Of course that was Snake Oil...
Anyway, 2 Tuways and about 20 or so Gladiators &/or Snake Skins per location is about average... We do 3 or 4 locations a night every 4 weeks in those restaurants. They've been going just shy of 2 years with having a wand on them. They all still clean up great, hold up well and the check clears every time... lol
Next week I'll have a video for the new Eco-Cap. It's a green version of Snake Oil that deodorizes even better. It's actually a fairly impressive product (It's still too early to say it's
^%#% Awesome...) especially considering there is no butyl or VOCs. This stuff has retard strength... lol You can take a quart of this product and put it in a gallon jug and fill it with water and you'd have a gallon of 8 oz per gallon concentrate.
I did 1/2 of 2 locations with it last month and it cleaned rather well 4 oz per gallon was overkill... The carpet looked great after 2 weeks (as it should). I'll be re-checking the resoil rates next week when I go in to clean again. Assuming all is well I think we'll have another winner... Very strong chemistry even a tree hugger can use AND feel good about using.
In fact, I think I'll use this exclusively as my residential VLM solution... Assuming the testing goes well... This time we'll do some side by sides with competing products rest assured that if it isn't better than the competitions product in terms of effectiveness & economy of dilution it will never go to market...
Again, concentration is the key here. Saves shipping water, reduces packaging materials, keeps your usage cost low and just plain works. 2oz to a qt makes a
"better than decent" spotter but 3oz to a qt seems to be the sweet spot... Anywho, be the first kid on your block to try it... Probably be available in late May or early June. In the mean time get some Snake Oil... You won't regret it.