Dave Gill, it's been eleven days.....


Oct 19, 2006
It takes one to know one.....and you know them all.
blowme blowme blowme :p :p :p

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
By the way Larry...did you come up with that or did you read it somewhere?

Of coarse the "message" isn't new .
It's been told many times in many different ways , so i can't take credit for that.
(though I I DO have personal experience on both sides of the "path"and determined long ago which Way was better)

but you can credit me parable above .... it's not plagiarized.....(that I know of )

BTW, I've used the pen name "AKO" before
If anyone can guess what it stands for , I'll buy them one of Olson's raffle tickets !gotcha!


Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Holy Shit, Lance. As much as I sympathized with your situation, after the way you are acting, I no longer can help you on this one.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
lance you can kiss my ass..i work very hard for what i have built and have helped more than a hand
full of people on this board in ways that you will never know because what i do to help people is non of your business
much like the business you dont have loser!! NOTHING could or would ever get in the way of my success or starting
my company..not stupid decisions like the ones you make or the bitch way you handle them..grow up loser..
you will never have a successful business because you give up to easy and you are not a problem solver..you are a
baby that tells on people instead of dealing with things head on..moron..i was just on the phone with someone yesterday
for a hr taking about helping them build their business and get to the next level..i just shoot a shit load of pics of
some things i have on my truck to a guy in canada that is buying a butler that needed some help understanding
some things..i also had better then 4 long phone conversations with him helping him get up and running so he didt
waste time and money..that is smart business on his part..unlike you who sits on his ass crying about how
someone stopped you from starting your business and wont call you back..you are annoying and a pain in the ass..thats why
he wouldnt call you back..it is hard to talk to stupid and you are kind of stupid..
i will post my info on greenie when i am done making my hard earned money, growing my company and helping anyone
that calls asking for help/direction or advise..
get it??


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
oh and regarding my customers loving me or not...lol you could offer to do their work for free and they
would kindly refuse and call me to spend 400 bucks to have it done right..we live to satisfy our customers
and have the highest level of customer service you will ever see...so come one down to florida and take a shot
at it..more than one guy has started in my back yard and lasted less than 6 months, i will gladly add you to the list.
see the attitude you are getting is called balls..i dont let anyone treat me or do anything to me i dont want done..
the greenie thing would have gone a different way with me because i am not a cry baby..i deal with things head on


Oct 19, 2006
You don't have balls Dave, you have bullsh%t and lots of ego. Big deal. There's plenty of people who have a better, bigger business than you so why don't you go and kiss their asses?

The problem is that you have fallen in love with jeff all over again. Good for you. And what did you do when you had a problem with him before????? You gave up. Didn't pursue it. QUITTER!!!!! Where were your big balls then lardass? Were you holding on to them hopeing nobody would find out that you are full of hot air? So if you had had my problem with Jeff you would have done what? Fly to Calif? Ya, if you could figure out how find your way thru an airport. Talk is cheap and that is all you are. Full of talk.

I am so happy to hear about your great customer service skills. Do you treat your custys like crap until they give you money? No? why not? Aren't they annoying you by wanting your service?

Well guess what turdmouth, I gave yor new lover a deposit so that made me......I'll wait for your brain to catch up dave.....ok ready???? A CUSTOMER. That's right you dickless wonder, I was a customer of Jeff's. Is that easy enough for your comprehension skills????

So if I call and would like an update don't you think I deserve at least that you imbecile? And I had waited for six months (that means this many:6) and he still hadn't fullfilled our deal or really it's called a verbal contract. And just so you understand reality, he couldn't get the job done and wouldn't return my calls to tell me so. Your boy wonder had a problem with one of his customers....and what did he do? He ignored that customer for a month.

Is that great customer service to you peckerhead? Get a f'ing clue. You are in love with someone who did the exact opposite of what you do for your customers, right? Or do you ignore them when they call you too??? I couldn't care less how you run your business but don't you dare think that I, as a customer with a vested interest in the results, should not be able to call every once in a while to find out why the contract is not being completed.

So shut your big fat mouth when you think that you know it all. Hey lardass, why don't you prove it that I agreed to be treated worse than anyother customer of his??? I didn't agree to that, so i guess mr. annoyed really didn't do a good job of doing business with a customer who had already given him money......now who's the moron now fartface???

Dave, I know exactly what happened because i was a party to the whole thing. Get a f'ing grip on reality. Your best buddy dropped the ball bigtime and if you want to stick up for him, go ahead. But don't try to weasel the truth around like you do with your blow-up doll. It has to put up with your crap but I don't.

But by all means you have a right to state what you think happened, but be prepared to maybe be proved wrong. I have a really good memory and I love telling the truth.


