
Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
John, I'm not going to blow a gasket about this however I will disagree with you about how the money is handled and where the time and resources are going.

If the way money for the event is allocated is not going to the benefit of the people who this event is for then it is a SCAM. There are reasons that you don't hear publicly from more people in the regionals about their frustration and dissatisfaction with the Connections event.

There are some very responsible ethical people who are now involved in the IICRC and regionals and I have it on good authority we can expect to see some real and sincere changes soon but this is a process that will take some time.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
You're right John, and deserve it and proudly wear it.

Maybe this year right after Mike cuts me in for shares in this place and the fest...


and which trade association are a board member of Bob?

Change comes from within,

you;re either part of the solution or part of the problem

There is no way Mikefest is going to surpass Connections , before that happened Connections would learn from the event and implement the necessary changes

You have been an integral part in the success of Mikefest focus on making that a better event

If what you are hearing is accurate about future improvements to Connections and they are happening quietly, then allow that change to happen and lend a hand if you are inclined.

Connections ball busting from the Chair woman of a competing event is silly :mrgreen:

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I don't know that I would go so far as to say that all scam's are illegal, in this case I'd say more immoral. If the intent is to put money in the pocket of trade associations but instead we have individuals lining their pockets then I'd call that a scam also.

I'm sure the majority of the people that help put on Connection are above board, but it only takes a few bad eggs to hurt the rest.

Did they ever get a full accounting on Connections, I remember that being discussed a few years back on ICS also?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I'm not saying anyone did anything illegal but I do think unethical things have been done.

It would be ridiculous to think that MB could handle an event the size and scope of Connections, even if the event was subcontracted. That isn't our aim here.

What we could do if the will was there is produce a larger event that was more focused on what we have determined from our successes to work. If Connections wants to improve their event then whats the difference about what I say.

There are hundreds of people who feel the same way I do. There are also a significant number of regional association board members that feel the same too but won't publicly for fear of reprisal. And yes I have talked in detail to a couple of very prominent ones.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
WTF was that harper???

isnt that like kiddy porn??
:? :? :? :? :?


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
fred boyle said:
and which trade association are a board member of Bob?

Change comes from within,

you;re either part of the solution or part of the problem

There is no way Mikefest is going to surpass Connections , before that happened Connections would learn from the event and implement the necessary changes

You have been an integral part in the success of Mikefest focus on making that a better event

If what you are hearing is accurate about future improvements to Connections and they are happening quietly, then allow that change to happen and lend a hand if you are inclined.

Connections ball busting from the Chair woman of a competing event is silly :mrgreen:

I agree with you Fred that Mikeyfest will never surpass Connections in scope, because the vendors - who are the most important piece of this puzzle (because they PAY for the event being run) - would never shift all of that money to an event comprised of free attendees at a mostly social gathering, with a level of organization and coordination that is pretty much maxed out at the number of attendees you had there this year. Your volunteers would need to hire a coordinator to work it, and spend the entire year promoting and filling - and need to charge something so that you know FOR SURE how many are coming.

Having events is a BIG project.

Also Fred - Connections and Piranha do not compete. Our event is for our members - a market who has issues with paying a few hundred to Connections is NOT going to be the target market for a $1,495 event.

The reason I added a trade show last year was because Connections is getting too large to serve the exhibitors in a way that makes them any big money from the event itself, they collect the names and that's about it. So, with the slower economy I wanted our core Buyers Group partners to have an event where we would help them maximize sales. Even the trade association (CFI) we had in our show sold more memberships in our half day show than they did in 3 full days at Connections... and you know how hard it is to sell associations.

The core problem is - when you have volunteers who have trouble growing their own businesses, how can you expect them to know how to grow the business of an association, an event, or even IICRC for that matter? Plus being a volunteer, that work tends to be fit into free time instead of focused time.

Having a professional manager is smart - you can hold them accountable. I just think the prior one has not been held accountable, he's being treated as a volunteer... as if they owe him that position.

Let me be clear... I support Connections, I promote it to our list, and I will have a booth to bring members to it this year. I'm just sharing my own opinion on how to make it better. We've been filling our show for over 15 years, so they could learn a few things from us.

And honestly, sometimes change does not happen until you start ball busting...



Oct 9, 2006
Summerfest is free as well. In Utah at John O's place this year.

Independently produced events such as Pembertons, Winterfest, MikeFest are successful because there is more concern about delivering something valuable to cleaners than they are about making money on the event itself.
and SUMMER FEST going on it's 12th year now!

Not sure if I'll go to Connections this year but I will be at the 12th annual Summer Fest!

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