Dave Yoakum said:
Isn't HWE on commercial going the way of the Yellow pages?
I very rarely use HWE on commercial anymore and I do more commercial than ever.
Kind of like improving the buggy whip.
I'm with Doc's response. Almost all new commercial accounts are extracted. But the kicker here is more money.
I have a government janitorial account (the carpet and VCT maintenance are built into the yearly cost). We did one extraction per year, and had local competition do it 3 other times after.
Competition was offering HWE at 645.00 per visit. When I seen the competitor's van inside I was puzzled. After asking the contact why on earth they'd get someone else she just shrugged.
I offered her a low moisture (caps) job for 450.00, and told her this method was much better as far as maintaining. She tried us out, kicked out the competitor, and spread the word to other agencies within the city.
We went from one "included" extraction to getting several new accounts. Use the encaps as an upsell like anything else. Offer it for less, and people think they are getting a deal