Oct 19, 2006
Doug, that's ok. Dont need your help. Everything is good. :lol:

Dave if your doing a good job and the customers are happy, then they should like you and the service you provide.

Please take a second and think about your mantra on customer service....and then realize that Jeff's customer service TO ME was lacking to the lowest degree. Maybe to everybody else he is prize, but he needed Ray to get the situation fixed. He didn't want to do it himself. If that is a guy you respect and admire then go for it. But you would be a hypocrite if you thought for one second that I didn't deserve the same respect as all his other customers.

Put that in your lunch sack the next time you go fishing. There simply isn't any excuse why our agreement wasn't worked out in a positive manner. Me annoying?? you bet. Back up your words with action or go pout in a corner because someone is paying you to do a job and keep him informed and you might have to talk to them on the phone once in a while.

I would rather have no business than one that treats people badly and has bad results and then blames it on the customer. But that's just my way of thinking and you can disagree if you want to.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Lance, dude, you're digging yourself into a big hole by overreacting. We all can see this had been quite an ordeal for you but its time to focus on getting where you are going.

It should be an enjoyable thing looking for a machine. So make it enjoyable.


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care

You and Dave are like a couple of 4th graders...did you actually say "dickless wonder".. :shock:

You posted your issue here and it seemed like a lot of folks gave you their .2 (wasn't that helping?). As I've read your posts in this thread you have definetly turned something good (getting your $$ back) into a bunch of BS. I can't imagine how pissed you must have been waiting (w/ no call backs) for 6 months...that really sux...but fortunately (due to this board and its members and Ray) you were able to get your money back...can't get the 6-months back, but time to move forward. Don't burn too many bridges here, if you're starting out soon, you may be asking for more help in the future.



Oct 19, 2006
Hi Peter, has it been a long time since you were here? Ya, me and Dave had a good shouting match but now i am really tired of talking about the whole thing. I just wanted to see what he would say abut the texting stuff he did before. But he's not ready to say and that's fine by me.

How are you doing? I know you have been thru rough times before and I hope you got things straightened out and are doing well and happy.

I got my money back and I have explained what happened as many different ways as I am able to. I did my best and that is what I tried to do.

Bob, I don't see it as digging a hole. I see it as explaining what happened as best I can. And yes I can over react sometimes especially when I don't feel like people really understand what happened. But I am really happy not to have the WM machine to deal with and I am looking for a machine.

The best decision I have made is to get my deposit back and being able to look for a machine that is more for what I need and one that can be worked on easily as I will have to depend on a shop to fix any problems.

Doesn't that Sapphire 870 seem like a cool machine??? hahahaha


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
lance said:
You don't have balls Dave, you have bullsh%t and lots of ego. Big deal. There's plenty of people who have a better, bigger business than you so why don't you go and kiss their asses?

The problem is that you have fallen in love with jeff all over again. Good for you. And what did you do when you had a problem with him before????? You gave up. Didn't pursue it. QUITTER!!!!! Where were your big balls then lardass? Were you holding on to them hopeing nobody would find out that you are full of hot air? So if you had had my problem with Jeff you would have done what? Fly to Calif? Ya, if you could figure out how find your way thru an airport. Talk is cheap and that is all you are. Full of talk.

I am so happy to hear about your great customer service skills. Do you treat your custys like crap until they give you money? No? why not? Aren't they annoying you by wanting your service?

Well guess what turdmouth, I gave yor new lover a deposit so that made me......I'll wait for your brain to catch up dave.....ok ready???? A CUSTOMER. That's right you dickless wonder, I was a customer of Jeff's. Is that easy enough for your comprehension skills????

So if I call and would like an update don't you think I deserve at least that you imbecile? And I had waited for six months (that means this many:6) and he still hadn't fullfilled our deal or really it's called a verbal contract. And just so you understand reality, he couldn't get the job done and wouldn't return my calls to tell me so. Your boy wonder had a problem with one of his customers....and what did he do? He ignored that customer for a month.

Is that great customer service to you peckerhead? Get a f'ing clue. You are in love with someone who did the exact opposite of what you do for your customers, right? Or do you ignore them when they call you too??? I couldn't care less how you run your business but don't you dare think that I, as a customer with a vested interest in the results, should not be able to call every once in a while to find out why the contract is not being completed.

So shut your big fat mouth when you think that you know it all. Hey lardass, why don't you prove it that I agreed to be treated worse than anyother customer of his??? I didn't agree to that, so i guess mr. annoyed really didn't do a good job of doing business with a customer who had already given him money......now who's the moron now fartface???

