Customer Kills Cat


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Ken Snow said:
vincent said:
Op, I highly suggest that you contact a administrator here and make this thread go away.

Someone will found out who this guy is and turn him in. Then in turn, he will get with you.

I'm flat serious.

His actions were totally wrong and disgust me.

Better yet- Tell us who he is and we can all send emails to his superior.

Send me one of your gently used, faggot purple butler truckmounts and I’ll think about rating on the guy :lol: .

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Frankly if he did it in a humane, as humane as killing something can be, way I don't see it being any different than the ANIMAL being "put to sleep" at the local pound.


we can all agree or disagree whether or not the guy's a creep for offing the cat ...and I won't get into that.
But "I" don't see it as any different than someone taking it to the pound and letting someone else do the deed

I certainly can't see where it warrants any "criminal offense" (unless torture was part of the equation)
Cause it's no more "criminal" than dropping off a critter at the pound



Nov 11, 2011
unless torture was part of the equation)

That is the answer...Ive had to put down 2 dogs(old age) in my time.Now was this man Chinese by any chance? They eat cats like we eat cows/calfs(I think the gov. is cutting down on it a little because of the image and 50,000 emails from Ken Snow).They look at us the same way we look at Mike and his eastern Indian friends when they walk in to Taco Bell and order a bean taco.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I rescue dogs (and a few cats) discarded at shelters. Do you know how many old dogs are dropped off there that I have pulled and given years of good quality life with a little love and good care? Every day wonderful, healthy animals are dropped off because they peed on the floor or are too rough with the kids, or chewed up he furniture, etc....when all the dog needed was an owner committed enough to train it with patience and consistency. They take on the responsibility of these animals, but think they are disposable objects to get rid of when they are no longer convenient or become too much work.

Just like with kids, if you can't deal with the work, time, adjustments to your life, inconvenience and mess of having them in your life, don't take on the responsibility to begin with. Don't make the animal suffer because you are too involved in other things to take the time, make the effort and spend the money that you need to in order to be a responsible pet owner....and spay and neuter your animals so they aren't pumping out puppies and kittens twice a year that end up in shelters or worse, because you won't spend the money to prevent it.

If you take on a dog or cat realize that they live 10-20 years and during their lives, just like a person's, they will have health issues. Don't take the dog on if you can't afford to take it to the vet and have it treated, if you can't afford to feed it a quality food, if you don't have time to train it, or plan on keeping it outdoors alone it's entire life. They are not your dog until you have a baby, have to move, your hours change, etc.... just like a child, you need to adjust your life and suck up the inconvenience and do right by this animal that you brought into your family and took responsibility for.

When they get old, you don't just put them down, you care for them and do everything in your power to make their twilight years as comfortable as possible....just like you would for your aging parent of grandparent.

Sometimes I wish every dog or cat cost 2K, then there would be a lot less people treating them like valueless trash and acquiring animals when they don't have the time or resources to devote to them.

Bailey was dumped at Lancaster, CA animal shelter by her owners who said they wanted her euthanized because she was old and sick. She was 14 0r 15 years old filthy, her collar glued to her skin with old, crusted food, eyes nearly blind with dryness never treated. Deafened from chronic ear infections never treated, sad, depressed and hopeless. She had given her best years, her love, devotion and loyalty to her family only to be cast off and discarded when she needed some care and love in return. here was her shelter photo:


I pulled her from the shelter and have had her two years. She is a wonderful and happy old girl. She takes a medicine which helps with her arthritis, and a supplement that helps to support her liver function she gets regular baths, indoor living, soft beds, quality food and bones to chew, even if she has few teeth left to chew them. Now at 16-17 she is a bit incontinent. But I'm not going to kill her because of it, we work to make it easier for her to get outside, take her out regularly, feed her on a schedule so we know when it should be time for her to go...and every once in a while we clean up a mess. But we aren't angry, we're just glad she's still happy, in good health and with us and we treasure every day we have her:



This little girl suffered extreme neglect, starved nearly to death and discarded with a severe case of Demodex mange. It hurts to look at the pictures of her when I picked her up. dumped to die when no one took responsibility for her:



Here she is a year later, in a wonderful home. All it took was good food, time, effort, love and some inexpensive medications:


If you can't commit to an animal for their life, don't commit at all.

When the dog or cat or other family pet has a painful terminal illness or has crossed the time when despite your best care, the bad days outnumber the good, then, by all means, have them humanely put to sleep, let them go warm and secure in your arms, unafraid. Don't dump them at the pound, shoot them, wring their neck or just turn them loose for the coyotes and cars to dispose of. They deserve better.

Take care,


Nov 11, 2011
To be honest Lisa..We need to be euthanizing more humans,and not just the terminal ones.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
You have a big heart Lisa.

I'll try not to think of that before pic of your pug as I eat lunch :cry: .
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