My father liked to beat me for continuously saying "Yea" as a kid, so I learned quick to compete in the Yes Sir, No Sir arena of society if ya catch my drift : ) Mom had no idea what I was doing so It was a very Educational Experience to say the least.
However, Somehow in between all that self induced mush I was subjected to, someone taught me to turn a wrench.........
Who in the HEck installs the Quick Connects on your Machines?
They must be out of Banana's back there, might want to check on em : )
Or Print this and give it to em.
Female goes on the Machine Fitting (the one w the Bypass lever)
Female goes on the TOP HX Fitting
Male on Bottom HX Fitting
Male On Air Bleed Hose ( and you circulate into the FW Tank, why waste clean water?)
That Black plug your supposed to stick in the vac port is jus kinda dumb too, see above about bleeding pump.
Dynamite in a small package for a porty!!
Hey! I'm glad you decided to get one! Thanks for the compliments and I'm also happy you brought up these points. So here's our chance to address the method to our madness.
Yes, we know full well it is not industry standard to place male q.d's on machines but we have good reasoning behind it. We put male Q.D.'s on our machines because it facilitates one handed connecting and disconnecting. If the female is on the machine or the heater, I need to pull back the ring on the female (one hand) and tug on the hose with the male (second hand) at the same time to disconnect. Reverse that for install. If the connections are hot you give yourself more contact time with the hot brass connection (not fun).
With our set up, we put a male on the machine and on the heater for one handed removal. The female is always on the removing end of our hoses. Pull the ring back on the female and you've disconnected. Pull the ring back and push the female in and you've got a connection again. If your connection is hot, then you have minimized the time your hand is on hot brass. Esily done with one hand.
Ok, so maybe having a female on the machine is not as hard as I made it seem, but watch this video. It's definitely easy our way.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Also, for everyone else, you just witnessed how long an
EDIC heater install takes on our
galaxy extractors (minus, the 5 seconds it takes to mount the heater on the bracket).
As far as the bleed hose going into the waste tank. This is a great design! You are using the power of the vacuums to "Power prime" the machine without the use of an external hose.
To prime your 500PSI unit:
-Disconnect all solution hoses
-Press the lever on the valve on the back of the machine
-Turn on the pump
-Turn on the vacuums (make sure lid is closed)
-The negative pressure from the vacuum will purge the system of air and prime your pump.
This happens very quickly and a tiny amount of solution is wasted.
We add an external bleed hose with the 2000CX-HR as a bonus. You don't really need it but on the bright side, you got a free female QD!