Dave, I know exactly what happened because i was a party to the whole thing. Get a f'ing grip on reality. Your best buddy dropped the ball bigtime and if you want to stick up for him, go ahead. But don't try to weasel the truth around like you do with your blow-up doll. It has to put up with your crap but I don't.

But by all means you have a right to state what you think happened, but be prepared to maybe be proved wrong. I have a really good memory and I love telling the truth.

lance the keyboard warrior..what a guy. funny thing is when and if i see you at a industry function we will see
if you have the balls to call me a lard ass..i guarantee i will walk up to you and call you a loser to your
face..i know there and tons of larger companies than mine out there you idiot..who do you think i am learning from..you think i was born with
knowledge?? i got it from sfs and ken snow and surrounding myself with proven winners..not losers. there is no one like you in my life
because you are a loser.
i have gotten about 15 pm's agreeing that you are a loser and need to go away..
i have fired several customers over the years because they were just plain stupid..and you my friend were fired by jeff
because you are stupid..i dont really care about why you were stupid enough to pud down some money on a machine
with no paperwork or meeting of the minds but whatever..
see i only called you a loser and that is a true statement..you call me a lard ass?? lol and dickless?? lol
5'11" weighing 240lbs and benching 405? lard ass..wrestler for 6 years and kickboxing for 4 years..lard ass? married for 19.5 years...dickless?? lol
proven loser...you??? yes
i have this think called work to do today..see i have some according to you really unhappy customers that just wont stop calling
me..it is so crazy that their is a waiting list 6 deep for the first spot from a cancellation man i got to figure out how to stop
pissing off my customers and making them unhappy..tell me your secret to success lance..how can i get to be as busy as you??
it may not work for me because i am not willing to sit on my ass and cry like a baby..i am a get it done kind of guy and nothing
stops me from getting it done so your path to success of sitting on your ass wont work for me..
as advised by many to be done with this because you have nothing else to do but go on and on i am done with it..
see ya

curt johnson

Mar 25, 2010
Anthem AZ
Curt Johnson
I've been waiting to start my business for 5 years now. I go to Connections and Mikeyfest every year. i ordered (and put a downpayment on) blue furniture tabs. I'm still waiting for them to get here so I can start my business. Does anyone have any advice? I mean, after 5 years shouldn't my tabs be in so I can start my business?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
curt johnson said:
I've been waiting to start my business for 5 years now. I go to Connections and Mikeyfest every year. i ordered (and put a downpayment on) blue furniture tabs. I'm still waiting for them to get here so I can start my business. Does anyone have any advice? I mean, after 5 years shouldn't my tabs be in so I can start my business?

Too funny.

I bet Lance's Mom wanted her carpet "professionally cleaned" for her birthday so the created the sudden rush to get the white magic completed.

I am not buying his story at all.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
curt johnson said:
I've been waiting to start my business for 5 years now. I go to Connections and Mikeyfest every year. i ordered (and put a downpayment on) blue furniture tabs. I'm still waiting for them to get here so I can start my business. Does anyone have any advice? I mean, after 5 years shouldn't my tabs be in so I can start my business?



Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
And this gentlemen and lady (you know who you are), is why we are addicted to this board :p

Let alone, the occasional random sprinkles of advise here and there.

Just keep it going.


lance said:
QUITTER!!!!! Where were your big balls then lardass?

Well guess what turdmouth,

That's right you dickless wonder,

So if I call and would like an update don't you think I deserve at least that you imbecile?

Is that great customer service to you peckerhead? Get a f'ing clue.

So shut your big fat mouth when you think that you know it all. Hey lardass,

......now who's the moron now fartface???

after that diatribe, I'd have to say the moron is you Lance :mrgreen:


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I think me and gill get along I would pefer me and gill beat up Lnace and nocum err yokum

BTW State wrestling Championship 1987


Nov 14, 2006
XTREME1 said:
I think me and gill get along I would pefer me and gill beat up Lnace and nocum err yokum

BTW State wrestling Championship 1987
What weight????

Three time county and region champ here @ 119 and 126 lb.

Never could advanced past the second round at state.

I bet if gill gotcha in a head lock....you would scream uncle.


Oct 19, 2006
For Dave: Ya, me and Dave had a good shouting match but now i am really tired of talking about the whole thing. I just wanted to see what he would say abut the texting stuff he did before. But he's not ready to say and that's fine by me. (I said this in my last post, maybe you missed it)

(For future reference: dave's kryptonite is the word "lardass.") I also got a PM but just one, telling me that dave is an egomaniac, a blowhard, and has hair like donald trump......

This thread is worn out so thanks to Art and Curt for adding a good laugh to all this mayhem. I have no more comments about the subject.

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