Do I really need a truck mount to be 'real'


Aug 25, 2013
Western NY
I was on the phone with a business about a stair tool. He almost laughed at me because I have a portable system - Rotovac- and said I'll eventually graduate to a real system and need a truck mount. He way he said it made it sound like I'm using a tricycle and need to be using a Harley.
I don't think he meant it that way really. But I'm an older lady, and can be a little sensitive with how I'm treated sometimes (divorcing a misogynist now).
I don't have the money for a truck mount, and had to borrow for what I do have.
I need to support myself and my young children, I don't want to be insulted but I need the truth. Do I really need a truck mount to be taken seriously in this business? (by clients, I couldn't care less about other carpet cleaners so long as my clients are happy)

Thanks so much :)
And God Bless


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
Can you clean carpets with a portable? Yes
Is it harder? Yes

I think the real set back with a portable is the image you bring to high end homes that will be willing to purchase your service. I also know that the fatigue factor with portable over a truck mount is much greater.

We used a portable one day a few years ago to try and do the homes we had scheduled for the day and it was horrible. My tech went into the first home expecting to do 3 rooms they added 4 more and some stairs. I had to go out to help him we had to move the portable up stairs because the hose was not long enough. My little experience let my know never again. I went our the door apologizing for the inconvenience. Not the high end image we where looking for.

I started with a portable they call a Bane it sits in the truck and sort of looks like a truck mount. It had so many limitations that it kept me from selling in certain situations.

A truck mount will make you faster and allow you less time working and more time with your family.

If you need someone to brainstorm with give me a message me. I might be able to help you create a plan to get to a truck mount by.

We started with just a floor machine and a old ninja. 4.5 years ago I now have 4 truck mounts in my shop area.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Many of us here started with a portable, myself included. Just as Tom said, it is difficult. Unfortunately I can trace my lower back problems today back to my portable and pulling the SOB up the stairs. WE all have to start somewhere. Make sure you have some business that generates revenue before you get in deeper. Nothing worthwhile in life is easy. Maybe give it a go for six months or so with the portable to see if you want to stay in this business before you invest more money. Thats my .02

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Abigail are you able and willing to travel a bit to ride along with a member from here to see how its done?
I'm sure we could hook you up with one or three.
Trying different methods and materials may save you a ton of money and headaches.

You'll also be able to better judge how much work you could get done in a day and plan accordingly.
You've chosen a career path that is not easy work, it's not digging ditches but its certainly not just pushing s vacuum cleaner at a leisurely pace either.
You'll most likely want to get into a position of hiring young men doing the cleaning for you as soon as possible while you run/ manage the business.

Please take Tom King's offer for help seriously and pick his brain as much as he allows.


Jan 28, 2013
Beaumont, CA
Joseph Torrez
Be honest, give your best, know what works, and give your customers assurance by offering a 100% money back guarantee.

We started with a porty & re invested until we got our van & TM. It's not going to happen over night. It will happen.

Hold your head up and be proud. Sell yourself and not your equipment.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Portables have their place (the river, the dump j/k Willy!), using them instead of running long hose runs with a TM or above ground level work both come to mind

However in comparison to a TM portables put you at a competitive disadvantage.

It will take you longer and more tools to achieve the same results as a TM. After all time is money, the longer it takes you, the less you're making.

Then as Tom mentioned it doesn't project the image that you are wanting to present of a successful company. People expect to see a TM even though there are many other methods its become the most common.
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Sep 25, 2012
parts unknown WA state 90210
Andy McFadden
good marketing is more important then equipment, But the TM helps your confidence and some people do expect it. I would suggest focusing on selling the benefits of your Roto vac, people will like that, also sell the benefits of indoor portable use, front door remain closed during cleaning, no hose running thu the home, keep the cool air in the summer and hot air in for the winter , etc.

The TM will dramatically increase your production rates , and make your work easier, that is the main thing. But don't let it hold you back, get started with what you have, then get a TM as soon as you can.

One easy way inexpensive thing you can do is pick up a 175 (600-700) get a light one so you don't kill your self lifting it. then get a gallon of encap, some pads, that will get you in to the commercial market and you can do about 1000 -2000 sf per hour. check out bonnet pro for a starter kit, (encap and pads) about 100 bucks.

I wish you luck!!

