The good thing about owning your own business is- you can retire when you feel like it- at any age.
I did not feel like retiring until I was 70 and 1/2 years old.
Then, the timing was right. My son took over my business, and the money was right too.
My health was good, (still is) and I just wanted to enjoy my new recliner with built in heat and massage and new TV.
However, the only problem was my wife not wanting me underfoot all day since she was accustomed to having the house to herself, so I moved upstairs where the TV room, computer room, guest bedroom, and bath was.
She still mostly has the rest of the house to herself, and we see each other from time to time.
So..... when planning your retirement, consider what your wife wants too, and where you will spend your time, and let her spend her time apart, just like it has been all along.