, you would have to purchase 5 1/2 gallons of Shockwave at a cost of $39.95 pr. gallon. A total cost of $219.72

One gallon of Quat-A-Lot is $75.

John, you need to let me send you some Quat-A-Lot so you can start selling it.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Pig Boy STFU already.

Les this thread wasn't about odor control and it wasn't even about shockwave (or even about quat-a-lot), but using you product in place of microban which you stated it can't and it never be able to. I brought up Shockwave as a economical and viable alternative to microban. Never was it your product not doing exactly what it states but what you and it states it doesn't do. I would rather Greenie sell it and make a buck then carry it myself I got enough shit on the walls as it is. :mrgreen:


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
So... Mr. Olson gave an answer and pig boy didn't like hoo
So how does the Betco 256 stack up against Quat a lot ? No one responded to the post.
I have read that no other product has 4 strains of quat (wrong). I actually tried Quat a lot and it seemed to be a good product, but it did not seem better than the betco 256 at a far better price. Perhaps Les or someone can explain how betco 256 differs from the Quat a lot?
Not trying to yank anyones chain...just a straight forward question... and I am not a Judson groupie or a Betco distributor.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
danielc said:
I buy it at my local Sams Club. Some Wal-Marts sell it. I have used it for 4 years for all my flood work. Sometimes I add it to my pre-spray. I like it and it beats paying 25 dollars for ready to use Microban which doesn't smell too good.

The same company makes a bio-enzyme product which is pretty good called Bio-Odor Control. It costs around 11-12 dollars and does a good job.

I use the Bio-Odor Control on urine and I can't say enough positives about it. Great stuff!


Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
Leslie Judson Jones said:
[quote="Art Kelley":2qr9hxxv][quote="Leslie Judson Jones":2qr9hxxv][Note: Check with manufacturers warranty on stain resistant carpet to make sure a quat product is approved for use. In most cases urine on the carpet already voids the warranty.

Are there any manufacturers that allow Quat-A-Lot on stain resist carpet?[/quote:2qr9hxxv]

I don't know you have to ck with the MFG. The only time QUAT is needed is on a flood or pet urine , this voids the warranty any way.

Even registered quaternary product is not ok and voids the warranty.

Floods void carpet warrantees? Could you be more specific, cat I, II or III? If that's the case we shouldn't be drying carpet, we should be replacing carpet.
Should Quat-A-Lot be applied only to clean surfaces as Microban requires?
If Microban voids carpet manufactures warrantees then Microban should only be used as a safety precaution for workers removing the carpet in cat III situations when the carpet and pad are being disposed of anyway?



Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
Leslie Judson Jones said:
[quote="Art Kelley":15clolv4][quote="Leslie Judson Jones":15clolv4][Note: Check with manufacturers warranty on stain resistant carpet to make sure a quat product is approved for use. In most cases urine on the carpet already voids the warranty.

Are there any manufacturers that allow Quat-A-Lot on stain resist carpet?[/quote:15clolv4]

I don't know you have to ck with the MFG. The only time QUAT is needed is on a flood or pet urine , this voids the warranty any way.

Even registered quaternary product is not ok and voids the warranty.


Floods void carpet warrantees? Could you be more specific, cat I, II or III? If that's the case we shouldn't be drying carpet, we should be replacing carpet.
Should Quat-A-Lot be applied only to clean surfaces as Microban requires?
If Microban voids carpet manufactures warrantees then Microban should only be used as a safety precaution for workers removing the carpet in cat III situations when the carpet and pad are being disposed of anyway?


Oct 7, 2006
Good thread.

The sales have already started pouring in.

I hope Les can address Kevin's questions before lunch.
May 12, 2007

As far as floods voiding warranties, you will have to check with the manufacturer of the carpet that is flooded to see what their policy is. Maybe Jim Pemberton can help me on this. I'm not sure, but maybe the warranty can be restored by proper cleaning and reapplication of protectant. Concerning the question about,"Quat-a-Lot being applied to clean surfaces only", Quat-a-Lot is being used on animal urine that has not been cleaned, but cleaned afterwards.

Concerning the question about Microban being used as a safety precaution on flooded carpets while handling and removing the carpet, maybe Jim could help me on this one too, but it seems like a practical thing to do.

Thanks for your questions. This thread has turned out to be a pretty good one and it is addressing issues that need to be addressed.
May 12, 2007
Willy P said:
danielc said:
I buy it at my local Sams Club. Some Wal-Marts sell it. I have used it for 4 years for all my flood work. Sometimes I add it to my pre-spray. I like it and it beats paying 25 dollars for ready to use Microban which doesn't smell too good.

The same company makes a bio-enzyme product which is pretty good called Bio-Odor Control. It costs around 11-12 dollars and does a good job.

I use the Bio-Odor Control on urine and I can't say enough positives about it. Great stuff!

When I posted the MSDS sheet for OdorBan I wanted people to see what is actually in the bottle that they are paying for. I know $11 - $12 pr. gallon seems like it is a good dea. I'm not saying that the product is not effective. What I am saying is that DD12 at $75 pr. gallon is less expensive. I also know that DD12 has higher quality raw materials in it. To match the strength of the $12 pr. gallon deodorizer, DD12 will cost $7.50 pr. gallon.
May 12, 2007
captaincarpet said:
So... Mr. Olson gave an answer and pig boy didn't like hoo
So how does the Betco 256 stack up against Quat a lot ? No one responded to the post.
I have read that no other product has 4 strains of quat (wrong). I actually tried Quat a lot and it seemed to be a good product, but it did not seem better than the betco 256 at a far better price. Perhaps Les or someone can explain how betco 256 differs from the Quat a lot?
Not trying to yank anyones chain...just a straight forward question... and I am not a Judson groupie or a Betco distributor.