BTW, you can also focus on high rise apartments were truck mounts can't reach, you could have an advantage with your roto vac, over some guy with just a porty.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Is it Stacy or Abigail?
Yes, a truck mount will save you time and you will be able to clean more per day and most likely with easier to accomplish cleaning results.

Do not tie your business identity with any tool, be it a Rotovac, Vortex etc.
Your business identity should be aligned with your advantages and do make it personal.

Just as an example: Being a women (very few in this business) could be an advantage (most our clients are women and who wants another sweaty Vortex crazed guy in their home?). Women are perceived as more attuned to and care about cleanliness, that's an advantage. Taking the time, being patient and doing it right is an advantage.

I would not make the equipment be my selling point, it's silly. And anyhow the cleaning is only as good as the woman behind the machine.

Ain't it?
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Aug 25, 2013
Western NY
I chose Abigail from the Bible. My real name is Stacy.

Yea, I am in the 30 day trial and have already spoken with them about some problems I'm having. I sent a confirming email this morning on the deal I was offered. Trade out for the 360i if the dhx is still not working to my satisfaction. And at this point I can't see it doing so. They touted the dhx as what women in the business were going to because of its lighter weight. But the 350i is the same and runs like a buffer (I used that in the army and it easy).

Thanks so much guys (and gals!)
This is a helpful and polite forum!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Have you used the equipment yet?

Unless that extractor has auto fill and auto dump, you'll be doing both about every 4 minutes from the looks of it..?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
oops, sorry, I was a second too late.

Yes the 360i is a much easier to use tool than that old design.

Weight is close enough.

but both put out A LOT of water compared to a standard wand so my concern is all the wasted time filling and dumping that tiny portable unit.

A 175 buffer is a great idea, like mentioned above.
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Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
They touted the dhx as what women in the business were going to because of its lighter weight.
:eekk: Sounds like sales BS to me. He could be right or he could be dumping off old shit on you. The 360i is better design I'd get it even if it were an upgrade in cost.
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Aug 25, 2013
Western NY
The extractor has a pump that automatically turns on to dump the water.
I have Berber carpets and they hadn't been cleaned with anything other than a bissell for 9 years.
The dumping water was nasty, but the carpets were dry by the next day (I cleaned in the mid afternoon). I really had to move slowly!

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
Portables can be just the right machine for some jobs -jobs that want the door closed for security reasons such as banks, apartments on the upper floors which would require long hose runs for a truck mount, etc. I know of two very successful women who got their start in the business using a portable to clean upholstery and sell protector. They worked with interior designers, high end furniture stores, real estate companies and really focused on the advantages of having a :picky" woman with attention to detail doing the cleaning.

Abigail in the Bible was a very level-headed women who figured out how to deal with issues. With her as a model, you will do well.


Jan 28, 2013
Beaumont, CA
Joseph Torrez
Sales people are trained to sell. If you have time to exchange a unit. Get a poll going here, and see what the "in the trenches" pros recommended, I personally would go with a "crb" counter rotating brush using encap & dry compound. It's lightweight and will always be needed.

Portables that work draw a lot if amps. Thus requiring dual cords. That need separate circuits. Add another cord for the Rotovac & you just might throw in the towel prematurely from stress.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I was on the phone with a business about a stair tool. He almost laughed at me because I have a portable system - Rotovac- and said I'll eventually graduate to a real system and need a truck mount. He way he said it made it sound like I'm using a tricycle and need to be using a Harley.
I don't think he meant it that way really. But I'm an older lady, and can be a little sensitive with how I'm treated sometimes (divorcing a misogynist now).
I don't have the money for a truck mount, and had to borrow for what I do have.
I need to support myself and my young children, I don't want to be insulted but I need the truth. Do I really need a truck mount to be taken seriously in this business? (by clients, I couldn't care less about other carpet cleaners so long as my clients are happy)

Thanks so much :)
And God Bless
First I'm sorry Stacy if what I had to say offended you in anyway. I promise I was not laughing in any way. If anything I was upset that you got sold a bill of goods. I promise and these guys will tell you I will ALWAYS tell you the truth and not what I think you want me to say. Your success is the most important thing to all of us here at Superior Cleaning Solutions and not what we can sell you. I am glad you found your way here and welcome to the insane asylum and if Vawter invites you to the rubber room don't tell him no tell him HELL NO... :)

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
what a dick you are..laughing at the poor girl's wannbe extractor.

