Flyer I am passing out


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Thanks Brent I appreciate that but I no longer advertise. Door hangers is something I would consider in the future but it is just too much work right now


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
LOL, What a dumb ass!

You were wrong, i proved you wrong. And rather than admit it. You launch into how your life is so much better than mine.
I'm not in competition for you.

Let me guess. Your wife is like my neighbor, gone early home late.

You are the piece of shit Greg!
Any man that would even think of thinking of how to kill his wife if she left has a mental problem.
But to already have a plan in place!
It was kinda bone chilling hearing you talk with excitement of killing your wife if she left.
You need help dude, that is not normal thinking. With that being said, you do not need to be giving advice to anyone seeking custody of children in a divorce.

I feel for your wife, sounds like a very controlling relationship.

It is not healthy man!

Seek help.
My wife usually keaves about 8 am and is home by 5 except when she is traveling. I never thought about killing my wife but if I killed anyone it would be properly plotted and not a rage incident, so becareful. My wife wouldn't leave me..........she knows better:) I married a person who isn't a quiter and I am not a quiter so I think we can cross any bridge.

I feel for my wife also. To tolerate me is a huge burden I am glad I married a strong woman.

The funniest thing I ever heard was when a person was talking about what an ass I am and my wife looked at them and said this is the man I married to and you think I am going to side with you. You took his #1 spot

I do get a kick out of people who think it is news to my wife that I can be abrasive. She has known and loves me for who I am. I am still trying to figure it out. so if you think I am tweaked I bet the peron I am married to may be missing a screw or two. It like a giant secret that I am an ass

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