Greetings from Joe.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox

I confronted you with the fact that you did not keep your promise to give me a picture of your Max Vac Pack. You’re one of the few people on MB who I thought was an honest guy. I take that back. You’re just like a lot of people here who start rumors then repeat them til they’re accepted as fact.

A few facts for all you gossips – I don’t drink, do drugs (anymore) or do ‘meds’.

Not a one of you has medical knowledge/credentials to claim I do or should. So don’t even act like you do. Whoever started these rumors perpetuated it into a lie and the rest of you tag along like it’s OK. But it’s not.

I really believe you all envy me; and you either love me or hate me. You wish you could be as honest and forthright, but you just can’t. It’s just not in you. Too bad.

Brian, you originally said OK, you’d get me pics. I use these pics selfishly to help me sell my products but also to help others understand why and what for. Most all you ‘experts’ have spent hours drooling over my websites, don’t think I don’t know, so you know how important pics are. You people probably went into convulsions when I took down You all knew why, yet you even tried to turn that around. Brian, you could have helped me and others – but you didn’t. Brian you’re a selfish little man IMO.

Weeks went by and no pics.

Then you wanted a wand, no two wands.

So I said I’d be looking for pics the weekend I’d be building your wands, even told you, no pics, no wands.

Sure enuf no pics, so you got no wands. Then a few days and you’re bugging me for wands? Forget it buddy. You’re only gonna con me once. You got mad and turned on me like all you little people with you’re retaliation tactics.

Why no pics? You had no reason.

I believe it’s fear of Greenie & Mikey - if they ever saw that you had helped me OMG.

The really bad part is I believe you had no intention of keeping your promise.

Just like so many others I’ve seen here just like you – making promises you don’t plan to keep. Me, me, me. That’s you Brian.

Take it for what it is folks. I call it a lie.

It’s a pattern I see over & over with Mikeyboard people.

No doubt here comes little Brian like a kid hiding behind mom’s skirt hoping she’ll fend off the big bully. The bully called truth.

Retaliation, is your way of getting even when you don’t get what you want.

Not once did you pick up the phone.

Brian – You need to grow up! Next time you make a promise you better keep it else you’re gonna slapped down again.

Truth is most of you phonies love my products, would love to get them away from me so you don’t have to patronize me – a fellow competitor. Good luck.

Truth is you people are so spoiled, you couldn’t do a job without my cuffs. Yet you make it a habit of coming here and badmouthing me regular - Greenie you’re lead man.

Even after you admitted Cool Cuffs are the best connector available, you still come here with your BS – “defective”? Have you ever made a cuff? Not! How long did United Electric’s misfit cuffs you ‘introduced’ last? Now you sell Raul’s. You should see the agony on guys’ faces as they try to work them - and it’s summer- can’t imagine winter. You’d think you’d support Cool Cuffs. You’re making money off them. Right? Isn’t that all there is in life to you making that next sale? How come you’re even buying mine if they’re so defective? How come people can’t talk the truth about you and your products here? Why does Tim & Rex seem so much like little puppets for Greenie? Or is it just me? Why is it taboo to tell the truth about you Greenie?

You’re trashing of the 2.5 swivel is justified – it still needs work, but the swivel in general – you despise it cuz you have nothing even close. Right? I bet you never will. If so get off the pot. You got something better then sell it and stop selling mine. I don’t think you can do without mine. Prove me wrong. You make up stories that seem to fool innocent people from buying mine. Why? Why do you do it? Are you an honest person or a con? Why do you go out of your way telling people not to buy from me? Are you afraid of me? Why do you buy my stuff then badmouth it? Do you do that with anybody else’s products? Greenie – your sabotage is showing big time buddy.

While I’m at it…

Mikey – you responded to a recent Doug Cox post (I did not ask Doug to start that post, he was probably just sincerely concerned why you people always raggin me, not sure, doesn’t matter) claiming you’ve had ‘Personal dealings’ with me? STATE THEM. I say you’re lieing. I say we haven’t spoken but one time total, the day you called to get a White Knight – so how could you know so much about me? Greenie, Lisa and their Mafia tag team feeding you full of BS? You call me a thief? Prove it. How could you know jack about me from a 5 min phone call? And you’re the leader of this gang? Unbelievable.

Oh yeah, you did just email me asking if you could put a banner in my booth and I said “Sure”.

Now watch – you’ll somehow turn that into me being a bad person - go ahead and make a fool of yourself ya big goof.

You people come around F’in with my friend Ken Harris or sabotaging my products, I’ll have you thrown out. Fair warning.