When I did my research on quaternary ammonia I looked at every element of this product; what it is used for, who made it, and the total history of the product. I did extensive research on hospitals; why they only use quat now as a disinfectant. Quat is used pre-op on a patient's skin before surgery. The instruments are steralized with quat. The floors and sheets are cleaned using quat.

Quat is used as a final rinse on restaurant cookware, dishes, silverware, etc. In other words, people are eating off of surfaces that have been treated with quat and not rinsed.

Another interesting fact about quat is that it is actually used in emergencies to decontaminate drinking water.

Quats that are being used for all of the above must have an EPA registered number. Quat-A-Lot was not designed for these purposes, but as a deodorization for carpets only.

I kind of got off topic there, back to answering your question...just thought I would post some interesting facts about quat.

During my research, I found that there are many manufacturers of quaternary ammonia. One of my goals with Judson labs was to make the highest quality product possible regardless of cost or procedure. I found the number one manufacturer of quat. Quat is offered at a lot of different strengths and different variations of mixtures of different types. During my research I discovered that I could have bought a four component quat from overseas at one fifth the cost of what I am using now. All my competitors products are profit driven to the point that they are forced to buy lower grade components to maximize profit.

Tom I don't know anything about the product you are talking about, but the only thing I can tell you is that if it is $40 pr. gallon, I don't see how they are using high grade raw materials. I could produce a $40 four component quat, but I would have to buy the less expensive raw materials.
May 12, 2007

I just checked the MSDS sheet of the Betco 256 and I noticed that the concentration level is 12.5%. So at $40 pr. gallon and half the strength of Quat-A-Lot, it seems to be in line with using good raw materials. To match the strength of Quat-A-Lot, you would have to buy two gallons of Betco 256 equaling $80. One gallon of Quat-A-Lot is $ it looks to be a comparable product to Quat-A-Lot.


Nov 14, 2006
Kennesaw Ga.
Thomas Cermak
Leslie :

Thanks for the honest answer, I knew you would know better than I about actual ppm/% etc. Like I said I wasn't trying to be troublesome I just wanted to know the differences between the two. I support your using American raw materials, and I think the Quart self measuring bottles that you use are much better for exact dilution and ease of use.
Now I feel I'm making an intelligent decision, not just following the flock on MB.

pig boy... give me a break...This Moderator thing seems to have given you a head as large as Mikey IMHO
I'm not a sheep and actually like factual info. (and no one had to tell me to start my truck before my machine) lol


Oct 9, 2006
You are not sanitizing a carpet unless you submerse it in a sanitizer. Anything less than that and you are just making it less contaminated.
If you look at the directions on John's product they use the term disinfect for hard non porous and then change to sanitize for carpet. You can't meet the legal definition for disinfection on carpet . No one should be claiming so and as a result the EPA stuff doesn't apply.
I do try to keep some microban on the truck for sewer backups and other extreme cases. If I end up in court I'd rather be able to say microban not quat a lot or even shockwave, but for everything else it's quat a lot.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
BrianE said:
You are not sanitizing a carpet unless you submerse it in a sanitizer. Anything less than that and you are just making it less contaminated.
If you look at the directions on John's product they use the term disinfect for hard non porous and then change to sanitize for carpet. You can't meet the legal definition for disinfection on carpet . No one should be claiming so and as a result the EPA stuff doesn't apply.
I do try to keep some microban on the truck for sewer backups and other extreme cases. If I end up in court I'd rather be able to say microban not quat a lot or even shockwave, but for everything else it's quat a lot.

Sanitizing by definition means: making it less contaminated. Don't confuse sanitizing with sterilizing.

Your information is out dated. Microban Clean Carpet Sanitizer is but one product registered with the epa to "sanitize" carpet.


Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
Rex Tyus said:
BrianE said:
You are not sanitizing a carpet unless you submerse it in a sanitizer. Anything less than that and you are just making it less contaminated.
If you look at the directions on John's product they use the term disinfect for hard non porous and then change to sanitize for carpet. You can't meet the legal definition for disinfection on carpet . No one should be claiming so and as a result the EPA stuff doesn't apply.
I do try to keep some microban on the truck for sewer backups and other extreme cases. If I end up in court I'd rather be able to say microban not quat a lot or even shockwave, but for everything else it's quat a lot.

Sanitizing by definition means: making it less contaminated. Don't confuse sanitizing with sterilizing.

Your information is out dated. Microban Clean Carpet Sanitizer is but one product registered with the epa to "sanitize" carpet.

Microban Clean Carpet Sanitizer is classed as a toxic and skin and eye irritant. It also contains several hazardous ingredients. I would be more comfortable on a clean, un sanitized carpet.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Don't drink it, bath in it, or use it for eye water. :shock:
It is for CARPET.

And they say rednecks are ignorant. :roll:


May 19, 2007
I think just about every chemical in my truck is a skin and eye irritant to some extent. :roll:

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