

Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
dito Albert. For anyone to make a statement like that....says a lot about their mentaliy and "closed minded" they are. Years ago, I (as a CD chimp) stated there were stronger truckmounts, great chems...the equipment/chems play a nice part in your cleaning success...but more goes to the person doing the cleaning.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
royalkid said:
dito Albert. For anyone to make a statement like that....says a lot about their mentaliy and "closed minded" they are. Years ago, I (as a CD chimp) stated there were stronger truckmounts, great chems...the equipment/chems play a nice part in your cleaning success...but more goes to the person doing the cleaning.

LOL, you are jealous because you were stupid and bought a mediocre carpet business and you have to send half your money to someone else! I get the feeling you don't even own the business you are just a chimp working for them.
You closed minded people that can't think for yourself usually have to buy cookie cutter business's because you are not wise enough or creative enough to start your own.


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Mike Draper....when substandard is all you need

Mike Draper said:
royalkid said:
dito Albert. For anyone to make a statement like that....says a lot about their mentaliy and "closed minded" they are. Years ago, I (as a CD chimp) stated there were stronger truckmounts, great chems...the equipment/chems play a nice part in your cleaning success...but more goes to the person doing the cleaning.

LOL, you are jealous because you were stupid and bought a mediocre carpet business and you have to send half your money to someone else! I get the feeling you don't even own the business you are just a chimp working for them.
You closed minded people that can't think for yourself usually have to buy cookie cutter business's because you are not wise enough or creative enough to start your own.

you really like to toss that "jealous" word around a lot...was it the "word of the week" in your "build a better self esteem" workshop?? And CD's a "medicore" business...damn dude, you REALLY are a MORON. As far as owning a CD...nope...I've let Millionaires sign my checks for a while now and they pay all the bills :) I, personally, would not buy into a franchise...I WOULD, however, take tools that others have used to be successful and incorporate that into my business, just like I'm sure you did...or wait, did you develope all of your own marketing/ads??? Come on, surely you didn't use something similar to someone else?? again....MORON!! Just get off our nutz, you'll always be a lil' biznitch to CD, so dry your eyes (in 1-2 hours NOT days) and don't let CD burst your bubble so much 8)

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Damn I'm good! I figured you were their little employee chimp. Looks like you've been checking out my ads, website and stuff. Funny thing is I haven't even clicked on your profile cause I don't really give a shit about you! I just know your a stupid little kid that works for a shitty CC company from the way you talk. It sounds like you were raised in downtown New Orleans. If you really were an Entrepreneur you wouldn't be someone else little monkey. You are here on this board because????


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Mike's a 3 year hack that's on my nutz!!!

Mike, I haven't been checking out anything about you....don't know your co. name, haven't seen a web-site and could give a shit about your ads. What? You've been in business for 3 years and you know it all?? You're a fookin' wannabe...I've been cleaning longer and have been coming to these boards longer...why you ask?? Because I have a mind of my own and like to know what's out there besides what my co. offeres.

You think buying a vanw/ tm, getting ins., business lic., and putting a decal on the side of your van means you da shiznit?? ANYONE can start a business....let's see where you are in 30 years (CD), sorry scumbag, takes a bit more than can continue to "try" and put down the biggest cc company, but you just continue to stress over something you have no control over, kinda like your tourettes...but it's cool, i've been bitch slappin dudes like you on BB's for many years...kinda funny to me at this point. Keep hating #1 twizotch!!!

oh yeah, and you were right on about the little kid.....33 yrs old, 6'3" 240lbs. Dumbass! :p

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
LOL! :lol: Even though you are still a royal douche, next time you come to logan and visit the Chem-Lie facility, call me up and I'll come down for free and show you guys how to really clean carpet and have dry times in less than 1-2 hours. I'll even explain to you what a blower is, how CFM and lift works, even how to do maintenance on your machine. Then we can have a clean off.......oh wait, that already happened here in logan between the other cleaners and Chem-lie! Unfortunate for you, the Biggest, biggest, biggest carpet cleaning franchise in the world was a little embarrassed. They lost. :oops: but hey, they are still the BIGGGESSSST! But don't act like a Whigger if you visit here. Cheers!

diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
I hate to break up ya'lls little love-fest, but I just read this thread. Had a customer last weekend that had used kem-dri for years simply because she didn't know any better. I've been Cimexing their business for a couple of years, but just met her a few weeks ago.

This was a BIG house; I'm guessing 7-8k square feet, though much of it was stone/wood. She was shocked and awed that it took me 6 hours to clean the carpet (I was alone) as opposed to 2 hours. She was amazed that there was a way to actually remove dirt from the carpet via water and vacuum!

