Gina Delong (sp?) called me today....


Apr 6, 2007
I took the opportunity to fill out the survey in one of the many emails I had been sent by piranha marketing. I filled out half the questions, and when asked what is my single biggest problem, I gave 'em a little piece of my mind. I explained how I signed up to receive their marketing pieces and just received a long explanation of why I wouldn't recieve them followed by a long list of spam.

when asked what I feel is a solution to my biggest problem I told them if piranha marketing made good on their promise and sent me what they said they would instead of making me jump through hoops the problem would be solved.

when asked what it means to be a "Rich Cleaner" I told them I thought it meant you send endless spam emails to unsuspecting cleaners offering a bunch of bait and switch empty promises.

When asked what would make me happy with my progress I told them I would be happier when I didn't get taken in by a bunch of hucksters and lead around by the nose to jump through hoops.

Gina called me and straightened everything up. She said there was a link to the free marketing pieces at the bottom of the seminar, she just wanted me to have the training to use the pieces right. She said there was a valid offer with every email they sent me. I told her i had stopped really reading them or trusting anything after my first communication with them in which I was sent a package that was just a letter explaining why I wasn't getting what I was promised.

She said she is also sending me an additional marketing campaign, and she has removed my name from their email list and their company will not be calling me again.

I guess before you complain about something on the BB you might as well go to the company you're dealing with and voice your complaint there.


Apr 6, 2007
Nice girl. She wanted to assure me that they weren't hucksters.
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