Let me guess, you tried to sell her a POS mytee truckmount?

go to your room!
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Oct 21, 2009
Try to get a simple truckmount . Get something like a Judson or other easy to use and repair systems . Propane heat is ideal.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
what a dick you are..laughing at the poor girl's wannbe extractor.

Let me guess, you tried to sell here a POS mytee truckmount?

go to your room!

LOL I didn't do anything of the sort. I told her I would do everything I could to help her get into a truckmount as fast as possible or something to that effect. I also got a little upset that she got sold a dual head rotovac instead of a 360i. I am sure my trying hard to be diplomatic with her situation didn't go over as well as I wanted since she had already purchased the stuff and didn't know me from Adam. No one wants to hear they made a bad choice and or got snookered. I did my best not tell her to send all it all back and start over. I have the same machine here with a 360 that has been upgraded to the 360i head for $2500 used. All I kept thing was tell her to send that crap back and save her a ton of money but that's not cool to rotovac either. Left me in a really bad spot actually...
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
no kidding, if this poor gal blows her hair off she'll be screwed, stick with a nice safe simple HX design.

I would like to see her with a full sized Porty, an under jetted 360i, a good uph tool and a 175 with a brush and driver.

and a ramp.

Then she could go about cleaning most anything
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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I thought I posted this: perhaps some glitch with my phone.

This is the system I purchased.

It's not heavy and uses the rotery action to clean. I'm purchasing 'trashed' and 'greese eater' carpet cleaner and a hard floor cleaner 'oxy blast'. All from Magic Wand.

FIRST THING you should do is stop listening to those rotvac schmucks ...
you're a "babe in the woods" and they'll take advantage of you FOR SURE...all they care about the is the BUCK

yes you can be "real" with a porty.
Western NY isn't too far from Pittsburgh .
One word "Pembertons"

BTW, I love Olsen, he's a "straight shooter", but you're closer to Pembertons and they're no less of "straight shooters".
They won't "sell you the moon" and feed you a line of sh1t like rotocRap

get with Jim Pemberton and find out when he's having his upholstery cleaning class .
PUSH upl as your niche rather than pounding out 2 rm specials with a porty.
Upl can be more money pr hour (when priced right) less physical work than carpet, and a good quality porty does a damnfine for upl.
You want the carpet cleaning in the home obviously, but you want the upl MORE

Don't drag a porty to the second floor of a home ...that's just stOOpit .
get an addition 25-50ft ft of hose.
The porty stays at the bottom of the stairs and add hose as needed ..
You'll be able to reach all rooms on the 2nd floor of most "average" homes with the porty at bottom of stairs and 50ft of hose

any good porty will handle 50ft of hose..even 75 when going "down hill" like that

pay attention to the smart business folks here (I ain't one)
and listen to the operators that know their chit ..I AM one

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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
But I'm an older lady, and can be a little sensitive with how I'm treated sometimes (divorcing a misogynist now).

mi·sog·y·nist (m
st)n. One who hates women.

adj. Of or characterized by a hatred of women.

got young kids even worse .
hang tough Sister , but i have to ask, why would you want to be a carpet cleaner??
Why not a wall paper hanger ?
or painter?
or one of those peeps that does billing at home for medical/insurance providers??



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Aug 25, 2013
Western NY
John, like I said, I didn't think you meant it like that, I'm sometimes too sensitive now that I recognize what I allowed to be done to me.

I have a background in 911. Can't do it here- not enough pay is secondary to the possibility of loosing my kids because I'd be working graveyards.

Stay at home mom earns me little work skills worth much money in a business setting. I have no computer skills to speak of.
I had been talking to lots of people on what to do, and since school was out of the question because of the prolonged divorce, and my age, I needed something I could do immediately. I thought of house cleaning, but the pay is actually quite low. Home decorator? Well he picked out the livingroom furniture because I simply don't have the eye for it! I have plain, boring, white walls, again, I don't have the eye for it!
The one thing I'm real good at and absolutely love - other than my kids - are my animals. I have a small farm with chickens, ducks and mini lamancha goats. I have my own eggs, milk and meat. I make butter, cheese, and yogurt. I just can't make money from it!
With the carpet cleaning, my original plans were to hire an independent contractor to do the cleaning while I do the managing. Well, I may still do that later, but for now I just need to get to know the business.

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