Greenie, you’re invited. I’ll have a seat just for you. Hope you sell a ton. Legal glides only though OK?

Joe Bristor.

Jeff Madsen

Supportive Member
Dec 16, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Jeff Madsen
What a complete total loser. I've got friends in Omaha that swore he was the cats' meow for over a year - then he went classic Bristor on them. Needless to say, now they're dealing with Greenie and Lisa. If he and Kenneth actually have a booth at Connections does this not make you question the judgement of the powers that be who run this shindig?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I appears Joe wanted that one posted so I'll leave it up for all to enjoy.

He is right about us only talking once. But emailed many times and I've seen enough emails from him to countless cleaners, suppliers and manufactures to be able to form a proper opinion.

He has been on fire ass of late with these nutty, character exposing rants of his. Why does he need photos of every single one of his max paks in action? Are they all that different?

I'm not sure who this Brian guy is, but I'm guessing he's a regular BBer other wise Joe would not be so worked up over it.

Concerning Ken's "legal" glides.
What they don't tell you is that Klepto Kenny is not allowed to use the Hole or Hybrid pattern. Just one l o ng slot, no bridges or supports. Many have tried that design, myself included and it's horrible. The "lips" chatter (flex) and cave in on themselves with every stroke. It is better than a glideless wand but not even close to a real GGlide.
I would use those $5.00 coat hanger cover things Ken sells before I used the long slot design.

Joe, dude, please stay on the Meds. Think of it as the "green" thing to do.



ps, I'll bring the banner by an hour early on Wednesday so we can get it up real high and straight. Thanks for agreeing to display it.

Brian L

Oct 6, 2006
Brian L
It was the Ti wand I wanted but Joe kept pushing a different wand…….so in fear of him going ballistic I said I would check out both and return the one I did not want. I realize now it would have been better to purchase the wand elsewhere and save myself the mental cruelty. It was an excellent price on the wand but in the end it was not worth the hassle and I am glad I did not buy it from him.

When I purchase from Jon Don, Cobb’s (just to name a few), I do not recall them ever saying “I will not send you your products unless you send me pictures”.

When dealing with Joe you have to be careful of what you say or he will go off very easily. Personally I do not think that is a good way to do business (perhaps hire a salesman?).

I really like Joe’s Cool Cuffs w/latches and I like his 2.5” to 2” reel reducer (much easier to get the 2.5” hose on the reel last). But I will never do business with him again.

Joe, you are welcome anytime to come down here and teach me a lesson. I almost wish I was going to Connections this year.

So here you go Joe……..some jerkin’ material for you:

2.5" to 2" reel reducer

2.5" hose


Oct 7, 2006
You don't want that New Ti wand anyways Brian, you are better off.
The Reel Reducer is familar, a 2.5" coolcuff short hose, 2.5" barbed reducer and 2"'ll still "pop" and disengage under side torque.


Oct 7, 2006
I always thought Doug had a nice family there, now I see he liked a little disco in high school. Is that feathered?

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Joe requested I post this.

Mikey, I never heard from you so I made my own.

Then I promised Trey a spot if there’s any room left.

Brian, thanks for the picture…finally. You’re welcome for the free cuff.

What happened to the post where you called me an A-hole?

It’s been changed to one more politically correct? Lol

Let’s put it back at the top of this thread – where it belongs.”


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
a guy in my area knocks off the Cool Cuffs w/latches and 2.5” to 2” reel reducer and a few other things that Bristor has and sells them in South America. He copies all of Joes stuff I think

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
What the hell is he talking about?

Hey Joe, why don't you show some nuts and just log in here under your own name already.

Quite asking Rampage and Cox to do your speaking for you.

Tell ya what, I'll make you a supportive Member and we'll do a Hot Seat after Connections.

What do you say?

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
And again.

“I’m talking about” how Luddy broke his promise to me - so common of MBers - then used your board for retaliation.

When I confronted him about it, he used the same tired excuses…but I’ve taken up for you…the others are right…

So I asked him for proof he’s taken up for me in some of his thousands of posts. That’s when he proceeded to start a post in my name slandering me as so many of you have done.

Someone there had to move it or delete it, right? else it would still be there.

Mine was a response to that post.

Please don’t expect me to resurrect your dieing board Mr. Paytoilet.

Only one new paying member the entire weekend of your Open House?

That’s the direction this board is heading – straight down the toilet.

I can see why you dropped the name World’s Greatest.

You do have some good people there … it would be smart of them to dissociate from you.


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