Ever have one of those jobs?..

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Where every thing turns out better than perfect?

Today we had one fatty, foreclosed condo. Real nice place but beyond thrashed.

Carpet was getting tossed on Monday so today was the ideal time to clean the porcelain in the entry and kitchen, the granite floor in the hall bath, the marble floor in the Master bath and shower, some ceramic in another bath floor and counter top and the granite counters in the kitchen.

The marble was steamed and razored to remove loads of excess grout then Dry Treated and buffed.

The Grouted tile floors were steamed and then Color Sealed to utmost perfection, I mean REALLY (Grout) PERFECT and the Granite was degreased, 40 volumed, steamed, Dry Treated then Monkey Wax to look absolutely awesome in the home owners words.

He watched us do every thing and for an old school Nasa Engineer to be that impressed I'd say we did really damn well.

I'm pissed I didn't take pictures but at least he paid cash!

We had to have saved at least two hours not having to worry about getting carpet dirty.


Oct 7, 2006
bama folk must be different?

I noticed he said the carpet was being tossed.

Some may joke about it, but I know a dozen guys that are either new in the biz or limited in the diversity of the services they offer, it would be worth every minute of their time to fly out and spend all week with Mike, give him free labor and learn a bunch in the process, it might open enough doors to take their business to the next level.


Feb 6, 2008
Greenie; I noticed he said the carpet was being tossed, I just figured with all the work he was doing & how happy the guy was he might do a test area on the carpet after all the other work was done.

Of course I have yet to get into the monkeypad thing, but I sure know how to bid a complete pet urine restoration. I hope the guy gets his subfloor treated, new trim & whatever else is needed or he won't be happy long. At a minimum he needs to be advised of the scope of work that may be involved to correct the problem, I would sure hate to go back in nine months to clean that new carpet and have all that odor come up.

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