why doesn't someone tell joe, just have them made in america again, by the same quaility as the oringal ones where. and just charge more for them.
That is a novel idea, but NEW molds would be 6 figures, not gonan happen anytime soon, too small of a market.
I am surprised Bpoint hasn't figured a way around his patent and started making their own.
They (or someone else) would have already, but upfront investment (see above) quells this interest, too many parts in the "system".
Besides, there are currently alternative locking hose cuffs (more than one design) and they don't even get press time, cause currently the coolcuff is teh best design going.
the first ones didn't even need the latch, didn't leak, etc. infact I bought a total of 3 sets, 2 where the new latching style, the first set was the ones with the hard thin raised lines on them. a while back I went to my backup unit an took the beat up ole originals off and put them on my main unit.
It is my understanding that the "latch" only came about because of a certain Franchise required some form of lock to assure the cuffs would not disengage on hi-rise work, and to be fair with the chinese molds and quality control now he is stuck with keeping the latch because the current cuffs won't stay engaged Like the old ones did, which is why I think so many are going nuts over the swivels. :roll: