Fritz Thompson exposes IICRC financial "disaster"

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Rumors have it that they will have a gloryhole at connections in an attempt to get your money and increase membership.


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
You can read more there if you would like. (I would like to put it all on this board but it would take hours and I don't have time to do that.

Thanks Fritz, but most of us' attention span isn't "that" long...
But PLEASE DO keep us informed of juicy stuff

The new org you mentioned does have me curious...
You've been very candid about calling out The Old Guard as corrupt ...'least that's what "I" take from your post.

so maybe you'll share some more "insider" stuff with us

Surly they must have some support within the industry?
"who's" following the The Old Guard , I wonder..

guess I'm wondering if this is a "political" or ideological split?

Better yet, maybe someone from the "opposition" party would be bold enough to address the accusations of a corrupt "good ole boys" network.
Or tell what the agenda/mission statement is of the new org??

oh, and Mike and Marty...get a room....rub each each other's man parts somewhere else

Apr 20, 2012
My Last Email!

This is my last email that I sent out to the members of SCRT. I have done everything that I can to let the members know what is really going on. I can only do so much, others must get informed and get involved.

My Last Email

I had plans to release more facts on the conduct of Gary Glenn that most of you may find disturbing, however, I received an email from Board Director Pete Duncanson asking me, “As a board member I would respectfully request that you cease from further accusations.” I am going to honor that request. But I would like to say that my emails were not “accusations” I was simply factually reporting what had been done by Gary Glenn.

What I have reported in earlier emails concerning Gary Glenn; His unconscionable conduct, Mr. Glenn’s response to my report, and his lack of response, as well as the SCRT Board to this specific conduct (not their support for Gary, “in carrying out the policies voted upon and approved by this Board.”) are sufficient for members of SCRT to determine if they want Gary Glenn to continue to represent them or not.

The Choice Rest In Your Hands.

The SCRT has extended the voting up until the last minute, Thursday May 3, at 5:00 pm. You can also appoint someone as your ‘Proxy’ who will physically at the meeting and will be able to vote as you direct them. Here is the information from the current SCRT administrator again just in case you have misplaced it.

Please be advised that the Ballot form submission has been extended until Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 5:00 pm eastern time. Please email these ballots to but do not fax.
Also, a Proxy Form has been attached for any member that wishes to submit one. The Proxy Form will need to be submitted to the Secretary, Rachel Adams, at by Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 5:00 pm eastern time. (remember you must tell the person whom you appoint that you have done this and they must physically be present at the members meeting)

On the matter of a Referendum.

The by-laws of our association do not have the provision (unlike many associations) for the members to ask for a referendum or vote on a matter if they do not agree with a decision of the board of directors. The board is aware of this and through a post in Linkedin where I have been posting information on this topic Bruce Deloatch (SCRT Board Member) had this to say,

“In the meantime, I just want to remind everyone, that it is the job of the Board of Directors to DIRECT the organization. So what you may see as a decision that should be analyzed and discussed with the Members and put to a vote, the Board did not see as such. It was a decision discussed and voted on by the Board as well as some of the industry's most trusted leaders and professionals.”

What Bruce is saying is that no matter how many requests that I get for a Referendum, the board is not going to consider doing this.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why we cannot wait and hear what the IICRC is going to offer with their International Trade Association BEFORE we continue on. This is a major decision, not a minor one. Why the hurry? If SCRT and the other associations continue (as no doubt they will) do you think that the soon to be instituted ITA by IICRC will invite or even want to invite these trade associations into their initiative? What do you think?

How would you react if you had a large company and were setting up a new division, then you had 6 of your employees leave your company to start up a competing company with the ideas that they learned while they were employed by you? What if they said, after they set up this company, ‘We want to work together!’. How would you answer them? What choice words would you say to them? Would you invite them to your now active division of your company? No Way!

This Is What Is Happening Right Now.

Instead of uniting the industry, as they claim, Larry Cooper and the 6 trade associations (SCRT is one of them) are fragmenting it and tearing it apart! There is no way that these two groups are going to be compatible and work together, EVER! The Connections Board is now split into these two camps. Let’s just call them the IICRC Camp and the ICRA Camp. It takes a 2/3rds majority vote to endorse a management contract. The IICRC just removed Larry Cooper from any contracts that he had in the past with them. He is no longer on the IICRC board and those whom he could count on for support at the IICRC are for the most part gone too. It is highly unlikely that he will ever have anything to do with the IICRC or they with him.

Will Connections Survive?

This sets up a very destructive scenario for Connections (I believe Connections is one of the best things that ever happened to our industry!) If no management contract can be agreed upon, then there can be no Connections Convention! Period. Why, they cannot even dissolve Connections if they don’t agree on it, because that takes a 2/3rds majority too. No wonder Gary Glenn was so intent on getting his illegal contract endorsed, and resorted to illegally trying to remove three associations that had voted against the Larry Cooper contract to manage Connections! With these three out of the way, he could have had his 2/3rds majority. Not hard to see the obvious, ‘hand writing on the wall’. Gary, by the way is currently President of Connections.

This and this only is the reason for my wanting Gary Glenn to be removed as a board member of SCRT and President of Connections. No personal vendetta as some would have you believe.

Call to Action!

There is only one thing you can do at this juncture if you agree with me that Gary Glenn should not continue with his current course of action.

You must vote out him and any others on the board that you feel is supporting this crazy race to set up this disruptive system that is not conducive to a united harmonious industry.

I have said enough, I will not say any more on this subject. The time for action is NOW or NEVER!


Below is the true reason that I have gotten involved with this, it is the only reason.

“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.
And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.”

-Howard Thurman (1900-19810

All the Best,

Fritz Thompson
See you at the member meeting in Clearwater if you are there!
Apr 20, 2012
A Puzzling Vote.
After Gary Glenns unfortunate grave expression of total lack of judgment when he signed as President a contract with Larry Coopers management firm, then could not get the board of directors to ‘rubber stamp it’. Then on his own ‘authority’ summarily removed three of the Associations who voted against it. Then he received an email that spoke of the potential of a class action law suit. Then he retracted his horrible mistake.
Next was a vote of no confidence by the Connections board. Although the majority voted against Gary Glenn, the bi-laws called for a 2/3rds majority in order to take action of removal. Gary voted for himself of course, which in my opinion is unprofessional to participate in a vote about yourself. But that never stopped Gary from his other past exploits so why would it matter now.
That was not the end. The Connections board voted on hiring a neutral attorney (not the past attorney that was Craig Kersemier’s personal attorney) to review the situation and give his opinion on the matter. Needless to say, it did not go well for Gary Glenn. Some of the association representative wanted to make sure that they were clean of being associated with this travesty and was probably why the voted to do this in the first place.
Then the same board voted on having the same neutral attorney review Larry Cooper’s contract for the Connections Management Contract. Guess what the outcome was? The board was split down ‘party lines’*. With Gary Glenn and the other ICRA members voting, of course not to have the contract reviewed by a qualified neutral third attorney that specialized in non-profits.
Why did the ICRA members vote not to have the proposed contract with Larry Cooper reviewed?

You tell me!!

What ‘side’ is YOUR association on and what will it mean for it and its members?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
My last ISCT (scrt) convention was Atlanta 2000. When two people I deeply respected were forced out I was just disgusted with the politics therein.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Re: Fritz Thompson exposes "disaster"

Re-posted from ICS:
I've heard about a childish threat to disband Connections if the others don't agree to sign the contract. The statement about ICRA being set up to unite the industry seems pretty hollow right now.

All of this sets up a prime lawsuit for breach of fiduciary duty, and any board member that votes to do something not in the best financial interests of the membership will have hung a target on their own back.

But hey! We're holding a high-quality event in June that won't be cancelled by bullies. Great people, no egos. Should be fun.
Apr 20, 2012
My Last Post.

This will be my last post on this particular subject. I have not posted before this and will probably not post anywhere else unless it is on a different subject altogether.

I am doing this for personal reasons that I do not care to share.

I have said enough and although there is much more that can be said, I will pass the torch to someone else.

I thank everyone who has read these posts and have commented, both for and against my convictions.

I close with two quotes,

The first is from Edmund Burke and although the quote itself has been attributed to others and said in different ways (how appropriate) this is the most common version.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

(By the way, I am not attributing this to any individual but rather a quality.)

And my last quote.

“I am going home now.”

Forrest Gump

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