Doc Holliday said:
anyone notice the trade show isn't free anymore it's 15.00 early reg and 25.00 late
you gotta pay to have people sell you chit!
Fookem don't go!
That's because for years Connections has been contracted to pay Cooper $15 a head for all convention attendees because of something about "hard costs" of having cleaners walk through an event. Yet when I had a booth in Florida and got the attendee list - there were people on there who attended the PRIOR Vegas event and not Florida... so I think sometimes, of course accidentally, the list gets padded. :shock:
If they removed the management company from the equation, and let the presidents of the associations coordinate the program and show, put on REAL education and training, and stop making the show so friggin' large that attendees walk really, really, really fast to see everything - then they could make that event profitable for everyone involved.... including those who attend.
There used to be solid content. For years now it's pretty much all promotional presentations - which is okay, but they should make that part free then.
After Piranha did the hands-on restoration symposium in Nashville, and sold it out in 4 weeks, Connections finally got it in their head to add some actual DEMONSTRATION training in their program (duh!)... and they did those sectors on cleaning in the show last September. We flooded a restaurant at our annual event - mainly because I like to see actual cleaning and flood work happening, and most instructors today wouldn't honestly know what to DO with a wand... yet they are supposedly teaching the craft.
So - on that end, that's a plus for Connections to add that... so I was happy. :mrgreen:
I was on the Connections board the first 3 years - tried to bring in a management team who would actually be more affordable and accountable - but the politics in this industry is about as bad as DC - and the results equally about as bad. I've offered to help over the years with suggestions (we've sold out the Piranha Conference at over $1,000 a head for going on 16 years), I might actually know something. You think?
Even though I am not a fan of how Cooper runs business, whether its Connections or
IICRC, Piranha continues to support the show because I know how damn hard the volunteers on the associations (SOME of them) work, and how underappreciated their contributions to the industry are. We ALWAYS wait to see when their dates are so that we can be either 2 weeks prior or post, because we do not want to take attendees away from them (and we would). Joe Polish was on the CFI board for a few years before he escaped ... I was on CFI's board for 11 years - and honestly, really valued my experience there. And I always support the associations, not so much their "entitlement" management.
But Connections needs a makeover. Badly. It's expensive for the vendors in relation to the return they get from the show.
If they went to self-management, they could save $100K+ just right there in expenses.
I go there to support the associations, and to see some old friends, but not because I expect to learn anything. How many times can we see the same presentations over and over again? Like I posted on the Cleanfax board... "
IICRC - New Horizons" or Jeff Bishop on new ways to kiss the CRI's butt (or Ruth doing the same about WoolSafe).
You have the same old people who have been out of cleaning FOREVER creating a program for cleaners, who they think anything is okay because they ain't that smart to see it's not worth the money. If they had a quality program, they'd put a guarantee on it - put their money where their mouth is... but you have to know you are giving a great program to back it up like that.
I don't mind paying $15 for the show... but I'm curious what the exhibitors feel about that, since they are the ones bankrolling this event. Florida has been very light these last few years - and the same faces. Vegas still gets good traffic - just wonder if it's traffic that is BUYING anything.
Dri-Eaz had some GREAT symposiums... I'd like to see another one of those. Much more than paying for Connections - but very much worth every dollar. Maybe Connections should move to every other year instead of twice a year. It takes a lot of work to put on a show... even the bad ones.