She has her carpets cleaned every 6 months and now they're mine. :D


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Brian, good for you if you took a hacks guess..they were bonnet cleaning...that's bs...HRI has not mandated CTS cleaning as of yet, and those that still bonnet will lose custys to knowledgeable HWE' congrats on taking that account and I (seriously) hope you get more...because you're obviously more focused on quality than that local CD hack.

Mike, I already know what a "blower"'s a corner gig you picked up about 3 years ago to help pay for your bulter. And where's the "whigger" comment coming from....???? I'm American 100%...I served in the military (Special Ops) for 4 years. You??? I am Italian, but that's from the family....I'm from the U.S., so don't get it twisted. I'm sure you've tasted one of my relatives meatballs in the past....but I would have given my life for my hide in a corner, suckin' your thumb asking me to protect your lil' bitch ass.

But I'm getting side-tracked..CD is a great company with amazing success, PERIOD. Do your best, as most do, to keep up and maybe surpass, but whining like a lil' baby, ain't gonna do shit for you except make you look like the litte cry-baby you truly, go ahead...keep crying. I exect more of it from you.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Say what you want, but a company is only as good as its representatives. Crappy reps, doesn't say much for the company. Crappy advertisements too, very misleading. Again, doesn't say much for the company.

Don't know how the CD guys here are cleaning, I think they're still on the bonnet, but wouldn't recommend them for a dog house carpet.

They might be doing very well but Nationwide and Stanley aren't going anywhere either. I would recommend Nationwide though.


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Ron Werner said:
Say what you want, but a company is only as good as its representatives. Crappy reps, doesn't say much for the company. Crappy advertisements too, very misleading. Again, doesn't say much for the company.

Don't know how the CD guys here are cleaning, I think they're still on the bonnet, but wouldn't recommend them for a dog house carpet.

They might be doing very well but Nationwide and Stanley aren't going anywhere either. I would recommend Nationwide though.

Rob, who's this "rep" you speak of? What ads do you speak of? And CD's will be only using TM's (on residentials) in the near the bonnet comment isn't true. As far as stanley or other franchises...CD is #1 (that's a fact), so you can say what you want about "reps", "ads", etc...but there's a reason CD is #1....and it's NOT because it's "crappy". Just thought I'd help clear up a few things for you that you have incorrect. :D


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I will tell some chem-drys are probably crappy and some are probably good all in all just like any thing targeting a mass audience it is mediocre with alot of advertisement.

I was suprised at how well that did at my friends house in Grafton, Ma but talking to the guy he goes off script because he was tired of the complaints.

You keep spouting that chemdry is the largest carpet cleaning company but then you deflect and say some may be bad, some may be good, well that to me says the truth that chemdry is a bunch of little companies.

The advertising Ron is speaking of is what started this thread up top. As for reps I doubt he even knows you, so you can probably knock that chip off your shoulder.

As a quick aside. What branch of the military? What Special Ops unit?

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
royal kid, thanks for hanging out with us, even though you are a chem-dry guy. I send you a PM

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Well Peter, I know of a couple a guys here in Victoria. The one franchise has changed hands as often as some people change cars. The one guy left CD and bought into Citruso, he was tired of the CD BS. Of course now, I'm getting a lot of clients from Citruso, as well as CD. They've never left a good impression in this city.

As for it being the biggest. Well, it might very well be, but it certainly isn't the best, not by a long shot. A lot of big corporations out there I wouldn't give 2 dimes for. And I know a lot of other people that would be surprised to hear its the biggest. Just goes to show how well people buy into marketing, the first time. But they never go back. They need a big advertising budget to keep replacing the people they lost!

You can bust on my all you like, but that's what I've heard, what I've seen. And you can't deny that.

Oh, as for the advertisements, I don't have cable so I don't see the latest. What I have seen are the BS ads they have on youtube; bunch of crap. Whoever did those ads has still never seen proper cleaning. You wanna see proper cleaning, watch my video. THATs how it should be done!


Oct 11, 2006
I like your post Lance and you could not be more right on............

Chem-Dry is not in the carpet cleaning business

It is all about selling Franchises, Equipment they own you rent, high priced
chemicals, and fees.

When we discovered HWE we found that prespray, adjatation and then HW Rinse
cleaned carpets we cleaned over all the superior way.

You cannot claim no residue when your leaving your solution in the carpet, come on
any person with half a thought would put that together.

Again, Lance said it very well and Wayne Miller had good comments as well.

As for me, I am so glad to be out from under them.....they make me think of the
way our Government is being run now............

Slip it under and do it quick before you find out and realize what has been done to you with no way out and your stuck..........

The Chem-Dry I ran went bust after it was stolen out from under me.............the jerk who lied , schemed and ran it into the ground proved to me that there is justice after all...........
Poetic Justice.

I could say a lot, but I think I don't want to disappoint Ivan to much.

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