i clean for a lot of apartments and they are pushing me to do the cleaning on move outs which would mean hiring a crew.ive grown my business every year so far and it doesnt seem to be slowing too much.while i like the freedom of being an o/o i have had the oppurtunity to have a couple different assistants ride along when i was busier and i like the idea of having more than one truck.
i am also thinking of buying a building for a rug plant and vacuum repair and sales in the future.i want to build something i can sell one day and something i dont have to work so hard at all the time.also i would like to be ale to take long vacations but still have the business run with out me.
i know a few strippers who really want me to start the apartment cleaning and who like being my assistant on the van.im just waiting on my divorce to be final before i can do any of this though and it will take a couple more years im sure but many of the pieces are coming together for me.
im doing custodial duties now just for the hallways at one complex just to get the feel for it plus its weekly income even through the winter,well that and being the body gaurd and driver for private parties.